All posts by Sophie

Waiting to be made happy, successful, rich, spiritual, knowledgable

I had a conversation with a friend. I shared with him that I am selling off my books and DVD’s on

He has been at my place, and he was really interested. My place is crowded because I pretty much never throw anything away.

He asked me: what would it be like if you got home one day, and all the stuff you don’t really need would be gone? Picked up and gone.

I told him, that I had done that with my clothes, and I am still grieving from it.

I like the process of choosing to sell something, or give it away, one by one. It is a growing experience for me, it is a grieving, a separation, I grief the amount of work that went into the purchase (I work for my money… surprise!) and the mistake I made, or the enjoyment I got out of the stuff.

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Self-Awareness and are elephants paint themselves as their self-portrait?

There is a video that is making the circles on youtube and facebook about elephants painting.

There is a lot of ooh and aaah, fascination, love of animals, and the paintings can sell for a lot of money…

So I first researched, then muscle tested if in fact the elephants are

1. self aware
2. if they paint the pictures on their own accord… because it just didn’t feel right.

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Rules of engagement on the horizontal plane

I like French movies. For the most part they are off-kilter, and not obvious. Which means that they may not come from the mind, they may not come from the horizontal.

But, from time to time, they slip through a movie that pushes the band wagon, pushes the societal conspiracy to enslave you.

The movie that has been coming up in my mind with a sense of urgency, is the movie “My Best Friend”.

That is a move where the main character, an art dealer, forced, by a bet, to befriend someone.

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Indigo, shmindigo… about indigo children and humanity’s obsession of a “higher power” and a universe that makes sense

I think that most, or at least, many children are born with a much higher potential than what they will actually live out.

It’s been that way from the beginning of time. Some of these children, like myself, are allowed to grow like a weed. Attention, the attention of the lesser ability adults that try to pass on their world view destroys the potential of these children.

It is said that we live in special times.
That nowadays more children than ever before are born with some additional strands of DNA…
That children retain their ability to see the invisible, hear the invisible, feel the invisible.

I don’t think this is the case. I think that in every age people were born closer to what could be considered “the next evolution” but got reduced back to “normal” by their loving parents, by their caring teachers, or by a hostile society that doesn’t tolerate being different.

Of course this day and age, where humanity has no power, no purpose, no individuality, we are trying to make ourselves more special by claiming that our children are special… after all they are OUR children.

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Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.

Truth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don’t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. The words became a lie.

Let’s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?

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Warning! Beware! The Total Transformation 30×30 will infect your mind with a mind virus.

Warning! Beware! The Total Transformation 30×30 will infect your mind with a mind virus.

Dr. Fabrizio (Fab) Mancini is an evangelist for positive thinking… which is a mind virus. No positive thinker can elevate their vibration above 170… and 170 is quite miserable.
Do not buy the 30×30 Total Transformation package.
I spent the time and energy to watch the webinar where they were selling it. Although the owner of MindValley is not a positive thinker, Dr Fab is…

And the meditations are all done by Dr. Fab: an excellent opportunity for the mind virus to attack you or infect you even deeper than you already are.

You’ve been warned.
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If it makes sense then it’s true, right?

If it makes sense then it doesn’t work. If it works, then it won’t make sense.The title doesn’t make sense, right? But it is both true and it is also a fool-proof way to know if a method will work or not.

I have watched, observed, listened to people for at least 40 years as they nodded, agreed, mumbled: ‘makes sense” and then stayed the same.

A method’s job is to cause you to change. That is what you want from it. Not that it makes sense.

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Who is running your life, the entrepreneur you or the accountant you?

Just like a company, shrinking looks like a good way to increase profitability.

But business may be (it isn’t) about profitability, but life isn’t.

When someone asks me what is the surest path to Expanding Human Being, I always bring up Bob the Butler. Or the quote and principle from the Neal Stephenson book: Diamond Age. Start living an interesting life. When your goal is not to win every step of the way, it is not to shrink to the size that you can manage, but to grow through trials and failures to the sky: i.e. an interesting life.

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Learn the art of life-altering sharing

Share your incidents, success incidents with giving the fireplace wood before you expect/receive heat

It puzzles me to no end how difficult it is for humans to grok principles.
Principles are timeless, culture-free truths… the kind that is true everywhere… and has been true forever.
Rules, hypotheses, theories are cultural, dated, and rarely even true in the environment where they are first invented.

Like democracy… or what is right and what is wrong… and 97% of what you read in “informative” articles, courses, books, on the internet.

They may even hint on the some principle, like Michael Gladwell’s books, or the Grit book, or many others… hint… hinting is not saying! They don’t quite know what the principle is, or it may not be politically correct in this day and age. Or not sexy. Or won’t sell books.

Just observe your refusal to consider any true principle… and you’ll get why those articles and those “authors” put their emphasis on sexy… because you won’t read it unless it is innocuous (not considered harmful or offensive) and in some ways tells you that you are greater than you are…
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