All posts by Sophie

Interesting new vibrational reviews, Carlos Castaneda, Mantak Chia, and some pseudonames

Machaelle Small Wright author of “Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered” First off, when I asked to connect to Machaella, there was no such person. Then I asked to connect to the author of the book above, and then I connected. The author seems to be a man. WTF? This has never happened to me… personal vibration: 180. Truth value: 170. The whole ouvre vibration: 200

Mantak Chia is a Taoist Master. He is best known for his teaching Taoist practices under the names of Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System and Qigong. Personal vibration: 240. Deep seated fear

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Postponement: are you guilty of it?

When I think about procrastination, I limit my thinking to stuff that I don’t do that has to be done, should be done.

Today I saw another category of stuff, that I didn’t know it was procrastination, because that is the below the water level of stuff I don’t do: postponement.

I am playing the Avatar Audio in the background, now 24/7. To my surprise, the water level seems to go down and more of the hidden stuff emerges.

You can’t catch what you don’t see… and I am seeing stuff I have never seen before, or if I have, just glimpses, you know the kind that you even wonder if you saw anything at all, or if it was a dream.

I am planning to move in a few months, and this is a great opportunity (albeit unpleasant!) to look at the stuff that has been neglected, postponed, not dealt with, swept under the rug, treated as if it didn’t matter or didn’t exist.

It is very un-guru-like, very not Avatar-like to have heaps of stuff swept under the rug, but truth is truth, and that is what I am starting to see.

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Duality: is that the trouble with the Universe, or the nature of the Universe?

I have been attracting new people, a new breed of people, people that have been on the spiritual path. They litter their emails and their speakings with generalities and rules that they learned from their teachers and gurus, one-ness, duality, acceptance, etc.

The teaching that I want to talk about in this article is the concept that duality is wrong, and we are all one.
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Vibrational Reviews: Lola Jones, Kimberly McGeorge, and more

Lola Jones (DivineOpenings). Personal vibration: 200; truth value of teachings: 200Update 1/7/2015: Personal vibration: 170. Truth value of teachings: 1%… meaning: 99% is either b.s. or Tree of Knowledge.A reader asked about the 5-day silent retreat: here is what I found: vibration of the retreat: 140.  It is a nice way to spend five days, but the results are non-existent and non-lasting. Why? because the person and who she attracts are not really interested in doing the real work, and don’t have high enough vibration to do the real work.Enough said.
Dr. Kimberly McGeorge, ND, CNH – Access Consciousness …personal vibration: 170

Brent Phillips THETA healing using the muscles and mind. personal vibration: 180

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Reading… Connecting the dots… why can’t you?

Why is it that in spite of all the reading, all the studying, all the classes you take, you are not amounting to much, to as much as you feel you should have earned?

And no matter how many people suggest that reading a book a week is good for you… it may do nothing for you… I have seen that with my students… and while writing yesterday’s article, the “April 1… joy-full life” article, I saw it again.

The way you do things, the way you read, learn, etc. doesn’t create connections between the things you see, the things you learn, the things you read.

When we talk, maybe you can connect the dots, i.e. you are capable of integration: seeing that two seemingly disparate concepts connect, they are part of the same thing, or they are in fact the same thing.

But only when I point it out to you.
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Meditation: What is it and why is it useful?


I wrote this article a year and a half ago. I never published it, but I will, now. Why? Because I have a lot more insight about meditation I can share, and because I offered a famous marketer to teach him meditation, and he hasn’t even bothered to answer my email.

I write many of my articles as a way to poke the Universe for answers, as a way to force my intelligence into gear.

What is meditation and what is the role of meditation?
Quoting from Wikipedia: Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself
I will examine this question as a non-meditator who has tried to meditate and failed.

I am not against meditation. Meditation as a tool, to allow all knowledge to reach you, past the noise of all there is, distinguished as knowledge beyond your own, is invaluable.

I have been quasi meditating the past day or so… the questions I am meditating over are

1. whether God is a sentient being
2. whether the “law” of attraction, the law that says that you can earn something coming to you

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More on instant healing and instant transformation, The Avatar, and frogs that want to become princes

When you look deep into yourself, you will find that at heart you are still an infant crying for the bottle. Friedrich Nietzsche called it “infantile will to power”, magical thinking that gives you the role of wanting, wishing, crying for, and gives the role to everyone around you to respond and give you what you want.

The Universe is based on the principle that no one has the right to sacrifice their need, their life, for the need or the life of another. Sacrifice is the kind of “deal” where one gets everything and the other gets nothing. No Universe, no planet, no country, no community, no family can be healthy if even just one person is willing to sacrifice themselves for another.

This is the main reason the Planet is out of balance, because the governing thought, the though of religion, new age, etc. promoted self-sacrifice pretending that good is that.

For the self-sacrificial cycle to come to be, there needs to be a value that is higher than human being, and that is NEED. Need cried, promoted as right to take from another, to suck away from another, is the fundamental motive power of a society of moochers and looters.

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Does thinking about something bring that thing about? Or what mistake the Law of Attraction people make that makes what they do fraud?

Warning: lots of footnotes in this article, don’t miss them!

The simple answer to the question: “Does thinking about something bring that thing about?” is no it doesn’t. But it is not for the reason you think. It is because thinking about does not connect you to what you are thinking about.

Attention does.

They say in business: whatever you give your attention to, whatever you measure will grow.

What is attention? Where does it come from? What is the nature of attention?

Attention is one distinct aspect of a human being. It is not mind, it is not eyes, it is not intention, not visualization, not thinking about, not even thinking. The starting point of attention, emphatically located, is in the backside of the eyes, or thereabout.

Attention is much like a search light, a narrow beam search light. It has a direction, but, unlike search light, it has power. It is able to move your Self to what it directs itself to. This is my interpretation, not necessarily the Truth, but darn close to it. The Self can move with the attention into the object of the attention, like an energy.

You can’t be casual and move your attention. You can’t be thinking about stuff and move your attention at the same time. You can’t worry and move your attention to anything other than your worry. You need to be clear to move your attention.

When you actually move your attention you will notice that you put power behind it.

Multi-tasking reduces your effectiveness and intelligence because you are trying to move the narrow-beam attention from one thing to another and back, oscillating between two or three things.

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