All posts by Sophie

To what degree do you fulfill others’ expectations of you?

I had an experience this morning that made me look and made me ponder.

The number of times my site is recommended by google has dropped to one third in the past two-three months.

I wasn’t sure why… so yesterday they told me: it is because I am not getting any visitors from Pinterest. That is weird… why would I want get any visitors from Pinterest, and if I did… what would they want on my site? I don’t sell clothes, pretty nick-knacks… that is what Pinterest users want, right? Pretty stuff…

So I looked up my stats software and I found that I had 51 visitors from Pinterest. They stayed anywhere from 1 second to 3 seconds, meaning: they weren’t interested in what I have to offer, not in the least.
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“What you would seem to be, be really.” Russian Proverb

Your elbow is close, yet you can’t bite it… another Russian proverb…

Your mind says: I am not enough… it has been saying it for a long time… but nothing has changed.

It is Monday Morning and I am already not enough.

I just read the Monday Morning Memo, and it answered my nagging question: why am I not more successful? And answered it in a way that turned me into a heap of meat: I can’t do what it tells people to do… put sentences the way he says…

I can’t. I’ll never amount to much… maybe it’s time to pack it in.

I am pondering what he teaches, I am pondering my inability, I am pondering how I can live, have the audacity to live, now that I know.

I am pondering, as always, while I play Freecell, a computer card game. A completely impossible setup solves itself… I win the game.
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And the winner is: innocence… what most of my readers want assistance with

Innocence is word a lot like freedom: you can have freedom from and you can have freedom for…

And then there is BEING Freedom, Being Free… a sacred state of being… a context, that is available at any time for people whose word and Self connect strongly. Whose word creates their beingness.

Same with innocence… there is innocence from, I bet this is what my readers have in mind, then there is innocence for…

And then there is INNOCENCE… a state of being. Having been untouched by the “stuff” that makes you dirty, discolored, jaded, altered, and prejudiced.

I live in that state of innocence 30% of my awake time. The rest of the time: I am judging, reacting, or know already… just like you.
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Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?

Let me start with something I had to sleep on to see: you are not all you can be, even not inside the box you live in.

What box?

Well, you are born with a certain DNA and it gives you a box. Your DNA predetermines the size of your box.

In my experience people fulfill on their box-given potential, to an average 3%. In every area of life… health, wealth, love and happiness. People who do very well: above 30%. (What limits them? really good question… I’ll write an article on that soon…)

People, you, can grow inside their box… but mostly they, you don’t…

You can estimate to what degree someone fills their box (potential) by seeing at what point they become boring. Yes, boring. OK, maybe not to you, but to me at some point I can see them limited by their box: they repeat themselves. My three coaches, for example… 🙁

I started to watch this dude, wheezy yesterday….
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Frames… what they are, and how they limit your success, your happiness, your health…

Everybody talks about subconscious beliefs, but I have seen no evidence that there is such a thing. On the other hand almost no one is talking about what’s REALLY limiting you in life: your frames.

If you call something that it is not, you take away the power from the individual… and set them up to pay through the nose, and still remain the same.

Some people are masterful with frames, and their wealth is a testament to that… Tony Robbins is one of these guys.

I have been listening to this investment banker, Oren Klaff, who wrote a book (Pitch Anything) and is now speaking to crowds successfully.

His job is do or die… raise the money or die… every day.

Or as a public speaker, raise the enthusiasm of the crowd… or die.

What’s his secret?

Frames. Controlling the frames inside which people listen to him.
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What is the real meaning of “we are all one”?

People’s instincts are good… but your actions following are only as good as your interpretation of the instinct.

Instincts are sign language… with no well-defined sign-dictionary… on second thought, most words are like that too…

So you have an instinct, that you need to team up with another human if you want to grow… if you want to feel good, if you want a life you can love… and then you go south…

Oh, I need a lover, I need a wife, I need a child… and then you follow the yellow brick road to unhappiness.

The instinct says: TEAM up… and you say, ok, teams are about something, sex, security, blah blah blah… and they aren’t.
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What is transformation? Why is it so important to know exactly?

Everyone talks about stuff… using big words, like transformation, but no one actually knows what the word means, and what do people actually do, or promise to do, who cause transformation.

If you really look, you can talk for half an hour, and you won’t even get near to it…

Why? Because transformation is based on something that people either don’t know, or don’t consider sexy enough.

They talk about beliefs, and they talk about subconscious mind, and blockages… but none of those is actually how the human mind works…

Why am I so sure of that? Because certain things don’t disappear or don’t become unimportant during evolution…

The five senses, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smell won’t be completely bastardized by words, meanings, and other mind construct.
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Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you

If you have hopes to become happy, Today’s Monday Morning Memo is right up your alley… it teaches what you CAN do, HOW you can look and see reality, and be happy, excited, joyful… instead of how and what you are now.

Without gene adjustment. Probability that it will work… without energetic adjustment: 3%. The effectiveness of words to your behavior and worldview.

Yesterday’s Inner Authority class was very instructive to me: I found out that many people consider that what they get from me, energies, adjustments, etc. are non-important, non-essential, maybe even non-real… as in ‘they are my way to extort money’.

The more you can consider my energy interventions real, real-real… the more willing you’ll be to do what co-creative actions you need to take.
Energies, for the most part, can only change physical reality if and when some action is added, concurrently.
Example: …
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The empty pantry and the master chef

If I asked you how you knew your god loved you… you would say because your god gave you an easy life. And I would know everything anyone needs to know about you: you are worthless. You value having higher than earning.

Charlie Munger says: to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want.

That sounds really good, but the truth value of that statement is just 10%… 90% of the whole truth is missing.

An accurate, higher truth value statement would be: to get what you want, you need to appropriate what you want. Make it yours, so you can work with it… 60% truth value.

I know, some other articles I have said “earn” what you want… 30% truth value.

There is, probably, a higher than 60% truth value statement… but my agenda here is to drive something home… so that 60% truth value statement will do for now.

Humans, you, would have to appropriate beingness to have the right to call yourself a human being… you aren’t. Talking about beingness isn’t… just like talking about flying isn’t…

But beingness is also outside of the agenda of this article: the agenda is to talk about what is yours and what isn’t. What you can work with, what you can use, what knowledge you can connect the dots in…

What you appropriated, what is truly yours, is what you have.
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Cyber Monday: Get Innocent… Get your emotions activated… or remain dead and deadened… Your choice.

I have been pondering what to offer you for the traditional Black Friday/Cyber week orgy of consumerism.

Yesterday, having several conversations with people, I decided that the best way to bring dead people back to life is to offer them the Second Phase Activators.

You see, when I look at people, they are soooo plagued by negative emotions, and they so hate them, resist them, hide from them, that they have no chance to feel anything uplifting, inspiring, heartwarming…
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