All posts by Sophie

If it is not true everywhere it is not true anywhere

transcription donated by LeGrande, thank you:

It’s 3:30 in the morning. I got up because my arm hurts too bad. This audio blog may be a little sloppy because I don’t have notes or anything. I’m doing it because I can’t really type.

Alright, so I got up and had a cup of coffee. I sat down to prime the pump, to make the thoughts come out more smoothly. Or have something to say. I always read one or two things before I sit down to write, sometimes more. This morning, I read a Tai Lopez email “The One Word Solution to Financial…” or something like that. One word.

Now of course I know marketing well enough to know that it needs to be catchy. If you promise one word, people will read it. If you promise three words, people will read it. If you tell them, that you’re going to teach them to become wealthy, they won’t read it. Everybody knows they are willing to read one word but that is all they are willing.

According to Tai, the one word is “focus.” He says when you don’t make enough money, when you don’t have enough money, the problem is focus. He talks about focus and of course, you have no idea how to focus. What does it mean? When you tell most people to focus, they lean real close to what they are doing. They narrow their cone of vision. They put their nose to the grindstone and that’s what “focus” is for most people. But maybe focus is also a strait and narrow phenomenon where it’s more important what you remove than what it is really.

When you can set up your life where there are less and less distractions, so that you don’t get pulled out of your main intent, your main intention. Most people are distracted and I used to be as well. Not any more. I used to sleep when other people slept. I stayed up late. After 6 or 7 pm, I was already tired so I just watched movies or whatever I did. I got up when everybody got up. The activity whether it was useful or not was all in the air. And I got very little done. Ever. Most of the time… nothing.

It’s not easy to get things done. Actually, it’s not even easy to get the right things done. And It’s not easy to know what is the right thing.

The most frequent question I get from people is “What shall I do?” So if that’s the most important question, then knowing what to do is key. You need to make a choice…otherwise it’s lost in a sea of seemingly equally important or equally urgent things.

Choice requires glycogen, glucose really. And you only have so much. Willpower also requires glycogen/glucose and you have only a short supply of them. So it’s not a good idea to allow life and other people and other people’s concerns and interruptions to enter your life. Ultimately, what focus boils down to is setting up your life in a way that knowing what to do–because that’s the only thing that’s occurring for you­–is the most natural thing.

For example, if I put well-cooked food in front of
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Will my work, like others’, survive my death? Immortality?

Immortality? Yeah… even before you die…
I have been listening to a lot of audios from Werner Erhard, the founder of the est training (Erhard Seminar Training). Some are as old as 30 years… 40 years… old. Keeping the person who speaks in the foreground of some people’s minds.

The question, as usual, is what is the truth value, is the person who is speaking able to do what they are saying to do, etc? Because it is one thing to be the millionth person to listen to a talk, and quite another being the first person who can see that the emperor is naked.

Often I am hesitant to say it. Often I am dismayed to say it. But somebody has to say it for evolution to happen… instead of pretending that it has happened already.
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Going from scarcity to abundance, from stingy to generous, from withholding to surrender

this is a personal gushing message to a client… but i say things i have never said before… definitely a need to listen

oops, just found out i posted the wrong audio… i apologize to the student whose coaching session i published by mistake: i have no excuse. it was a mistake, and i didn’t verify. ugh… ugly.

I have put in the right audio now…

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a fundamental difference between Christianity and Judaism is repentance

How this difference renders you ineffective in your life and how to change it

Transcription, again by the amazing legrande…
One of the things I do is record really short segments with an idea or two. Because I hurt myself and can’t type, I set up this audio system so I can keep a presence on the internet for my audience. The interesting thing is much less people are actually opening the posts…which is weird. But I have a hunch that the people who do listen are getting more out of the audios than they used to get out of the articles.

I want to talk about something that I’ve been beating like a dead horse–and the results are quite similar. And that is attempting to change your mindset about what it takes to get something. Today I’m going to talk about how to benefit from the energies that I sold you. Because this is a principle that I’m going to share: “If it’s true anywhere, it’s true everywhere.” Which means if it’s true for the audios, it’s going to be true for my articles…or for love…or for going to university or going to theatre. Everywhere.

I’m talking about being a co-creator in your experience.
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10 hours in the emergency room

it’s really only what happened, small stuff. but the learning is tremendous

Transcript by LeGrande

10 Hours in the Emergency Room

Here I am again. Still in pain but with a cast on my arm.

Yesterday I spent ten hours at the emergency room. They took 30 X-rays. Out of the 10 hours, I waited for six and spent four inside. It was interesting because I had two completely opposing encounters.

One is I experienced myself delightful. That means I was full of delight despite the fact that I had to pee for hours and didn’t know where the bathroom was. And I was hungry because I didn’t have breakfast. I was hurting. They set the bones and gave me a lidocaine injection straight into my wrist. Ai-yi-yi…I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy!

Some of the context that allowed me to be delightful is “This too shall pass.” I didn’t see this miserable, painful or tedious experience as filling my future. It was happening now and I can deal with anything that has a limited duration. That is a very useful attitude to have because I think most of us are more unhappy, miserable, bored, lazy or procrastinating because we cannot see that the nature of the universe is change.

It means nothing is permanent–neither pain nor happiness. If it’s not permanent, you will have thousands of opportunities to have it more, better, different, even strikingly different if you wish.

The main ingredient is this: there is nothing wrong, nothing needs to be fixed–not even the huge hospital bill they are going to give me. I am going to cross that bridge when I get there. I am going to negotiate a payment plan because their alternative plan is not getting paid at all. For a little while, I’m going to work to pay this bill which will probably be thousands of dollars based on the 30 X-rays they took and the six(!) doctors that saw me.

“This too shall pass.” That is the attitude you want to have.

What i don’t on the audio: good and bad… it will all pass. really
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Public authenticity. The racket. Responsibility… Oh my!

On my call with Paulo, my podcast partner for my Sunday call, I shared that I’d spent four hours in bed the night before. Sleepless. But in the end I did my breathing I learned some 40 years ago, and I fell promptly asleep.

As I was sharing I saw that it is obviously a racket I have, being an insomniac. All designed to gather sympathy… ugh. So I shared that insight too.

This was on Monday. It’s Wednesday now, and I fell asleep both nights in between within minutes of turning the light off. I just did my breathing exercise and that is that.

I didn’t beat myself up. Didn’t ‘shame’ myself, I didn’t brag about it. Instead I saw it, deeply, and acknowledged that I had power against insomnia that I wasn’t using. And that it was probably a racket.

And with that I turned back the power.

I call that public authenticity.

Now let’s contrast it with the things some of my students do, habitually.
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be great in little things

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your theme in the coming weeks is the art of attending to details. But wait! I said “the art.” That means attending to details with panache, not with overly meticulous fussing. For inspiration, meditate on St. Francis Xavier’s advice, “Be great in little things.” And let’s take his thought a step further with a quote from author Richard Shivers: “Be great in little things, and you will be given opportunity to do big things.” Novelist Tom Robbins provides us with one more nuance: “When we accept small wonders, we qualify ourselves to imagine great wonders.”

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ugliness…can you deal with it?

I talked to the driver of the community van. I asked if it was okay with him that I wanted to go shopping tomorrow because I was low on groceries. And I said my only concern wasn’t whether I can get in and out of the van but that I do look like a Frankenstein monster… my face, the visible parts of me. I didn’t know if it would be okay with him because I thought I would look scary to the other old people in the van. He said it didn’t bother him. I said yes but…

I realized where my question came from… from some 50 years ago…

In Hungary in the subway, at the endpoints of the escalator, there is a sign that says, “If you suffer from an ugly skin disease, please do not take the escalator.” I always heard that it was talking to me, that I should not take the escalator.

I never had anything wrong with my face but I heard that I’m disgusting and I make people want to throw up.

Why? I don’t know but when I was three and a half, and my mother called me a whore I was like a three and a half! What’s wrong with a 3 1/2 ? In a 3 1/2 year old’s world, the word “dirty” is the word that expresses that for me. No one ever told me I was a bad girl, so I was dirty. Not to mention the fact I’m Jewish and was called “dirty Jew.”


My ultimate flaw, in my mind, the word, is dirty… but dirty is outside.

But if you really look, you can be ugly inside. You can have an experience that it is visible, that it has, somehow, transferred to your outside and that’s unbearable… because we all have thoughts that are ugly (some more than others), intentions, impulses, cravings, sexual, anger or any other impulses, like greed. Everybody. No exceptions.

I’m reading book,  a series of sci-fi books where the main character has ESP–he can read minds. He experiences being a pariah, like somebody with leprosy. People don’t want to be close to him because they don’t want their minds read. Because they know they are ugly inside. Without making too big a leap, obviously I experienced ugliness inside. Because when I looked in the mirror years ago, there was nothing wrong with me and yet that subway sign about having the disgusting skin disease applied to me, at least in my world. Today when I remembered this, I started to sob.

This was very significant and interesting. I hadn’t remembered this piece about myself. But I have been noticing more and more to what degree people hate themselves. and to what degree people are trying to cover up their inner pimples.

One of the things that I do is bring it out into the open. They call that “being authentic about your inauthenticity”–at least that’s how Werner Erhard says it in his video. I am trying to live like that so that I don’t have see that escalator sign and suddenly not take the escalator… or stay inside… or not go shopping.

The story of ugly the cat is here –> on my other site.
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The fastest new way to have energized (coherent) water 24/7

The fastest new way to have energized (coherent) water 24/7
It is new to you. I have been using it without any change for years now…

I’ll share with you how I am having fresh coherent water without ever using the energizer audio or manually charging my water.

I use the phenomenon called entrainment.

In entrainment, coherent water will bring up the water touching it, or close enough, so eventually it will become coherent too.

The component are:

enclosed smaller bottles of water where the enclosed water is coherent
a larger container with the smaller bottles and topped off with energizable water. Water needs to be free from dissolved chemicals to be coherent. Most commercial filters leach chemicals into the water, making them not energizable.

The proportion of the energized water and not-energized water matters a lot.
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Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to stay or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

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