All posts by Sophie

Why do some people get fantastic results from the activators or the remedies and others get nothing or not much?

Maxwell Maltz, the creator of the program and methodology Psycho Cybernetics, was a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery, as a rule, is to make someone more beautiful.

Many of his patients, though, didn’t get what they hoped for. Everyone said that they were beautiful, but they could not see their new you, only the ugly that they wanted to get rid of.

We could say that they had a filter that allowed only the imperfections through. I think that this “theory” is more accurate than Maxwell Maltz’s theory of self-image.

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The invisibles, the secret to taking charge of your life

What are the invisibles?

A student of mine emailed me a few seconds ago.

She says: I grieve the loss of the camaraderie. And the affectionate joking that was so much fun. Is it dead, or does it have a chance of returning some day?

My answer to that was short, cryptic: “look at yourself first… always”

I am certain that she received it as an insult. But what was my answer? It was coaching.

When the saying says: There are three mysteries of life: Air to a bird; water to a fish; and man to himself.

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Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries

…and if that is so, the job is to wipe away the intellectual plaque… emotions
I had a very unique experience on Thursday. I was on a coaching call. I shared one of difficulties with my business.

The coach: vibration 220, IQ: 130, spent 40 minutes, talking back and forth. He taught something that I had never heard, a way of business that I could not even fathom, and it was amazing. I immediately saw how I can use it, how I have been making mistakes not knowing what he was teaching.

It was a zoom call with everyone on camera, and I could observe, connect to, and muscletest the people on the call. What was most striking to me: the degree they weren’t getting the teaching.

Every person on the call had an IQ of 100. In a world where the average is 70, that is pretty good… they are all entrepreneurs able to afford the price of the coaching program. running a business of sorts.

Every person on the call had 200 vibration.
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What is evil… and who is evil? Is it what the bible teaches? And what is the state of evil in the world today?

It is, it has been hard to see, but I think I can see it now.

You want to get without giving. Anything, if possible, a thank you at most… so that

You shouldn’t have to reciprocate
You shouldn’t have to pay attention
You shouldn’t have to do anything for what you want… especially not something that another person will or may benefit from

The worst of human nature is starting to take over…

You could call it stinginess… but I think we have gone past that stage… stingy was nice compared to… wait for it…
Circuitry: blocking even the chance of thinking about any energy going to the other… Block the flow…

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What holds you back in life?

We are having a sticking point in my classes : people seem to be understanding what there is to understand while they are in class, but completely forget it, and never use it. By the time the next class rolls around, it is all gone, forgotten.

Last night I gave a homework to every person: come back next session and tell me, prove it to me, whether I am a good teacher or a bad teacher.

It’s a risky move, because given the results, not much, it is predictable that people will go to one or all of the following places:

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What nobody told you about changing what you get…

Is it really true that no amount of talk therapy, self-talk, mindfulness, meditation, no amount of tapping, hypnosis, shock therapy can change what you get? That Landmark Education produces the same meager results as Tony Robbins, or any other known or unknown entity, claiming to transform your life?

Can you do what Gandhi taught? BE the change you want in the world? He couldn’t either!
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Quotes about change

107 Quotes About Change to Help You Get Through Anything

by Erin Evans

Change happens. The only thing that is promised in life is change… and death and taxes if you ask Ben Franklin. Change can be a great thing. It propelled Barack Obama to the highest office in the land and it can also buy you a soda from the break room. These quotes about change will help you embrace change, see the beauty in the ‘new’ and help you stay positive when change hurts.


1. Gandhi Brings It Home.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
This quote about change is one of the most famous quotes in history. That doesn’t make it any less important for our list. We end here because this is the challenge for today and every day. What will you do today to be the change that you want to see in this world?

2. Benjamin Disraeli on the Eternal Force.

“Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” – Benjamin Disraeli
Yet another world leader with an appreciation for change, Mr. Disraeli knew that there was no way to escape change. Instead, you must learn to adapt to the change that comes toward you. You never know what the universe is going to send your way, so it’s best to roll with the punches.
3. Maya Angelou Needs an Attitude Adjustment.

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou
Who would understand change more than Maya Angelou? The woman wrote the book on change. Literally. Reading her autobiographical writings, you get a sense that she never knew monotony. Her life was constantly turning over and upside down and over again. She had such powerful presence because she was so pliable to the ebb and flow of life.

4. George Bernard Shaw on Progress.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw
The most important aspect of change is that it starts within. If we only focus on outward change, then we will always be discouraged, confused, and even lost. If we allow those outward changes to bring opportunity, we can grow through them and become even stronger. Don’t be afraid to change.
5. President Obama the Change that We Seek.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama
If things aren’t going your way, you only have yourself to blame. You must be the one to enact the change that you need. Chances are, things are in constant motion all around you. Maybe you have become stagnant in your personal or professional life. You must be the one to take the first steps and welcome change.

6. JFK on Missing the Future.

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy
Do not dwell on the things that are happening right now. Don’t worry about the t
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What does IQ drop say: stupid or just incurious?

The answer to that question, of course, is at the end of this article… I’ll do what I need to do to get you to read it… Why? What would YOU do if you wrote an article every day and only a handful of people would read it? Yeah? I thought so… You would want them to find out why their IQ is low, and what they can do about it, no?

Anyway, I have been playing with my diet.

This has been my ‘style’ for the past, I don’t know… five years?

For a week now I have been eating like a vegetarian. And I am noticing a huge drop in my ability to see, to connect the dots, to see patterns.

This is, by the way, the second time I am eating like a vegetarian… and the second time I am noticing this: I am now about as smart as a cow.

Because I have given myself to the task of distinguishing stuff previously undistinguished by humans, I am simply following Source’s guidance, and every time I follow the seemingly nonsensical guidance, I always see something that surprises me. (By the way, Source is my connection to all-knowledge)

I have vegetarian clients, I know people who are vegetarian, and I even know some vegans.
How come THEY don’t notice that they are dumb?
Two possible reasons, maybe three.
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Want compassion: is it available to you? It isn’t

Compassion: you can’t ask for it, you can’t teach it. Do-good-ing and pity masquerade as compassion.

You want to be treated by others as a  person, you want to be treated fairly… but in vain…

Compassion is only possible if you can fully place yourself into the other person’s shoes and see that if you had the same gender, the same upbringing, the same history, you would be feeling and doing the exact same things that other person feels and does.

To be able to have compassion for another, you have to consider yourself a person, and you need to have compassion for yourself… See all the past and see that how you are and what you do is an of course… a consequence of your upbringing, your past, your gender, your worldview… And of-course…

To be able to have compassion, you can see, you need high skills, among them being able to write, in your head, that person background… like an actor, or like a movie maker, or a writer.
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Don’t you just hate it when you find out that you’re wrong?

I am working on this whole Vine phenomenon… that has been encouraged for the past two years very visibly… the energy of either you or me… and I will not change my mind…

The energy of ‘my way or the highway’, the energy of the Oracle that is always right, the despot, the authoritarian, the fascist, the dogmatic, the self-righteous that used to be occasional but now is the norm.

The energy of the villain…

The end of cohesion, cooperation, community, the end even of family.

The whole world, all of life, reduced to black or white, this or that, right or wrong, my way or your way, the beautiful or the ugly.

Systemic view of everything.

What is the systemic view?
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