All posts by Sophie

Emotional breathing is one of the possible causes of your weight gain

Emotional breathing is one of the possible causes of your weight gain

Breathing should be controlled by your physiology, but because in “modern” man the mind has taken over most of your physiology, your hunger, your breathing, your sex, your breathing has also been controlled by your mind.

Mind contains your thoughts and your feelings. It is true that you have bodily feelings, just like any living being, but it is the mind that decides for you what they mean.

The mind is a meaning making machine. And lately its main, self-assumed function is to say if something is negative or positive.

Let me give you an example: you sit at your computer and you suddenly have a stab of pain on the right side of your chest.

Depending on your predisposition, your mind will decide what the pain “means” and then start dictating your actions.

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Process-conscious vs result-conscious… fulfillment every day vs one day someday

I have a brain that is a pattern seeking machine.

A pattern is when something is repeating, form, essence, pitch, sequence, day of the week, month of the year, etc… something that connects seemingly unconnected things together.

Seeing patterns can save lives, and animals living in the wild still have the capacity, but humans living in a comfortable world, have lost it… to their detriment.

Often the activity is called: connecting the dots… Even if Steve Jobs says: it is only possible to connect the dots backwards. He talks about different dots… he talks about the cause and effect type of dots, not the patterns.
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How is mindfulness meditation different than other kinds of meditations – a Quora question I answered

I sometimes participate in Quora, by answering questions. I like to be challenged, it is the spice of life, and I enjoy being forced to think, solve problems, get out of my little box.

I don’t enjoy reading the answers of others, though it gives me a cross section of what so called intellectuals think and teach and live… Sad story.

I thought you would enjoy reading my answer:
Mindfulness meditation is, in fact, an oxymoron of some kind. Meditation’s purpose is to lead you away from the mind. But the reason some people use this expression, because what they want to say “awareness meditation” and they don’t understand that awareness is not a mind-function, awareness is a consciousness function. Awareness is bigger than the mind, and it is also bigger than you.

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New: Get SPECIFIC instructions on how to get the most out of your Avatar State Audios

New: Get SPECIFIC instructions on how to get the most out of your Avatar State Audios

People have been using the Avatar State Activator Audios with great success. But if the feedback rate is any indication, not everyone knows how to mine the gold in those activators, and instead of getting the amazing results I promise, they get only some results. Not bad, but not what they intended.

As I was re-listening my call with a student last Sunday, I realized that even my experienced old-timers need help. They need more clarification, more distinction, than they can come up with themselves.

So I decided to create a video/audio instruction for every activator, and I will make it available for purchase.

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In preparation to the ‘bad feelings’ guidance mediation

The small thinker (who should not buy anything from me anyway) will hate the idea that the results are entirely up to them. The bigger thinker will likely love it.
Bad feelings and Bach energies… what is the connection?
Before you can heal something: you have to feel it. Consciously.
But it feels bad! you cry and you are right. It does.
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Get out of your mind and take control of your life

Getting out of the mind is easy to do, hard to teach…
Mainly because the words are misleading: you don’t want to control your mind, you can’t. You want to control and direct your attention. Your mind is not controllable… But your attention is.

Once you get the hang of it… have an experience outside of your mind, life starts to open up.

The trick is not to try to change your thoughts… that would still trap you in the mind. Or change your fear… or change your desire… or change anything.

What works is to take your attention off the mind and put it on something, anything, in the present. My favorite is to download the Heaven on Earth and follow the path of the energy bundle through the 40 stops. It goes slowly, and it does work on all the 40 locations in the body: removing blockages, one after the other. I don’t remember where I teach the stops… so I may have to recreate it… I’ll add it to this post. Email me if you want it.

Another way to move your attention off the mind is to do the “find your feet” exercise… search the site to find it… I share it in some other article.

A third way is to start examining minutely your hand… you can even do that while you talk to someone, or listen to a lecture…
What is wrong with the mind-control type of teachings?

the mind-control teachings, the teachings that say: control your mind? After all they say that if you can control your mind, you can achieve anything…
And the Law of Attraction teachers/fans say: if you hold the image in your mind, and hold onto it long enough, it will happen…
And the Positive Thinking people say: if you can turn everything into its opposite, or just avoid saying anything negative, you’ll be happy, and blah blah blah…

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Whole Body Cleansing Energetically

I had a breakthrough this morning. Until now I’d thought that the energetic cleansing would only work for the few areas I have mentioned before, the brain, the sinuses, the ears, the liver and the pancreas.

But an unexpected event triggered me to test cleansing other areas, and it worked.

My friend down south experiencing a new dull foggy pain in his forehead. I ‘looked’ at it and it’s a slight calcification of an artery in front of the brain, caused by his smoking.

By the way, there is no more intimate being with someone than actually being in his body, feeling what he feels, good, bad, indifferent… very weird. We’ve been friends for 6 years, this was the first time.

He is signed up for the Cleansing Event on the 16th, but I decided to give him a cleansing today. Muscle testing said that I can help with that calcification, and it is all in a day’s work… lol

Only after about 90 seconds of the brain cleansing there were enough toxins raining from his brain that I had to move to the liver and it needed three cleansings… lots of toxins.

In the background I could hear his wife coughing… she is also a smoker and her lungs are shot.

Continue reading…
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Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water

Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bill Wernet, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water, Wilhelm Reich,Orgone energy

I see people searching for “bovis energy scale” “bovis scale water” on the site, and I get intensely curious.

I used to buy my water-energizing products from Sante in Florida, until the store defaulted with a large order and the money held back.

I looked for the “real” owner, Bill Wernet (vibration: 210), who was 90 years old a few years ago when I contacted him by phone.

He “owned” Sante Water’s method of turning purified water into energized water. At the time I didn’t find anything that would explain how to do that, though, based on today’s experience, I think I was asking the wrong questions… oh well, don’t you recognize yourself? Asking by the Tree of Knowledge.

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Addicted to anxiety, anger, shame, grief, fear, anguish? Here is your remedy…

I am sitting here. My insides are in turbulence. My shoulders are stiff. I am playing Freecell, which is a computer card game, if you didn’t know.

I suddenly have a doubt flash through my being: do I feel tense or tenser because of playing this game? I muscle test it. The answer is a strong Yes.

And this is what this article is about: how you are used to go a level of tension, to a level of anxiety, a level of trepidation, and then you’ll find a way to adjust your environment to raise your anxiety level to the level you are addicted to.

In my case, this is definitely so, but there is another aspect, and I ask my empaths and sensitives, to please listen up: when you are feeling anxiety that you have no reason to feel: you’ll create a reason for it.

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