All posts by Sophie

Soul Correction and sexuality

Soul Correction and sexuality

This topic is just beginning to emerge for me, so expect some changes, and wild turns, and summary statements reversed… but yet it is worth exploring, it is worth to take this winding road to discover the connection, and do some soul-searching as to what I really hold true, and also to meditate what the “Original Design” holds as ideal blueprint for a human… Big task, but I am up or it.

I am going to examine it through three soul correction archetypes, for now, Forget Thyself, (34) Soul Mates, (28) and Sexual Energy (35).

I am starting to see enough of these to be able to say something that may make a difference. I am also tempted to pull in “Speak Your Mind” (25)… we’ll see. Don’t hold your breath.

OK, let’s begin… big sigh, fear, oh, what the heck, the worst can ever be is the article won’t be publishable, lol.

OK, First let’s look what’s this sexual energy is… well, from its name it should be clear: it is an energy. It is a drive.

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12 Ways to Communicate by Roy H Williams

Every form of communication is composed of 12 basic ideas and each of these ideas, held singularly, is a separate channel of communication in the mind.

Like a jet lifting off the runway, these 12 concepts will accelerate and elevate your creative expression: speaking, writing, drawing, painting, persuading, acting, photography, sculpting, selling, singing, landscaping, interior decorating, inventing, filmmaking, engineering, and making music.

If I left out your favorite form of expression, just add it to the bottom of the list as you point the nose of your jet toward the sky.

Everything can be explained using these 12 languages of the mind, and each of the 12 can be expounded and expanded by the others.

Let us begin by defining a couple of terms.
Perception: a conscious awareness of a sensation and interpretation of sensations.
Communication: a successful transfer of perceptions to another person.

The impact of your communication is determined by your mastery of these 12 languages:

1. Numbers are a language of the mind.
Math is easier to learn when you think of it as a language. There are things that can be communicated in the language of numbers that can be said in no other language.

2. Color is a language of the mind.
Look at a color wheel. Pink and burgundy agree with red, but that entire family of color is contradicted by green. Add white to a color and you get a tint. Add black and you get a shade. Add grey and you get a tone. Colors, tints, shades, and tones communicate moods and attitudes. Color can be saturated to intensify – or desaturated to drain – a feeling.

3. Phonemes are a language of the mind.
Every spoken language is made of a specific number of sounds, and alphabets are constructed to represent those sounds. English is composed of 44 phonemes. The vowels of a language are its musical notes.1 The “stops” in English are the sounds represented by p, b, d, t, k, g. (Make those sounds in your mind; not the names of the letters, but the sounds the letters represent.) There are also labial, dental, fricative, and palatal phonemes. Obstruent phonemes give words a hard-edged, angular feel, like “taketa.” Sonorant phonemes give words a softer, feminine feel, like “naluma.”

4. Radiance is a language of the mind.
Outward radiance is energy expanding. Inward radiance is energy contracting. Hot and cold. Love and indifference. Dark and light. Dim light and shadows are sonorant. Bright light is obstruent. Likewise, pianissimo-soft is sonorant. Forte-loud is obstruent.

5. Shape is a language of the mind.
Angles are the obstruent phonemes of shape. Curves are sonorant.

6. Proximity is a language of the mind.
It speaks of the relationship of one thing to another. Large and small. Here and there. Left and right. Up and down. High and low. Near and far. Ahead or behind. Backward or forward. Absent or present. Complete or incomplete. Perspective, or angle of view, is another expression of proximity. Brother
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On Love, your work in life, on being guided, and trust. Quite personal…

Being guided by the soul is the most unsettling way of being guided.

You don’t know why you are guided where you are guided, what you are supposed to learn, so you learn what you can, and trust.

Trust is my soul correction, so it is more challenging to me than most anything. Not knowing is hard for me. I need to know. The context, the “to what end” missing is hard for me.

But I don’t mind hard. After all if you don’t trust that your soul correction is your work, then what are you going to trust?

Many people believe in some deity, some higher power, so they can just wonder through, bumble through life, unconsciously, because they hope that they will be always saved.

But when you only believe in yourself, when it is only you you can count on, when you know that mother/father/god isn’t coming to save the day, then you need to make some hard decisions, and decide what is important to you in life, and what isn’t.

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Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person

Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person

People can’t hear what you say, ever. They “hear” what they think you are saying. What you said went through a set of filters, stuff was taken away, stuff was added.

I, sometimes, get a comment here and there, that reflect it more than others. Mikolaj’s comment is an example: “She’s married and a mother right now, no hiding there, as far as I know. Why the ‘before’?”

The article she is commenting on is my second review of Teal Scott Bosworth. I revisited her, and found, for the second time, that her life-story that explains how come she is an indigo child, is a fabrication.

Now, she may be an indigo child, Source doesn’t seem to know about indigo children, so there you have it.

She may have special abilities that don’t show up for me, but what she doesn’t seem to have is the ability and the results she promises.

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Vibrational Reviews: no results, no energy, religious bs… oh well, no wonder these people are so miserable

Robert Scheinfeld,Anette Carlstrom,Joseph Michael Levry/ Gurunam,Harrison Klein,Jennifer McLean,Rudy Hunter,Santos Bonacci astrotheologian

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Unusual Healing Modalities

The Cleansing event went well. The energy was reasonably strong, and the feedback is that people felt the energy, felt their hands warm up, felt the nausea, so it showed people that something was happening.

Some people wrote to me that they are afraid to attend because they can’t afford to get the healing crisis in the middle of the week. I understand. I made sure that the duration of the energy in each position was really short.

The next call is on Monday, and I am wondering what will happen afterwards.

I am not particularly committed to the path of healer. Why? Because people that are interested in healers, or healing, are mostly people that have physical issues, and they want to fix them.

I like to be on the side of health, on the side of life, on the side of power.

I am not interested in fixing anything: Every solution is the beginning of a much bigger problem. This has been the story of life on earth… remember, the Holocaust was the Final Solution…

Regardless, let me impart some of the “solutions” I have met in the recent years, that I have tested, and at least for a while, found useful.

Continue reading…
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Vocabulary… Does any word added increase your vocabulary?

I have written about increasing your vocabulary, I have said it in coaching calls, I have been asking people to do what it takes, and the answer is… nothing.

One possible reason is that you don’t know what I mean.

I have two students, one of them ex… 🙁 who, while reading books, wrote down words with their meanings, and learned them like a second language.

I, myself, look up every word on my kindle when I read, I not, and then promptly forget the word. I have to look it up again the next time it comes up. And yet, I “sport” an ever growing vocabulary, that has gone from 1000 in 2011 to 5000 nowadays.

Makes no sense, does it? If I don’t learn new vocabulary words, then what do I do?
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Freddie Mercury, Anne, Me… About Death And Dying, About Shedding The False Self: A Series Of Small Deaths.

Freddie Mercury, Anne, Me… About Death And Dying, About Shedding The False Self: A Series Of Small Deaths.

I am not a pop music aficionado, but I went to check out Freddie Mercury because my horoscope by Rob Brezsny recommended that I be like him.
virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): As frontman of the band Queen, Virgo singer Freddie Mercury made use of his four-octave range with flamboyant showmanship and breathtaking technique. Many critics regard him as one of the greatest vocalists in the history of pop music. Freddie joked that he was perfect except for one glaring flaw: his overbite. Because he had four extra teeth in his upper mouth, his top jaw protruded. But he chose not to alter his appearance with surgery because he suspected it might change his singing voice in unpredictable ways. Is there a comparable situation in your own life, Virgo? A so-called imperfection that seems to be entwined with a beautiful asset? I urge you to be like Freddie. Accept the paradox — embrace it and celebrate it — and move on.
This is what I found: a beautiful person and an amazing story. I spent the next 3 hours listening and watching.

It turns out that I had heard the tunes, who knows where, maybe in movies? Especially one where he talks to Mom, captured my being. (Bohemian Rhapsody?)

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Encounters with a lion… you can remain fearless, and do nothing… like you should.

This is pretty much what this spiritual work is about: don’t try to change anything.

How to use the Avatar State audios? Don’t change anything. Just observe. Just bring awareness to the behavior, the feelings, the thoughts, the inclinations that are the focus of the activator.

Once you bring awareness to anything undesirable, it will go away by itself.

When you resist or want to change anything, it will go underground, and will run your life more powerfully than before… You won’t have any life left of your own at all.

Many of you are there… there is not much I can do for you.
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Vibrational Review: Teal Scott revisited: the question is: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?

I am getting requests to remove or change this article through legal services hired by Teal.

I am dumbfounded what about the article that does her wrong… Moshe Dayan famously said: I don’t care what people say about me, as long as they spell my name right it adds to my mystique…

So I have re-read this article, added some stuff… Updated her vibrational measure… whatever.

And given that she has made herself a Wikipedia entry, now I also know her date of birth, so I know that her soul correction is Sexual Energy… the energy I call on/off, and the attitude of the person I also call on/off… and the highest capacity to be personally offended… My younger brother has stopped talking to me because I dared to tell him what i thought about him… Cannot take the truth.

Read my newest article on Teal Scott, Teal Swan… Teal Scott revisited: Personal vibration: 150. I am asked, again and again: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?

190 thousand pages in two years, wow. If you put Teal Scott in quotation marks in your google search box, that is how many pages are by her and about her.

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