All posts by Sophie

The most frequent type of envy can be expressed with “how come they can/have/got X and I don’t?”

How come they succeeded and I don’t. How come they got the promotion and I didn’t. How come they have a nice partner and I don’t. How come they are thin and I am fat? How come they get the results and I don’t? How come, how come, how come… What am I, chopped liver?

And more often than not, the answer is: “Because they do what you don’t.”

When you are the one who is slighted, how didn’t, can’t, don’t have, or didn’t get X, it is near impossible to see what it is the THEY do that you don’t.

One of my areas of didn’t, can’t, don’t have, or didn’t get X has something to do with being liked.

Not many people like me. It used to be better, and it used to be worse.

In Hungary I had friends, I had fans. I only had problems with authority: I never got a raise, never was promoted, and I was widely unpopular by the top brass of the companies I worked for.

Then between ages 34 and 64, 30 years, OMG! I was mostly alone. I only talked to people when I was giving them something, mostly stuff that they would have to pay for. I begged them to take it. I wanted to buy my way into friendship.

The past two years it’s been nicer.

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How come some people get results and other don’t, when they do a program?

The easy and obvious answer would be that some do the work of the program, others don’t.

But what if neither do the work? And yet, some have results, and other don’t.

What is the explanation? Are the “some” smarter?

The answer is is your reticular activator.

The reticular activator works for you behind the scenes

The reticular activator function is an attention function. It is also a pattern recognizing, zeroing in function, much like a heat seeking missile: it cannot miss. It is a function that below your conscious awareness gets the work done for you.

Your attitude to the program either works with your reticular activator or it doesn’t. And that largely depends on your attitude about yourself.

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Your emotional baseline and your chances for success

I read a very interesting article today. It is about being able to predict from how you were as a baby and toddler your chances for success, your chances for being smart, your chances for aberrant, deviant behavior, like crime or addictions.

And although most of you, if you read it, will be resigned to how you turned out, or alternatively argue till you are hoarse with the predictions, there is a more constructive way to read the article: get guidance.

Of course, if you are already having trouble in life, you are habitually relating to everything as a good reason to get depressed, turn to the bottle, get angry, or eat more m&m’s, but if you are not quite there, there is the guidance I recommend that you get:

All of those signs you demonstrated as a toddler are correctable by the Bach Flower Energies.

If you have a propensity for being impatient, wanting immediate gratification, not being able to hang in there and do what you need to do even if it is tedious, or unsuccessful at the moment, the Bach Flower Energy Impatience will increase your capacity for more patience, so you can actually get something done, learn something, hang in there.

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What is the most important thing in life?

The “culture” we live in, the mind-meme that is the dominant influencer of our emotions, our actions, our decisions in life says: the most important thing in life is fitting in, taking care of your loved ones, to be loved, to belong.

Sounds so nice, doesn’t it? Sounds like that is what will cause our species to survive, that is what is going to cause us to be happy.

Let’s examine if it, in fact, contributes to happiness, and to the survival of the species… i.e. if it contributes to personal growth, personal evolution, because any species that its members don’t grow or can’t grow is declining and dying.

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How to keep your vibration high at Christmas?

I am sitting at my computer, observing the emails I get, observing people’s behavior.

It seems that the (Christian) world is disappearing into two main fantasy lands, two main unrealities: Christmas, and making cash infusion into their lives.

All horizontal plane, all hurry, all puppets on a string. All based on the unreality of lack. (I will write about this lack issue in another article… it’s important, so I may even email you to let you know…)

Your life is dominated by the separation of the two selves: the higher self is sent into its room for these last days of the year, and the lower self is throwing its weight around.
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Great Stuff I want you to See: Are you setting yourself up for failure? You probably are…

Most of what we do, most of what we are taught, most of what we understand sets us up for failure.

I have a lot of success skills, and yet, I am not as successful as I’d like to be.

This past week I started a project of causing, consciously causing success in a particular endeavor, creating and marketing a new product largely unrelated to what I do on this blog.

I have been coming up against a lot of walls, fear, anxiety, overwhelm, wanting to stay comfortable.

And although I am doing this all with my eyes open, as an impartial observer, and I am starting to see methods to break through the blockages, I am sure I have more to learn.

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Still stuck at the bottom after so many years?

I have clients and students who have been in touch, buying stuff or courses since the beginning. That means about 10 years.

There is a certain kinship between us… they look out for me, they consider me, in addition to be their teacher, they consider me someone they want to be well, want to live long, want to succeed.

It is a very interesting experience for the teacher, because often the only thing that makes people listen is the authority the teacher has, by virtue of some achievement. So when they come to me with an idea to help me, I have to go through a process taming my ‘ego’ that wants to stay i the upper position. I ultimately manage to say: they are doing this because they love me… whether it is true or not, ego is willing to listen.
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Is the love that you feel a good guidance for your life?

There is a saying I like: you can feel your way through life.

Is that feeling an emotion?
Question: Is the love that you feel a good guidance for your life?

If there are at least 10 comments, YOUR answers to this question, I will tell you what is Source’s take on this…

Now, comment. Let me know what you think so we can see if you and Source are in alignment, OK? Please…

You can comment anonymously, without anyone knowing your name… by putting anon into the name field. But please use your real email address, or I won’t count your comment as part of the minimum 10 I need…

And you want to know this answer!

The answer to this question will sort out your question: why you aren’t living your soul’s purpose… and how you could.

OK, please comment. Click on the red arrows below!

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Coherence to incoherence… the path to becoming zombie

Warning: if you like your glass half filled, if you are a positive thinker, if you are optimistic, if you think hope is good, then please don’t read this article: it will attack your world at its core.

A society or a species that can have coherence and maintain that coherence is a species that survives most any calamity.

If you want to destroy a species (or and individual) you need to introduce incoherence.

Incoherence means: stuff is there that doesn’t fit. That doesn’t work well with the rest of the organism. That conflicts with the goals of the organism.

How is incoherence introduced?

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Don’t even look at the marshmallow…

I like failed experiments. Why? Because successful experiments are more likely the result of confirmation bias… So even in experiments I opt for the Anna Karenina Principle: remove all that isn’t a certain yes, everything that is accidental in the results or make the result a bad result, something I don’t want.

So I am preparing for an experiment today, the “don’t eat the marshmallow” experiment.

I have been, thus far, absolutely unreliable and untrustworthy to not eat something I should not eat, like candy or chocolate, or fruit.

So I ordered a 10 oz bag of dark chocolate covered mint patties, sugar free. Last time I did this I ate all of it within 16 hours…
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