All posts by Sophie

If Context Is More Important Than The Action… Then What’s Your Context That You Are Not Succeeding? That You Are Not Happy?

In today’s free webinar we’ll do an exercise to examine what’s your context in an area of life that is not working, where you are not as successful as you would like to.

It will be in a workshop format, so you will end up not only with some information, but an insight that can lead to transformation.

Beware, transformation is when you act on the insight.

For example, if you realize that when you hate someone, when you are angry and vengeful, you eat the poison that you mean for them, and you suffer not them. You are punishing yourself for something someone else did… then unless you turn it around and stop eating the poison, then you had only an insight but not a transformation.

For every transformation that happens for a human being, they often see thousands of insights.

Although the name of the activator “Serenity Activator” doesn’t seem to connect, this activator is the key to turning insights into transformations.

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Are you talented? Your talent: is it wasted?

This morning I have been experiencing an emotional roller coaster… as I am cycling through tens of people as I accidentally connect to them. Some gurus, Murakami, his wife, a marketing guru, my next door neighbor, my brother, some students, a site visitor from Hungary, my architecture school friend.

I can feel my face, my mouth… and I can recognize the micro expressions and identify them.

And then, of course, the emotions of my own reaction to their internal state… judgment, compassion, pity, sympathy…

I could write an article, a whole article, about each of them, but I’ll write about a word that screwed up countless lives… and probably still is.

As you know, a large period of my life I was an architect. Architecture school, in Hungary, is something you choose after high school, and it’s a five year study, every person takes the exact same classes.

The favorite or dreaded word of an architecture student was ‘talented’ or ‘not talented’.

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The Path To Abundance… Much like an obstacle course…

In this series of articles I’d like to share how the Abundance Activator is changing my life

But instead of starting at the end, or even in the middle, first, let me give you a brief history on the activators.

Last year, during a Connecting to Source webinar session, we, my students and I, experienced a tremendous vertical beam of Light Energy, wide and strong, and a horizontal sheet of energy broadcast… unlike ever before. It was the most magnificent experience I had ever experienced.

The state was steady and totally blissful. I could sustain it for about 6 minutes, then it became so strong, that I felt that any minute I was going to disappear into the Light… and the thought: “I am not done here,” brought me back.

Since then I have been able to connect that way at will, though each time I need to sit, deal with the fear that “this time I am not going to able to connect…”, pull all my power within to be calm and centered enough to connect on that level.

I lovingly call the state of being connected this vertical and horizontal way the Avatar State.

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From my mailbox: How do I deal with being scared?

A woman is like a tea bag: you cannot tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. -Nancy Reagan Same is true about a student, or a client…
Emailed Question:
Hello Sophie,
I was on your webinar (the new context webinar!) this past Wed July 17th. I don’t know if this is something that is of any importance to you, but you scare the s-h-i-t out of me. I’m not looking for a hug or anything. However, I spent a good deal of time being concerned that I’m going to piss you off and get deleted from the call.

I’ve been kicked off of a connection call before, and it feels horrible.

I realize that I need to be on these calls.

I also realize that I have to experience discomfort when getting to the truth about myself. So, here’s what I really want to know: what in the world do I or any of your other attendees do when we feel fear of being cut off? I certainly can’t go online to find another Sophie. If this issue is not worthy of being addressed, than disregard this email and this message will self-destruct. lol Thanks for reading

My answer: (expanded for this article)

Dear B.

I know I am tough on the calls. I need to get the job done, and I need tough students: doing the work of transformation is not for sissies. Transformation will first cause pain and then freedom… and the pain is significant.

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You cannot solve a problem that is not real

We all have moments of brilliance and hours of stupidity, or some version of “not brilliant”

Some people take it in stride… this is how it is, no matter who you are. Einstein had moments of brilliance… and hours, days of stupidity too.

If life were not like that, brilliant/stupid alternating, there would be no life on the planet… we would all die of exhaustion.

Brilliance is not the only “peak experience” we all crave and wand to keep around all the time. So we are with pretty, and nice, and helpful, and all the other made up “solutions” to our failings… And, as I have said before, every solution is the beginning of a bigger problem.

I got raped because I was stupid, I said.
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What’s your context? I just have to look at your life and I can tell. Can you?

The biggest price Positive Thinking junkies pay is this:

You can only have power in any situation if you are looking at what is so!

Why do I call positive thinkers junkies? Simple: they are, just like heroin addicts, unable to deal with the momentary feeling bad about anything, they need an escape from reality, at the expense of their life, their health, their relationships, their money.

When you are a positive thinker, your default context is that reality is just plain should not be the way it is.

For you it’s wrong, for me it is just what’s so… you are powerless, I am powerful.

Finding the silver lining is not available to you, until you see the reality of the situation. For example, yesterday I screwed up something and lost a lot of money. I saw what I did, I appreciated that this wasn’t a good time to lose money, and then I looked for a silver lining: it was a learning experience.

I always return to this two moments in my life. Seemingly insignificant moments, but turning points nevertheless.

The first one was when I saw a poster in a chiropractor’s office saying something like this: “In order to get to the next level, you need to give up who you have become.”

And the second was a poster with a dark sky with a tiny sliver of light showing through. The words said: turn your face to the light…

The first one is the principle of transformation: everything you are, everything you know is in your way of having what you want, what you are striving for. You need to give it up. Painful, frightening, but it’s so.

The second one is the idea of escape. Clinging to hope, clinging to “there is help”, clinging to being an effect, never a cause. The opposite of power, the opposite of transformation, the essence of positive thinking: the biggest enemy you have ever nurtured on your chest.

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Rob Brezsny’s horoscope as a viable context for spiritual practice and big picture being

One excellent use of Rob Brezsny’s weekly horoscopes is to set a context for the week. The context that he recommends is always outside of the ordinary for you, and therefore it will have the potential to dig into the beyond, where all the power you lack and want comes from.

This is my horoscope for this week…

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “This morning I walked to the place where the street-cleaners dump the rubbish,” wrote painter Vincent van Gogh in one his letters. “My God, it was beautiful.” Was he being ironic or sarcastic? Not at all. He was sincere. As an artist, he had trained himself to be intrigued by scenes that other people dismissed as ugly or irrelevant. His sense of wonder was fully awake. He could find meaning and even enchantment anywhere. Your next assignment, Virgo — should you choose to accept it — is to experiment with seeing the world as van Gogh did.

Now, how do you use a horoscope as a context of your life? Remember, this whole month will probably be about context…

Your key to this context are the sentences: “His sense of wonder was fully awake. He could find meaning and even enchantment anywhere”

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How do you alter the climate and friendliness of a planet… Great article

Most teachers teach that the core issue you have is beliefs. Even I wrote tens of articles on that… but as I am growing myself, as I penetrate more the mysteries of the “beyond” I am starting to see stuff I could not see then.

T. Harv Eker teaches: first the thought, then the feeling, then the action

He also teaches that instead of trying to change the result, go to the roots… this is a fruit tree analogy: instead of trying to pin some cherries on an apple tree, change the roots of the tree.

But, to my knowledge, no one has spoken of changing the soil, or changing the state your tree is growing.

Imagine if you could change that. Or if you could completely influence the tree, instead of you having a totally passive and effect-like relationship with regards to the growth and behavior of the tree.

The bad news is that you cannot change your beliefs, just like you cannot change the roots of a tree… without killing the tree. No matter what anyone tells you, beliefs are permanent alterations of your being. In addition, beliefs are part of the geography of your soul.

That sounds like real bad news, given that you don’t know anything more about this planet, called YOU… nothing more than what these ineffective, unhappy teachers taught you.

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Our moral code was born out of “tradition”… Here is how it’s done…

Here is a very apt analogy how it works:

The monkeys and the banana
Start with a cage containing five monkeys.

Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.

After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him.

After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.

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How do you block the flow?

Some questions come up again and again… especially for readers of my articles.

One of them goes like this: how come someone with a vibration and consciousness much lower than mine can make so much more money than I do?

Or, for me, how come I sometimes make money, other times I don’t? What about me that changes from one time to another?

These are very important questions to answer. For each and every one of us wants to get the most we can get, if we can get it… right?
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