All posts by Sophie

Winning and keeping love – Valentine’s Day Special

In my work with people we look at the hidden stuff that actually determines you life. We are looking th ways you have fragmented your self, to the point that today you have only about 7% of your real self available, and the rest of the virtual self is a pretense.

And as with all pretense, you have to protect it from being seen as a pretense, you have to hold it together.

In the est training they used to say: you have your s-h-i-t together. That is exactly what you have together, your s-h-i-t, or as I say, your virtual personae, a different one for each circumstance. No wonder that you have no idea who you are, and what is the purpose of your life.

The personae you put together may look good, but doesn’t feel good: it’s a costume, it’s a mask. You are wearing it because deep down you don’t believe that you are good, that you are lovable, so you feel that you must.

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More Victor Frankl Videos

Clips from the Victor Frankl Archives
To most people Viktor Frankl is known as author of “Man’s Search for Meaning” and the founder of Logotherapy. But beyond these two aspects of his person and life, Frankl was also known as a philosopher, thinker and close observer of behavior of individuals and behaviors and trends of society. He did not refrain from commenting on problems of larger scale and contexts outside the field of psychotherapy. Some called him a “wise old man”, some critizised him. His precise perception allowed him to spot problems concerning modern day society and he felt obliged to comment on them, as they often formed the fertile ground on which many neuroses would blossom. On this webpage you can experience a variety of original comments Frankl made throughout the years on TV and in lecture halls. Enjoy…

NEW THEORY … approx. 1963 [2:08]
TV interview on one of Frankl’s early lecture tours in the USA.

Lecture, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX. Frankl on ideas and ideals, depth- and “height-psychology”. Here is his much cited closing statement in which he reminds the American audience of the close ties between freedom and responsibility…

One of the rare appearances of Frankl together with Jerry Long. Mr. Long, paralysed from neck down after a diving accident at age 17, wrote to Dr. Frankl the lines “I broke my neck, but it did not break me.” Long became a psychologist despite his severe handicap. He died in 2004.

Frankl discusses the differences between logotherapy and the views of french existentialists Sartre and Camus.

One of Frankls main topics in the 1960s. When teaching at Harvard University in 1961, he was among few who opposed the experimental use of LSD proposed by Dr. Timothy Leary, stating that “freedom is only one side of a phenomenon whose other side is responsibility”. (California 1968)

Can one believe in god after Ausschwitz? Frankl´s view differed from that of many within his religious community, often sparking emotions and controversy. An rare recording, where he points out his position very clearl
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Talk Back To Me: Why and how do the harmonizing (Avatar State) audios work?

Question: You say: “Eliminate procrastination, discover your hidden self, Increase your awareness, discover your ability to think, see the big picture, activate your intuition, keep calm under pressure…”

Promises, promises, promises? Just by playing an audio in the background?! Is this a fraud? Or is this true?

And if it works, why does it work? How does it work? Please explain…

Answer: You may have heard about binaural beats. You may have heard about Holosync Technologies.

These two work through your auditory faculties. You need to hear them for these programs to work. Their similarity extends another step: they actually scramble your brain, so the status quo, the set way of thinking, the same old, same old gets stirred up.

If I could bring an analogy: You have your lawn overgrown. You get out your lawn mower and cut your grass. When you look afterwards, at the base of the grass, you see tiny little plants grow with tiny little flowers. Suddenly these little flowers get a chance to get a little sun, for a little while, until the grass grows and start suffocating them again.

Those little flowers represent the unused faculties of creativity, intelligence, courage, purposefulness, etc. When, by using these programs, your usual set-in-your-way thinking gets mowed off, something new can present itself, something that was suppressed before.

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There Is No Such Thing As “Instant Healing”

There is no such thing as “instant healing”. “Instant healing” is the tool of the looters and the drug of the moochers.

If we compared you to a house with its architecture, rooms, utilities, equipment, furniture, wall-paint, etc. we would be able to see a lot of the hokiness and untruths that are being disseminated today by the looters, and believed greedily by the moochers. You. No offense, just stating the facts. Moocher and looter are distinctions, objective and well-defined, and unless you get offended by the truth, you won’t get offended.

If you are here because you have an honest desire to have a life worth living and to have a body working for you, not against you, you may want to relent your rigid standards as to what is true, and what is nice, and how it all works. What got you where you are is all those hoky truths, your standards and ideals, so let’s put a question mark to all that, and let’s question it all, OK?

I am working with the analogy of a house, because we all can relate to that.

The question I am going to deal with, mainly, in this article, is “instant healing,” but all I say will also apply to everything in life, your emotional well being, your career, your relationships, your whole life.

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Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?

Each of these is a distinction, moocher, looter, producer. Your belonging to one of these categories can be considered a sliding scale or a pregnant/not pregnant absolute, depending on your capacity to look at existence and not feel compelled to lie.

Mooching and looting is being on the side of Death. But let us not jump ahead.

How do you find out if you are a moocher or a looter?

If you are a moocher then your vocabulary, inner or outer, will give you away.

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The almost magical cure for procrastination

Finally, an almost magical cure for procrastination
When you have something to do but you don’t do it, your life starts going in a tail-spin, heading towards the rocks. It seems that what there is to do is so terrifying, so painful, so unbearable, that even ending up on the rocks is better.

If you are a procrastinator, your motive power is to avoid death, instead of loving life.

When you actually do the stuff you’ve been putting off, it always turns out that it is not that horrible. And, although you would think that next time it will be easier, you’ll find out that next time it’s even harder, even though you’ll remember that it wasn’t a big deal.

Why is that? It’s a vibrational issue. You’ve gone over to the side of Death…

It is much like being cold, trying to stay warm, trying to pull every energy inwards, and not move. Counter productive, counter intuitive, and yet, we all do it, in one area or another.

Just like to ward off the cold moving your muscles works, you warm yourself up, and the issue disappear, in the case of a procrastination, with the feared item, feared issue, feared opponent, taking action will disappear the issue… but the inner logic is set wrong, and somehow only an emergency, a direct threat to your life can flip it, throw the switch for you, and you seem to have no power, you wait until the threat is big enough.

Until now nothing worked. Until now you have tried will power, tricking yourself, but nothing really worked. Until now, that is.

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What is the Truth? And how do you go about deciding it?

If you’ve been following my vibrational reviews, you’ve probably experienced confusion, fear, anguish seeing that most gurus, most people, in fact, have a low vibration.

Vibration is not your energy, or not really. Vibration is a number that shows to what degree you are in truth.

What is truth? Truth is Existence. Truth is how it is. That A is A… no contradiction, not a good idea, not because someone said so, but because it is. Always.

The higher your vibration, the more you are in harmony with life, your thinking, your emotions, your reactions, your reality is in sync with how it is, really.

When your vibration is low, you are seeing only a small fragment of the truth, therefore you are powerless with reality. No matter what you do in unreality, it will never make a difference in reality.

Unreality is where The Man of La Mancha lived: he fought windmills, thinking they were giants. He rescued a princess who was not a princess at all and didn’t need rescuing.

It can be funny, and it can be tragic, when you are living in unreality. Funny for others, tragic for you.

How the heck did you end up spending your precious life dealing with unreality, you ask?

The answer is simple: you were brought up by people who also dealt in unreality. They taught you what they “knew” and they knew only unreality. They were miserable too.

When did it begin? I think it began at the beginning of time.

But the significant damage started to be engineered by the people of religion.

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The non-linear process of growth to a life well lived

I watched a Hungarian video yesterday on the kids who can see auras, and such… and first I felt upset, then confused, and then, by today, after I finished this article, I was clear: so what?

Every ability, every capability, ordinary or not, is only as useful as it will make you live a life worth living… but what is the usefulness of thousands of kids seeing auras… really! So what? That is their accomplishment?

Just like being an empath, seeing is a curse as much as a gift… the difference between the two is what you are going to do with it… None of the future is self-explanatory, or simple… you have a tool… but you still have to become “a human being” if you want to be happy and live well.

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Despair to get money fast, to pay the rent, to make ends meet, to get out of a bad situation?

Do you know that feeling of utter powerlessness when you don’t know how you are going to meet your obligations, like paying your rent, or feeding yourself or your family?

That feeling seems to come from reality, right? That feeling seems to be totally justified and an exact match to how you should feel, given what is the truth about life, your life, your circumstances especially, right?

What would you say if I told you that the feeling and the actions consistent with it, scrambling or non-action, are based on an unreality? Would you say I was crazy? Would you say I was delusional? Would you say that maybe in my case this could be true but not in yours?

I sympathize. I understand. I was just like you most of my life, and even today I am hovering on the border of being like you and being different.

Different how? You ask… good question. Well, for one, when the world seems to be tumbling down on me, I now have the wherewithal (a fancy word for capacity, lol. exact meaning: The money or other means needed for a particular purpose.) to stay put and look and think. Thinking in emergency situations, thinking when in trouble, used to be my Achilles heel. Why? Because the saying: ’emotions up, intelligence down,’ are very true, for everyone.

Unless you can regain or maintain your calm, and stay collected and intelligent under pressure, you are roadkill…

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Detoxifying your body: the first step to clarity, energy and happiness

Everybody knows that detoxifying your body is important. Everybody knows, but very few people ever do it, or do it in earnest. That includes me… lol

There is a 30-day program by Dr Schulze that is good, it cost over 300 bucks, and for 30-days you have to be on an all raw diet. It produces miracles, except…

I can’t do it. I would die on a raw diet: I can’t tolerate more than 4 types of vegetables because of the fructose content.

Monica could not do a raw program successfully, instead she got seriously ill, it took me almost six weeks to fix what the raw diet screwed up.

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