All posts by Sophie

Dark Side Part Three: 9 feelings and 9 thoughts… UPDATED

Dark Side Part 3

Showers, walks, drives are excellent times to feel, to allow things to come to you. A time or reflection, very meditative. It’s an emerging phenomenon, the mind is almost dormant.

I went for a walk this afternoon, and by not being busy, neither in body, nor in mind, I was able to observe that

The Dark Side cycles through 9 thoughts and 9 emotions.
You will get hooked by the ones you are pre-sensitized to.

For example, one of the emotions closely mimics heart pain moments before a heart attack.

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Dark Side Part 2 — critical thinking, observation

Like with anything below the obvious (where most people live their lives, maybe even you?) you need to remove the top layer, to see the next one.

This is exactly what happened today.

I shared with a friend, that if I could figure out what was going on during the 19 days that the Dark Side seemingly stopped broadcasting, I would know more about the Dark Side. Obvious… right? Maybe enough to start countering their influence…

I hung up with the friend and published part one of the Dark Side post, and then, boom, I had a revelation.

I have been watching and reading the stories of Sherlock Holmes. Until a few days ago I had never read any of the stories. Probably because the movies I had seen glimpses of, did not resonate with me.

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Can you grieve over the loss of something you never had?

It’s Saturday and I cancelled all my engagements so I can have some time to clear my head

And then… this persistent inner weeping came up… again.

I asked Source: do I have a reason to grieve? yes. did I lose something? yes. was it ever mine? no. was it love? yes.

So I have been grieving over the loss of something that was never mine, that I never had… so I could not have lost it… and I am grieving nevertheless.

so I ask Source: is that stupid? yes… was the answer.

But what is really happening? I say: the feelings meditations are doing their work.

I had anger for decades… now I have the grief… and when it’s gone I’ll have maybe sadness… and when that is gone, I’ll be free.
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You are always investing… Investing in things, investing in feelings, or investing in yourself

Some days I get a ton of offers for new marketing tools, and I get desirous… I want to buy, but then I ask Source: I muscle test if I should buy, and the answer is always “NO”.

So I have been pondering what guides Source…

What investment is useful and for what? Is getting more visitors to my site useful? Not really, the return on investment is fragile… Having more visitors to my site won’t forward my work, more visitors may put some pocket change in my pocket, but are they really interested in what I teach? Not that I can see…
Every minute of every day, every choice, ask the same question: is this for a temporary gain, or is this for a permanent gain. Is it for me, or is it for some circumstance I’d like?

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Did the Dark Side Get to you? Feeling Good or Feeling Bad

Your reactive nature and dark side attacks: how does it work?

Yesterday was an interesting day. I distinguished something new. It was all easier, because something happened that was unusual.

Within three minutes three separate orders came in for Heaven on Earth, my energy bundle to ease your emotional pain. At the same exact time I was doubling over with feeling horrible anguish and the desire to just disappear, die, whatever.

Almost the entire month of May I’d felt good. I was more productive than any other time in my life. I was clear, I was well.

Now, you may not have noticed, but the fact that you feel good is a non-event. You only notice that you felt good when something happens and suddenly you don’t feel good.

This is exactly what happened to me. I suddenly was plagued with anguish, extreme anguish, and when I muscle tested, it came from no one, but when I asked: Is this a Dark Side attack? The answer was Yes.

Holy crap, 19 days (I muscle tested) with no Dark Side attacks.

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Is life all it’s cracked up to be? Life owes you something: it is not fair!

If I asked you to observe your face without changing it first and without going to the mirror, could you do it?

One of the most useful things I have ever read, that if you use specific muscles in your face to produce a micro-expression, your emotions will follow.

I first heard something similar some 40 years ago: one of my co-workers got pregnant and she walked around with a smile on her face. I didn’t know I was an empath at the time, but I knew she was faking it. I knew that inside she wasn’t smiling. In fact she was sad. Why? I didn’t know her well, didn’t know her circumstances. Maybe she was disappointed, she had imagined her life different, and there it was, she was working full time, pregnant, and that wasn’t fair.

For some reason incongruencies like this stuck in my head, and kept me busy revisiting them. I spent time in front of the mirror trying to figure out what made those facial expressions a lie. I tried to feel the face and watch the feelings.

I didn’t know about micro-expressions, the tiny involuntary muscle contractions that last a split second but belie the real feelings masked by poker face, a smile, or whatever the mask is.

This discovery and this practicing, learning to feel my face became, as it turns out, a tool that has assisted me in identifying the “demons”, the lies, the pretenses in me. The beliefs that were killing my life.

One of these facial expressions is a very young face: corners of the mouth curve down, the area under the nose is tense, and the outside edges of the eye brow also turn down. Five muscles, if I am not mistaken.

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Commitment and consistency

Note: most of my articles are my inquiry to concerns or issues my readers have and share with me. I do the work, often through articles, or personal conversations, and then, when I am ready, I create an Avatar State audio, so it can be useful.
I don’t believe that my articles are any useful without the energetic support of the Avatar State audio/activator, because where you read from where you listen from is enemy territory: your mind.

On the other hand, combined with the audios, you can start hearing with your intelligence, and start doing the work. This is how I get my work done with you, reliably… not just mind stuff, not just understanding, but actual transformation.

Many people have a difficult time committing, let alone pursue their commitment persistently.

Let’s examine what’s there, so we can actually address that issue, and pull it up like a weed, so even these people can have a great life.

Commitment: what is it?

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Invisible dynamic: the concern, having your foot nailed to the floor

Do you get fixated on what’s wrong with you? With what’s wrong with the world? With what you want? With what should be?

Fixate or abdicate is the “normal” binary behavior. Neither behavior serves you… it serves the machine.

I woke up this morning with a start. I had a nightmare.

I was in some exam situation where I was slowly losing my ability to grasp anything. I could not follow the instructions, and then in a lecture I didn’t understand a word the instructor, a woman with a southern accent said.

Everybody laughed, she must have been funny, but I could not make more than a word here and there.

I cried. I cried to the instructor after the lecture, if that is what it was.

After I got up, I started to think how I would solve this problem in real life. It is actually true about me that I have difficulties with accent, that I have difficulties with fuzzy audio…

Then I sat down to work, and looked at my site, and it started to dawn on me that this was a “teaching/guidance” dream: I am leaving people in the dust.
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What is enlightenment? Are your gurus, sages, mystics enlightened?

What is enlightenment? Are the gurus, sages, mystics of the day enlightened? If their enlightenment were a sex organ, how much would they have to play with?

Enlightenment is a big word. It is a huge accomplishment.

Enlightenment is a way of being that is unburdened by the mind, the concerns society imposes on you. It is a simple way of being joy, rejoicing with life is the normal.

Just like with many other things in the domain of being, the nature of reality is such, that you can only see the tip of the iceberg of enlightenment.

We see the peacefulness of the person, the smile.

If is hard to tell if a person is peaceful as an act, carefully rehearsed, or the result of coming to peace.

But when I merge with their body, their feelings, their being, I can tell what the thin veneer is hiding: an unpeacefulness, that is often worse than yours.

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More Vibrational Reviews: Ralph Smart, Mashhur Anam, Elma Mayer, Braco, Carnelian Sage

Ralph Smart aka Infinite Waters
Personal vibration: 170
Truth value of message: 150

Mashhur Anam founder of Life Harmonized
Mashhur Anam is an alchemist of life transformation who is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years, curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness, have guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it.Personal vibration: 190 (re-measured on 9/12/13 and it dropped to 170)
Truth value of methods, teachings, tools: 150

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