All posts by Sophie

Great guidance for today: The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

When I came across that quote while surfing the Web, I felt that it jibed perfectly with the astrological omens that are currently in play for you.

Every website I consulted agreed that the speaker of this wisdom was Socrates, but I thought the language sounded too contemporary to have been uttered by a Greek philosopher who died 2,400 years ago. After a bit of research, I found the real source: a character named Socrates in *Way of the Peaceful Warrior,* a New Age self-help book by Dan Millman.

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What’s wrong with you?

I never met my grandfather. Which means people can teach you, “give you advice” with their life.

Both my grandfathers died in the Holocaust.

My maternal grandfather was a lawyer. He was hardheaded. He violated every rule, he beat my grandmother, he was the “head” of the family.

When my mother, then 24 years old, found a way to avoid being taken to concentration camp, and told him, he said that she was stupid, and that she could just go herself. She did and she lived.

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How many people playing the HOE will it take to eliminate negativity from the planet?

One of the major and effective tools to eliminate negativity from your life is the Heaven on Earth… and now, with the release of HOE (Heaven on Earth) Long Range… you can be 200 miles away from your audio source, and still get the effect 24 hours a day.

How does it work?

I have infused the energies of the 40 Bach Flower Remedies into an audio recording. And then I layered it with a powerful horizontal carrier that carries the energy of the Bach Flower Remedies (Bach Flower Energies) as far as 200 miles.

The Bach Flower Energies are homeopathic in nature, they extinguish the feeling or at least weaken them, the feelings that match their energy signature. So the Impatiens Bach Flower Remedy eliminates impatience, the Vine Bach Flower Remedy eliminates forcefulness… and so on.

No matter what emotion comes up, fear, guilt, shame, anxiety, depression, doubt, greed, it will meet its match in the HOE Long Range, and at least gets weakened, at best completely eliminated.


I need your help to figure out how many people would have to buy the HOE Long Range to cover all of the planet and raise the vibration of all the people?

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Activate your divinity… restore your Self to wholeness

Things happen… They happen when you are young, and when you are little, a little boy or a little girl, every happening is very very very significant, and everything that happens seems to say something about you, and about your chances to make it… to live, to be well, to be loved, appreciated, considered valuable, etc.

You seem to be completely at the effect of everything and everyone, with a very limited number of moves of your own… you can cry, you can refuse to eat, you can talk, but they all seem to be ineffective: you have no power.

Then you grow up, and things still happen to you. And you still the effect… not the cause of any of it, or not much of it.

You are reduced to the one who can talk about it, but not the one who caused it, or can even contemplate causing anything.

And that is the typical, 99.99% reality for people on the planet.
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Unless your money and livelihood is taken care of, nothing else matters. No spirituality, no love, no relationships: nothing

One cardinal issue that many of you may deal with is money.

I could bs around this, but I won’t.

If you have a money issue, that is the first thing you want to handle.

Why? Because when your livelihood is threatened, nothing else matters. Not even your health.

Maslow, a 20th century psychologist set up a pyramid-like hierarchy… and the base of the pyramid is the physical needs… unless your physical needs are met, you won’t be fully available to fulfill other needs.

The second level is safety needs. Until safety needs are met, you are not available to fulfill other needs like emotional needs, or self-actualization needs.

Which means that when you have a financial issue threatening your physical being, you need to deal with it.

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How did you get to be the way you are? Unhappy, low vibration, self-conscious, depressed, fearful? How The Dark Side rules you?

The following is an excerpt from the novel, The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. It is an apt description of how evil takes over the world.

It’s long, but please read it. Read it a few times, so you can identify yourself and the ideology that got you to be miserable, empty, merely surviving. Pay special attention on how guilt plays a role in that.


Elsworth Toohey is like a spiritual figurehead, a leader, a teacher, a thought leader, like the church…
Peter Keating is like you… hearing for the first time how he has sold his soul and to whom.

We find out who is the Devil, who is the Evil, who is the Dark Side and what how it gains power:

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Empty The Future or else…

I read this article ten years ago… and saved it. The truth value is somewhat ‘high’… 10%… the average article has only 7% truth value on the internet.

I’ll put the article in the footnotes… so you can read it…

What is true in this article? the concept that you need to remove everything that is in your path to achieving what you want to achieve. That it is your job. But the nature of the obstacles: it is sorrily off.

So 1. what are the obstacles and 2. what is the process of clearing them?
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The path to raising your vibration, to earn your vibration, to become a Human Being – Part 2:

If you haven’t, please read Part 1 of this article first. It will make more sense… it will set the context.
The missing godliness are called virtues.

Living virtuously is a daily struggle, a daily battle. No one, no matter how high their vibration, is ever done. Not a Buddha, not a Jesus, not anyone.

The two problems I see in this “business” of raising your vibration:

You want happiness, joy, fulfillment, the exact way you want pleasure: food, sex, the breeze on your face. You don’t want to earn it, you just want to get it. You may want to buy it, but happiness, joy, fulfillment is not something you can buy. But there are plenty of gurus, doctors, healers, teachers, that will accommodate your slothful desire:

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Talk back to me: Are my audios subliminal? Do I have trade secrets? What’s in the audios?

Thank you for sending the audio.

The effect I’m experiencing – is that I feel more determined to accomplish my goals. I feel driven – as if nothing will stop me from seeing my goals completed.

I tried to explain your audios to someone, but she wanted more info. Without giving away trade secrets – you need to be clearer on what the audios are. Do you have subliminal messages beneath the nature sounds, is it just sounds, vibrations? People are unwilling to try something new unless you explain exactly what they are getting. Lots of people have tried everything under the sun without getting results, so now people are getting a little wary. Just my thoughts…

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Build on what you have, instead of starting something new… Integrate or eliminate

I just got an email from one-time coach of mine in internet marketing.

He says that one of the reasons he loves information products because he gets to see the difference it makes in people’s lives.

I muscle testes that statement, and muscle test says it was a lie. Or more precisely, it had a 1% truth value.

One of the most important things for you to learn from me, is that people lie.

They buy something because they want the result it promises, the result it can produce if the person who buys it uses it the way it was meant to be used.
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