All posts by Sophie

Your vocabulary number is a predictor of your abundance… or scarcity

This post, this audio is a little on the choppy side, because you are witnessing me entering the invisible and making new connections, connecting some dots. Brilliant if I may say so myself… 🙂


Okay. alright, it’s Saturday. I just finished listening to today’s installment of the 5-Minute Mentor Series. This is one of the things I signed up to carry my consciousness around 360 degrees, and alter, with the help of consciousness, what it is that I do about my finances.

Why do I trust it? Because it’s done by the same person as the 67 Steps. The 67 Steps, whether it’s good or bad, it has revolutionized my life. I did all 67 for eight times. I have been doing it since February, two and a half years ago. Because of some slight lifestyle changes, I now prefer to do the five minute a day version.

So in today’s installment, Tai talks about how to pick, or unpick people we associate with. His filter is, are these people going to abuse us, use us, take advantage of us, cheat us, or not? It’s a great way to look at people.
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What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

Panem et circenses. That is Bread and circuses… in Latin, the language of ancient Rome.

Give the masses bread and circus (entertainment) and they won’t look at what you do on the top. Superficial appeasement.

In order for people to need only 1% of their brain capacity to work, one needs to distract them from activities that use more of that darn brain capacity. Because if the people did use it, the 1% would not be as high as they are… they would have competition. You.

What? Yes.

As I have said before, Wallace D. Wattles in two of his books, but especially in The Science of Getting Rich says things that other ‘new thought’ writers didn’t say. His The Science of Being Well has only one useful thought… the whole book… so its truth value is only 10%. The Science of Getting Rich has a truth value of 70%, and The Science of Being Great has a truth value of 40%.

The thinking stuff part is b.s. It is what the positive thinking attraction people dupe you with. Ignore that at all cost.
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Immersion learning, Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic learning: the only way to human being level

I am reading a book I don’t like. I was told by Source to read it… and I think I found the one sentence (so far) in the 700 page book that I needed to read. One sentence…
Reading, when it creates a world, a rich world to live in, to accomplish in, is holographic. Each book sharpens some area, fills in the missing or fuzzy details.
This one sentence has been that kind of a sentence. It was like a Flash of lightening.
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What produces extraordinary results? And how could YOU?

This article is about creating turning points from how you are to how you could be to produce extraordinary results… and everything in between, depending on how far you are willing to take it, how many turning points you are willing to create.

This week is starting out for me with a rich exposure to thinking… and I am grateful for it. After all one could say that my quality of life depends on the variety and the depth of the thinking I am participating in.

Not exposed… no. Participating in.

I learned that this morning… through experience.

One of the things i do most Monday mornings is: I read the Monday Morning Memo, and then I, occasionally, listen to the Monday Morning Radio with Dean Rothbart.
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Immersion, find what’s been limiting you

What has kept me proudly poor all these decades…

Will let you know what I’ll do about it…

Update: I asked Source if I can pull “whore”… I got a yes answer.
It attached on my forehead. After I pulled it, just like any other attachment, I started to cry. I hadn’t cried about this in the past 20 years.

But the proof of the pudding…
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