All posts by Sophie

What could you learn in the Self-Healing Course?

What will I teach in the Self-Healing Course?

As far as I can see, your well-being suffers most from what you hold as true. And what you hold as true comes from three sources:

1. your body’s wisdom of the ages, this is true, but being interpreted by the mind… so
2. your infinite wisdom from the vantage point of the limited perspective of the human mind… mostly wrong
3. information you hear or read

At this day and age, all of our signals are crossed, and cannot trust anything.

I will give you and example: if I asked you what sweet cravings mean, you would tell me the party line, or one version of it

1. you are addicted to sweets
2. you should eat something sweet… your body tells you

What you don’t know is that the taste buds on your tongue developed long long time ago, and they guided to you eat what your body needed very reliably. At that time, humans were hunters and gatherers, not like monkies, not living in trees, living mostly on the planes where they had more advantage given their body… and the tools they used to kill.

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The starting point measurements

1. your vibration (1-1000):
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.:
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have:
4. your soul correction (your machine):
5. do you have attachments?
6. the level of your health: %
7. the level of your cell hydration: %
8. your relationship to feedback and instruction:
9. The level of discomfort you are willing to allow w/o trying to fix it. This is your TLB score…
10. The size of your your accurate and active vocabulary: the % of words you use accurately:: %
11. Your about-me score, also the inverted number of humility: %
12. Self-awareness: %
13. Ambition: %
14. Desire: %
15. Degree of inauthenticity/pretense self overall: %
16. Level of integrity 1-100, the relationship between you and you: %
17. how enslaved are you to the Tree of Knowledge? (what percentage of your life is run by memes/untruth?) %
18. do you have a bridge between your precious “I”, who you should be and your actual I? What is your level of delusion %
19. To what degree you have access to your adult capacities %
20. How teachable/how coachable are you? %
21. The level of your overall awareness? %
23. the percentage of time you spend in the mind: %
24. the percentage of input that gets through to you. %
25. How inspired can you become? And what level are you now
26. To what degree you honor your emotions as reality? %
27. What is your cone of vision in percentage of the visible? this tells me whether you can connect the dots… %
28. How much control do you have over your attention? %
29. How many predatory genes do you have?
30. Do you have enough energy to do the work?
31. How lucid are you? i.e. how present, how conscious are you? How much of your intelligence is used in life? %
32. How many pieces of information can your brain hold at the same time?
33. On the flexible-rigid continuum, where are you standing? % rigid
34. Your astuteness measure compared to what YOU can be. %
35. Where are you on the narcissistic scale? %
35. Your curiosity factor %
36. Your little sh*t score %
37. Can you let go of self-concern?
38. Do you have a should or shouldn’t racket?
39. Your motive power (How miserable are you and to what degree you consider it unbearable? % (the higher the number the more motivation [motive power] you have to grow) 30% is the minimum to grow
40. Can you plan long range?
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Your cone of vision

What does cone of vision have to do with anything?
Unfortunately for homo sapiens it has to do with everything.

If you can only see strictly what is inside your focus, you are vulnerable, because what you are not seeing can kill you, steal your lunch, or as in projects, life, business, won’t be taken care of.

If your about-me score is high, i.e. your humility is low, inside the small circle of your narrow cone of vision, you will have a hard time to see anything other than your self-concern, your mind-knowledge… virtually nothing of reality… so you are as good as dead.

It takes conscious effort to open your cone of vision and see wider and see deeper. And as long as you don’t… because you don’t even know that there is something to see, your effectiveness in life is going to be low.

This topic comes up in many of my articles… go here to read some
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What if it is unlikely that you can become the best version of you? Is it still worth going for it?

Something I just read made me get up from bed and come back to my computer. It is something I have almost forgotten… even though it was one of the most important things I have ever learned.
It is: instead of fighting the bad, grow the good.
Of course, some of the principles we live by become invisible… this is one of those.

It’s not my invention. In fact the two wolves the Indian (Native American) tale speaks of, use exactly this principle: feed the good in you.

But the way it was worded in the book I just read was more profound. It says: Let me grow more of the good myself so the bad is less of me.
I didn’t need to kill the iceman (in me). I didn’t even need to fight him. I just needed to make more of myself, so that he would be less of me.

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How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

I have been working on the project of doubling my income by adding a new revenue source.

This article is my private process. I wrote it to document how I got myself over the hump. To clarify some things. To get unstuck. And to be able to do it again and again.

At some spots it’s sketchy… it is my process and it has fulfilled its purpose: I have gained the clarity from doing it, the clarity that will help me to get to over the next hump when I want to or need to do it again… because that is how life works.

If life is smooth sailing, then you are not growing. Then you are not challenging yourself. Then you are most likely going down on a greased chute.
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New! Revolutionary Self-Healing Course Puts The Power To Heal In Your Hands

Maria of Toronto says: “My nausea was unbearable. Anything I ate bothered me… I was making the rounds to doctors, and they could not find anything wrong with me. In my desperation I came to a “Healing Call.” I didn’t believe much in the hocus pocus of distance healers, but I owed it to myself to at least try. On the call, the “healer” Sophie said that I had some obstruction in her gall bladder and instructed some energy, the Unbreakable to squeeze it out. After about 5 minutes Sophie said that gall stone was done. I didn’t feel anything, but the nausea disappeared to not come back for seven months, a couple of days ago.

This time I knew what to do, and went to the Healing Call again… Lo and behold, my gall stone was back, but removed again. I am well now. And have signed up to the February Self-Healing Course to learn to to heal myself. I am sure that cleansing my liver at least once a week will take care of my tendency for a gall-stone.”

Michael from Alabama, one user of this course said: “Last summer I was feeling light-headed and low energy. I went to the doctor and found out that my blood pressure was very high. I was put on blood pressure medication, which made me even weaker, and I completely lost my ability to perform my duties as a husband… I came to a Healing Call as a last resort.

Sophie recommended the Heaven on Earth, saying that the high blood pressure was due to my habit of not breathing. My anxiety made it hard to breathe. I started to take the Heaven on Earth, come to a few Healing Calls, and my blood pressure went back to normal. My performance ability is back and I trust that as long as I use the techniques I learned in the Healing Course and take my Heaven on Earth, I will be fine.”

In this day and age of questionable quality food and water, anxiety and other worries, staying healthy or getting well is a big challenge. Challenge financially. Challenge because it is hard to know what works, what doesn’t. It is hard to know who to trust, what to trust. It is hard to know what to eat, what to take… But this course puts the power back into your own hands: you can heal yourself, and you can do it anytime, anyplace. Hundreds of participants are doing it and doing it successfully.

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The Nature of Reality: Glimpses, reality, filters: why is the world the way world is… different for different people?

I had a rare glimpse at the nature of reality today.

It’s been happening quite some time, but I could never catch the why of it…

Imagine the scenario: you are playing a card game with 52 cards. No one is there to move the cards, just you, and you don’t cheat.

You get to a point where you are clear that you lost the game. So you go and make yourself a cup of tea, go to the bathroom, answer the phone… whatever.

About 10 minutes later you come back and look at the game. Before you close it, you just want to look at it again. And miracle: you suddenly see a way that, in three more steps, instead of losing, you’ll win this game.

You suspect divine intervention. You suspect miracle… but what happened, really? What is the “real” nature of reality?

Ever since I started to run the Harmonize Your Vibration audio in the background, I’ve been having miracles like this happen, several times a day… but this time I caught the “what happened” part, for the first time.

I caught the thoughts “it’s impossible…” and “I can’t…”

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The Self-Healing Course: I am getting a lot of questions about it

The first Self-Healing Course is starting on February 5. That’s a Tuesday.

So far the people who signed up are the people who know and trust me: students that have done courses with me. Interesting, especially considering that about half of the regular readers of this site came searching for information on the Healing Codes, and roughly the other half came searching for information on Christie Marie Sheldon. So, I assumed that they were interested in healing… we shall see.

Here is some hype-free information:

1. You need to learn to connect two different ways to be able to use Source Energies to heal. This training alone is worth the price. Why? Because anything that you do while connected, actually starts to work. Theta Healing, The Healing Codes, Reiki… add your own favorite healing modality here. Even chiropractors do ten times better work if they connect while they do their job.

I write faster and better articles or copy. I cook better meals. I coach a lot more effectively.

I hear that sex is incomparably better while connected… I have not tried that, sorry. You have to believe the hearsay…

You cannot muscle-test and trust your results unless you are connected while doing the muscle testing.

Enough reasons for learning to connect?

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The two hemispheres of the brain and spirituality… what is your life experience?

The scenic route of getting some teaching, and making it your own nurturing, life affirming tree of life knowledge

I want to share a phenomenon, that, hopefully, will get clearer as I am sharing it… At the moment I can only see its visible aspect… I am almost certain it has an invisible aspect as well.

I read about three hours a day. Something that isn’t connected to my work: fiction.

But recently I have taken on a 20-day challenge: listen to 20 episodes of a Hungarian psychologist, Dr. Peter Popper, in his Mesterkurzus (master course) series, an hour long each.

Excellent, fascinating, the dude is both a psychologist, an university professor, a clinician, AND a religion expert… whatever that means.
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On Breathing: difficulty breathing, pressure in the chest, holding your breath, etc… how the harmonize works

I have started a brand new thread on breathing. Why?

It seems that all our emotional issues first manifest themselves in the difficulty of breathing, and only after a period of that will the physical issues of stomach trouble, heart trouble, cancers of all kinds will start to show up as a result of the blockage of the breath.

I have known, for some time, that I am supposed to help, but my tools were imperfect: if the blockage of the breath came from a single feeling, like simple reactive anxiety, or simple reactive fear, or worry, or impatience, or a moment of shame or guilt… the Heaven on Earth worked miracles.

On the other hand, until recently, when the blockage came from an attitude, a fixed attitude, the Heaven on Earth did not help, whether you got it in drops or in energy format directly from me on a call.

Until recently, I said, because the Harmonize Your Vibration (used to be called Harmonize The Planet) audio has changed it all. It seems to shake the status quo and dislodge those long-stuck fixed attitudes, and people are able to move in areas where they were stuck.

One result I saw, with myself, is that I have started to walk the hill again after I started to play the audio, and now I am up to five times a week… I wasn’t willing to walk for about five years prior to that, so this is a big deal.

Anyway, I wrote an article on that new thread, check it out… or you are not into reading more, but want to attack your discomfort in life at the root, get the Harmonize your Vibration audio: it harmonizes your vibration to mine…
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