All posts by Sophie

Comparing: The Binary, The Pendulum, The Tedium, The Lifeless Life… PRISON BREAK!

Do you work on your mind to make it better? You are making the bars of your prison shinier…
One of the activities of the mind  that takes you out of the present is comparing. If you are new here, you probably think that I am talking about your brain… but the mind is only a limited function of the brain, the brain is like the world, and the mind is like a room in your house… much smaller, and totally insulated from the world.

In this article, we are going to examine the mind’s behavior that is much like the behavior of a pendulum.

Remember, the more you are able to be out of the mind and in the present, the more intelligent you are able to be… I hope that looks like a value, like a virtue you could go for… And if it does, keep on reading this article.

The 2-year old article I republished yesterday, started talking about the mind-activity: comparing. It dealt with your judgments about people. You judge what they do compared to your standards and ideals about what people should be doing.

Unfortunately, or thankfully, you can’t live up to your own standards and ideals, so you judge yourself too.

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Intelligence and vibration: how are they connected?

First off let’s distinguish what we mean by intelligence, so we can get on the same page, and hopefully mean the same thing by the same words.

Intelligence will be, according to this article, the degree with which your perception coincides with what’s there.

The average intelligence of currently living humans is 12%. That means, roughly every eighth thing that you consider true is actually true. Of course the distribution of errors of judgment is probably different… as you will see in this article… later on.

Intelligence is also intimately related to how harmonious, how coherent you are in the moment.

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What’s the difference between homo sapiens and human being?

Surprisingly the difference between homo sapiens and human being is in one and only one thing… and it is not a yes/no issue, nor a succeed or fail issue, it is a question of degrees.

How someone answers and then executes the answer to this question will depend on one and one one thing. Here is the question: Life itself is empty and meaning-free… What are you going to fill it with?

So you want to get a great life. You want to make a difference. You want to matter. You want to feel good about yourself. Some of you want to become Expanding Human Beings. Some of you want to become producers. Some of you want to become loving.

There is just a little problem with what you want. There is something there… and there is something missing.

Easy peasy you say… so let’s see.

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Do what you do today so your future self can appreciate the effort you made

I got this email about two, maybe three years ago… and today. Both warmed my heart. Today I even wept.

The first email from this student/client:
At this moment in time. i feel like i do not know what to make a mark in except to continue to groom the children and of course, take care of the me now so that the future me will appreciate the effort made…  …in short a healthier me.
And I might add: a healthier you with more skills… more ingredients in the pantry.

Compare your attitude with this person’s. You’ll come up short, I bet.

This is my experience with almost everyone I deal with.
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A Rant: The Frustrations of a Teacher

Ranting: I use the word ranting as a reference to the original Ranters, nonconformist dissidents, one of many radical groups in seventeenth century England. We live in similarly turbulent times.
This article will probably offend you. I apologize if it does… though that just proves my point, lol, not funny. My intent isn’t to offend you, my intent to move you out of your smugness, your sureness, your “I already know” attitude… So hopefully you can learn something new.

It is hard to have compassion for the person who is frustrated with you, who is angry at you. It requires you to be able to move, at will, from your periphery, where you live, to your real self, to your core… And that is exactly what you have been unable to do… So you will be offended… but now you know why…
So, here is the rant:

Most people will never learn to muscle-test accurately. Why? Because when you unconsciously, unawares live in your mind, you will muscle test from the mind, and that is as good as a guess, you don’t need to muscle test. Whatever the mind knows is useless… for the purposes of deciding truth or false. Works or doesn’t… Should you buy or should you not.

What is this mind-thing? Most people (you) live in their mind most of the time, you equate yourself with your mind, you run the whole business of living from your mind. Your results are the results consistent with using the mind to live your life.

To the extent that you live in your mind, to the extent that you are miserable, ineffective, disappointed in life, people, relationship, etc.

Let me use an analogy: It’s like this: you wouldn’t identify yourself with your car, you use your car. You use it to get from place to place.

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The key to the evolution of the human species finally discovered…

This article: I started to write this article yesterday, before a class… I wanted to use the class to get some more “meat” into the issue… The class went different: it, instead, magically took me to the root of all misery, and to the evolutionary issues of humanity, and to the question: can evolution be caused? Triggered?

In a lot of ways this has been a question, I think, for a long time. People that were ahead of their time asked this question, in one way or another.

So far there haven’t been any successful attempts at causing evolution. There are fairy tales of some incidents, but muscle test shows that they are just that: fairy tales.

One of them is the story of the Hundredth Monkey: the story tries to illustrate evolution, but it makes many mistakes in its setup, and shows a deep lack of understanding of how it all works, how evolution works.

So, I am trying my hand on this thing that no one has ever succeeded before, but my approach is different from others’ which doesn’t mean I’ll succeed, but it is worth testing.

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Religion… what is it, what’s valid about it, and what is an enslavement device, or the “opium for the masses”

There is religion and there is religiousness. People of religion are fakes, pretenders, and not religious.

All religions were, originally, a world view, a world view, forever changing. As soon as more phenomenon was experienced, the more it changed. This is the true nature of knowledge.

The physical, knowable universe is about 1% of all there is. The number 1% is not the truth, it is an indication only for the vast and incomparable gap between what’s knowable and what isn’t. The proportion of the knowable and unknowable is unchanging, it’s probably the only constant in the universe.

How do we glean knowledge? Something happens. And then we explain it. From the limited perspective of the human mind. Then something else happens, that modifies what we had already known. Organic, and highly changeable.

Until… until someone decides that this is all the knowledge, and they create a dogma from it.

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What Does It Say About You That You Follow A Guru Whose Vibration Is Lower Than Yours?

Why do I feel sad?

I got up this morning. I slept well in spite of the heat. The first email I opened was about a guru I had reviewed before, but I put someone else’s picture next to his name. A reader pointed it out, so I searched for the right picture. The vibrational numbers were correct, I re-measured them, 170 and 200.

Then another email talked about another guru, I measured: personal vibration: 150, truth value of teachings: 100 … whoa… that is almost record low. Criminals have higher vibration. Politicians and their campaign promises have higher vibration.

I went over many of the gurus, criminal, ugly, low vibration, fake, sinister…

And then I got really sad. Heavy heart, droopy, like life is over.

It felt that I was grieving over the badness of the world… I even wanted to eat, though nowadays I don’t touch food till 2 pm.

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What if reality is malleable and Transformation proves Quantum Physics’ theory?

With the start of the new Playground group two weeks ago I am beginning to learn yet another wrinkles in human culture? psyche? that I hadn’t encountered before.

Not accidentally, I think, the people with that different world view, different thinking, are from different cultures…

Wrinkle #1: If my behavior makes me unhappy towards unpleasant or disagreeable things, what I need to do is change my behavior
Wrinkle #2: If what I am saying and how I am saying it is not reality, not real, then I must change what I am saying, but still say the same thing, but differently.
Wrinkle #3: If reality changed then what would also change is what is true! Oh no! Truth must remain truth! Baah!

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What pulls you out of your equilibrium? What makes you so angry that you can’t control yourself?

One of my students has fits of anger. Her life is going from anger to anger, with no chance for a break.

I could be condescending, I could be unsympathetic, or helpful, compassionate, but I find it more beneficial for everyone involved, including you, if I share with you what I have done.

As a rule, I use my own life, my own experiences, as a laboratory, a test laboratory, to shed light to what happens to people when they are angry, resistant, unwilling, or any one of the frequent ways of being.

I don’t choose what to deal with, and I don’t choose when to deal with it. In real laboratories they need to create life-like circumstances, and 90% of research money is spent on creating that, and 90% of errors come from the same source.

Instead, I use MY life, my experiences, but I look at them through the eyes of a researcher, with the tools of a researcher.

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