All posts by Sophie

The art and science of calling the shots… it is not as simple as it sounds.

Context: A thing or idea is better distinguished by what it is not than by what it is.

Well distinguished vs. poorly distinguished behavior

For example, the 10 commandments (from the Old Testament): some of the commandments are worded just right, you know exactly what to do and what not to do.

For example,

Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. It sounds really great… but what does honoring exactly mean?

As many answers as many people… not clear.

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Afraid to say the wrong thing? Afraid that you’ll be judged?

I have been puzzled by the experience from students’ huge emotional response to

getting to the coaching calls
answering my questions
wondering if they did the right homework

When I asked them what the feeling was, ultimately the answer was: they were afraid to say the wrong thing. They were afraid of me.

It didn’t make sense to me. As a coach I want you to get on the call and have something that you are wrong or stupid about: that is what coaching is: if you are already great, what is the sense of getting coaching? Yeah, but…

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You can choose any color as long as it’s black

… said Henry Ford in 1909 to his sales people… From Quora

The phenomenon of wanting to please everyone, wanting everyone to like you… is the hallmark of slavish people, needy people, who can’t and won’t be successful at anything.

If you are an entrepreneur, unless you rein this neediness in, and internalize that no one needs to like you… you won’t be successful… because slaves are never successful.

Who are the people who really choose providers, coaches, teachers by who they like are the same people who won’t like you if and when you do what you need to do to take care of yourself. They consider you fodder… ‘I like my meat well done… I like my trainer to be nice, naive, and putty in my hands.’

No distinction.

Same if you are a whore of sorts…
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Your homepage attitude… How to have a choice? I teach it to you here…

You read the meme that it is not what happens to you that matters, it is how you react to it. You nod, you don’t learn. You have no idea what it means. You are clueless.

This is one of the memes that never gives you pause, because it is a meme that is also a principle. It is true everywhere, and it is one of the most important things to wake up to… that is, if you want the good life. If you want success. If you want love. If you want to be happy.
But in spite of all your babbling about all that, when someone gives you the tool, you’d rather hide it, rather ignore it, because… gasp… you don’t want to be responsible for your results.
One could say: stupid as the stupid does, and one would be right.

You are mighty stupid, my friend.

You hope that you can continue doing what you are doing, being the way you are being, and reap different results.
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Abundance, money, love, entertainment… Can they be yours now? Can Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance take you there?

In my previous article I write about the two dimensions a person can live, the horizontal dimension and the vertical dimension.

And in many of my articles I write that the part of you we can call Soul is actively seeking the fulfillment of its desire.

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Hope, Lemuria, Channeling… or how to be joyous, content, and have peace of mind

Hope is eternal, and so is stupidity.

Hope means: I don’t want the truth. Hope means: I prefer to dream. Hope means: It will be given to me. Hope means: If it is to be it must come from some place other than here, because I sure won’t move a finger to make it happen.

Do I sound angry? Bitter? Yeah… I am having a bout of bitterness here… lol. It comes, predictably, every 2-3 weeks, I know some sense into myself, and then I am good for 2-3 weeks.

I am talking about having your well-being, your happiness, your peace of mind depend on other people’s behavior.

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Are you taking supplements? Do you eat well? Is it possible that you are doing the wrong things?

This is a really old article… lots have been changed in the past three years!

I have been cutting stuff out of my diet for three weeks now hoping that I can drop a few pounds. So far no good, and that has forced me to look deeper into getting the nutrients my body needs.

The experience of craving is probably familiar to you too. You crave, you feel hunger, but it is not really hunger… the body is talking to you through restlessness, through desire, through sleeplessness, through weight gain, though nausea, etc.

Deciphering what the body needs, what the body says is more difficult than deciphering encrypted messages: the variation of things that can be said, the variation of things the body can need is so vast, and it changes with every meal you give your body.

Every step you take either takes you closer or further away from success, health, happiness.

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How could you experience love? The warm fuzzy feeling of love…

How did you become the person you are today?

It’s Christmas, and my whole thinking is about love, and the lack of it… this article digs deep to why and how love disappeared for most of us.

According to Landmark Education, the identity that you consider yourself to be developed through three or four incidents in your life.

In each incident you experienced to be wrong, less than perfect, less than what would make you lovable, deserving, worthy.

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Your homepage… The emotion you return to in the most inconvenient moments

We all have it.

Mine is devastation. It pops up when it’s most unexpected. Devastation is between grief and terror… squeezes a tiny drop of tear in my eye, no matter where I am, who I am with, when it hits.

It comes up often when I compliment someone.

The other day I sent out an email. I ended with a sentence: “I love working with you.”

Most people just ignored it as social grease.

Two people cried.

One person was pierced by it… dumbfounded why.

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Love was invented by humans… by religion to make you miserable

I am sitting at my desk. Trying to work. Waves of despair, waves of grief, waves of depression wash over me.

None of it is mine.

It’s two days before Christmas, and peak time for depression, and suicides is coming.

Why are people so low around Christmas, when the holiday is supposedly about love?

Because love is a human invention.

I am no historian, but my hunch is that before religion, and without religion there would be no such “thing” as love.

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