All posts by Sophie

Confessions Of An Empath

Somehow this article got lost… I don’t know how… it disappeared from the site… Weird. This is a “reprint”

Confessions Of An Empath

I didn’t know that the feelings I experienced weren’t only mine until a few months ago. I was 63 years old. I had never heard about the phenomenon, so I never suspected.

I had a long history of living like a phoenix… burned and crashed and then reborn from the ashes.

My Mother, the empath

I hear that the curse of being an empath is inherited, and upon further looking into the path, confirming it with muscle testing, my mother carried the cursed gene.

Did she show any signs of being empathic in ways that it would be a good thing? Not at all. Instead she showed the aspect of empaths that the unaware empath demonstrates: being the trash collector of other people’s badness.

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Why is your vibration so low… A few more words about your vibration

A few more words about your vibration… and why it’s so low

We all have preferences, we all have standards, ideals, how things should be. No human is an exception, unfortunately.

Why unfortunately? Because every standard is a point of pain, every standard is a source of misery.

Most people know the difference between a dog and a cat, and see that dogs and cats are a different species and they will behave according to their own DNA… ok, I lied, lots of people do not know… and therefore we see all the moronic, unfortunate and miserable people treating their cats as if they were dogs… not accepting that cats are independent, coming to you only when they want something from you, whereas dogs are your secondhanders in human terms: they entirely live through you. And you are forced to live outwardly, as the owner: the dog is running your life. A typical pet for a typical secondhander.

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How Does Source Talk To You? Your Soul Correction and Your Avatar State Activator: how does it work?

Your Soul Correction and Your Avatar State Activator: how does it work?

Obviously Source doesn’t speak in words, despite of what all the channellers, all the religions, all the systems intent on duping you. It is as if expecting your garbage to open its mouth and say: take me to the curb, tomorrow is garbage collection day: it is not going to happen.

Your cow doesn’t say: milk me, I am ready… and yet, you know it’s time to milk the cow.

Yet, just like the garbage talks to you, just like the cow talks to you, Source talks to you.

It is either that you listen or that you don’t.

I pay more attention than most, so I hear a lot of what Source is saying.

Here is an example: I had a call yesterday. I was coaching a student, who had computer problems: the computer would start but not stay up. I told her what I did in a similar instance. As I was saying it, I could feel that I was acting superior, which is my soul correction.

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Are you the solution or are you the problem?

I am sitting here. In a few hours I have a brainstorming call with a student of mine, who is, who has been, who is proving to be impossible to train… and I am scared and angry.

This article is the process in which I change my context for the call, so I can make a difference… or not… Inside the current context all I can do is yell… Not what I want my life to be. So, here we go…
Useless vs Priceless
Or said in another way: are you the solution or are you the problem?

As a little boy or as a little girl, you made some decisions about yourself, what it is that you were supposed to get, how to get what you want.
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Deception: do you have any way to tell if you are being deceived or not?

Innocence: they are still surprised at deception. You are hiding it because you want to be right and admitting that you are a fool makes you look bad!

Personal notes: I am a teacher of transformation. I am a seller of my own courses and energized products. My products work, I use them, and I watch people who use them like a hawk. When something doesn’t quite deliver, I work until I find what’s missing, and provide it.And I am poor. Not quite penniless, but definitely poor.

I live in a small city, in a two bedroom apartment with one other apartment in the house, downstairs.

For the most part I am fine, the downstairs neighbor, 80% of the time, is OK… but when he isn’t, I suffer, and I suffer mightily.

It would be ideal for me to live in a cottage, so I can be far from people… but, of course, the money that all my brilliance is able to generate isn’t going to cover the cost of that upgrade.

This article came as a result of my musings how come I won’t ever get rich with my wares, and how come that teachers that teach crap are raking it in…

I am not bitter about it, by the way, this is just how it is, and I am well. As long as muscle test says “continue” I’ll brave the circumstances.

Most sales (of anything anywhere, including food, shelter, etc… but especially in the domain of self-growth, spirituality, abundance, and the other non-tangible areas of life) are based on deception. Sellers are either personally deceiving people, or “institutionally”, meaning that they are selling something that people think will do something for them, but they didn’t learn it or get it from them…

Let’s deal with both of them.
Individuals deceiving you, selling you snake oil
The first is easier: the seller knows that what they are selling is worthless or harmful. They know it by using it themselves and not getting the results, and getting to witness the “results” on their customers.

They know that they are deceiving the public. They use testimonials that don’t show the long range results, only the placebo effect: the longest time anyone having or using the product is a few days at best, or the results and the product have no cause and effect relationship.

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Acidity, Cholesterol, Spirituality: Fixing: the number one way the mind leads you astray. If you are a fixer, know that fixing is stupid

Fixing: the number one way the mind leads you astray. If you are a fixer, know that fixing is stupid

Background: One of my favorite books is Colin Wilson’s Mind Parasites. I read it a few times, and it was, maybe, the first time I was alerted to the fact that the mind may not be your friend.

Of course it’s a novel, and it is on the level where Colin Wilson is, which is: not a lot of insights into the different aspects and the inner dynamics of a human being. Nevertheless it was very useful.

I found a sequel, one of the fans wrote a sequel to the original book, and I started to read it yesterday. And although the world view both books represent is childish and not even vaguely similar to how it is really, it triggered me to write this article.

This article is going to be about fixing…

I will pick the area of health and well being, given that this area is so wrought with misinformation and fixing, that it could be said that the fixes cause more mischief than the original problems they claim to fix.

Issue #1: acidity

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Can You Learn Remote Viewing, See Energies, See Auras, Get Guidance? Seeing things that you can’t see?

There is gold in them hills… Remote viewing, guidance, energies…

People are fascinated with remote viewing. They want to learn remote viewing to see ahead in time, and they want to see stuff that they are not supposed to see, or can’t see.

I think that people have a thousand and one reasons, so they buy these courses, to learn remote viewing.

A friend of mine also bought two learn remote viewing courses, and I have borrowed them. I didn’t think it possible, but I managed to see the stuff that I wanted to see. He could not.

This was a year or two ago, and it has always bothered me why one person would see something and another would not. Why one person would see auras, be able to predict your actions, read your mind, see balance, see energy, and another, the majority would not.

So, this morning I was experimenting.

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The Pebble in your shoes: the invisible switch of the machine that is your life

This is the second part of this series about the pebble in your shoe… The one that cramps your style, spoils your efforts, and leaves you with less than you started, no results, no joy, no satisfaction.

So what is the pebble? Here is my definition, the result of a lot of looking, pondering… The Pebble is what you take as self-evident, therefore it’s invisible for you: it’s the concealed switch of the machine that you are…

It is what Ayn Rand refers to in Atlas Shrugged… Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.
“Check your premises” is an injunction that runs as a subtheme through Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged , and it is a phrase that seems to be growing more pertinent every day. The meaning of the phrase is this: If you seem to be confronting a contradiction, then at least one of your relevant beliefs is false

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Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you already all you can become?

Yesterday I spent about four hours listening to Jordan Peterson. The material I listened to was a truth value of 30%… not bad.

In some ways Jordan Peterson, the teacher, and I, the teacher, deal with the same things: people don’t see why they should learn.

Many reasons, I see, but one of them is fundamental, and also invisible, meaning it is an invisible part of reality, the part that is below the sea level of the iceberg. It’s not hidden, as one of my students says… although Werner calls the process that makes it visible “unconcealing” suggesting that it is concealed, which is another word for hidden.

According to Kabbalah, 90% of reality is also hidden, so maybe I should call it hidden… but I prefer invisible… sue me if you don’t like it.
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Playground: It is never too late to have a happy childhood… Turn around fast enough to catch your shadow

This article explains how come that you can only interact with Maya, which is “not that” in Sanskrit, i.e. not reality, illusion, shadow play, the hologram, etc. It is much less mystical than the Vedanta imagines it: it is quite simple and it’s explained in this article. Without the capacity that I speak about here, you are doomed to continue living in Maya for all your life. But in Maya, you are fighting with shadows, the shadows of reality, and fighting shadows you don’t have any power. So this article shows you the key to power, the key to effectively living your life, accomplishing what you came to accomplish and ultimately to fulfillment and satisfaction. Is that exciting enough for you?
How does your mind avoids transformation? It seems quite simple, but it is hard to get, because the mind doesn’t even allow you to see it once…

Only when you notice that you are not looking that you start looking. When someone else points it out, you clam up… and will NOT look…

So what do you actually do when I ask you to look? When I ask you to notice? When I want you to catch yourself?

Weird as it may sounds: you go, instantly, seamlessly, and unawares to the mind’s main function: meaning.

Anything that has meaning attached to it, i.e. it “means” something, is already one removed from observation.

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