All posts by Sophie

Path To Enlightenment: If You Wanted To Make One Resolution: I Recommend Eliminating Drama

Drama is a human phenomenon. Animals, trees, don’t know drama. Nature doesn’t know drama. Existence doesn’t know drama.

Drama is the result of ego-mind.

If you closed your eyes, and managed, for a moment, pulling your attention back from the future, and pulling your attention back from the past, you would get to a space, I call existence. Existence is not part of the time/space continuum, existence is part of the beyond.

You’ll notice that you didn’t have to go to it, you only had to leave the unreality of the past and the unreality of the future.

There is a movie trick where suddenly the darkness, the drama, the danger, the night is replaced with flowering trees, birds singing, and yet, there is a silence.

One of the best examples, and maybe the shortest, is the video on meditation below. Observe how the drama, high drama, turns into the most beautiful scene of serenity… It is possible for you.

All thoughts come from the unreality. The past and the future.

Thoughts come from the ego-mind.

Mind is a storage device, much like the hard drive of a computer. Most of the stuff there is garbage. Stored away, unexamined. Everything and their opposite is there. It is slow, clunky, by the time it reacts you missed the now moment.

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Path To Enlightenment: What Is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is not a place to get to: it is a state, it is a relationship to existence, that exists outside of duality, outside of right and wrong, outside of time, outside of comparison and outside of competition.

In spite of what everyone says, enlightenment is not something that you arrive to and then you are set for life.

I have entered the Buddha yesterday to feel him, and experienced an 80% on 20% off state: to stay in the ego-less state where even the observer, the witness disappears takes work. It takes returning to the present moment again and again and again.

In one of my favorite tales about the Buddha, a man, angry at the Buddha, screamed at him, spit on him. The Buddha’s disciples wanted to teach the intruder a lesson, but the Buddha stopped them.

The attacker left and the disciples expressed amazement at the Buddha’s ability to not get upset, to be totally egoless.

He said, that being egoless is like a light-bulb (obviously he used another way to explain, but I don’t remember what he used exactly… there was no electricity at that time, 3500 years ago, lol). The light bulb seems to be lit all the time. But if you looked at it in a time-lapse movie, you would see that the light is interrupted with brief moments of no light: continuous light is an optical illusion. And so is ego-lessness.

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Your Dark Side: Desire To Receive For The Self Alone, Cutting Your Nose In Spite Of Your Face

All religions are against selfishness. All parents, all people tell you that you are a better person if you are about others rather than being about you.

The problem with this universally accepted principle is that we actually don’t know what we are talking about. It seems that what we are asked is to be selfless, to give up our selves, our self-interest.
Selfless can mean two things, both are a crime, a sin , a horrible thing giving you a horrible life:

1. We now have and know no self. This is a widespread phenomenon in this day and age, and I was a victim of this phenomenon for many decades.

I literally did not know what I liked, what I wanted, what turned me on, what floated my boat, what I was excited about, what would have I wanted.

I knew fairly well what I didn’t like, but just like with everything, there are a thousand ways to miss the bulls eye, but only one way to hit it.
Knowing who you are, what you want, what turns you on, what ticks you off, what your preferences are, what your values are is mandatory, if you want to be on the path to become a human being.
Without that you are just unconscious sheep.

2. Giving up your own life, on your own life, on your own interest, on your own enjoyment, on your own fulfillment… for others’ life, interest, enjoyment, fulfillment, whatever…

You cannot be a human being giving away your own life: it is against your nature, you are suppressing your nature, and anything suppressed will get its due: you either will go crazy, sick, or raging angry at the most inopportune times.

It is only your ego, the one that says: “but I am good…” enjoys it.
Human Being, (not just by looks and physiology, but by consciousness,) a Human Being, takes 100% responsibility for his physiology, for his needs, and takes care of those, without abusing anyone, without taking away anything that belongs to someone else.
A real Human Being does not suppress: instead uses his intelligence to express the needs, fulfill the need at appropriate times and in appropriate places.

You need to own that you are built on animal body, and consciousness, nothing will change that.
Making your nature wrong kills you, kills your body, kills your spirituality, but feeds your ego.
Unless you are Self-ish, your life won’t matter. Your self-expression will be pretentious and fake, or non-existent. Your creative powers will be un-expressed, unused, or frittered away.
Now, let me talk about something that no one talks about: another price of suppression: ego.

Ego, in its eagerness to make you special, make you successful, is doing a horrible number on you.

All Soul Corrections deal with this very issue: I am going to explain it here.

Desire to receive for the self alone is what modern psychology calls ego. Ego desire. Being right, making the other wrong, dominating, avoiding domination, avoiding responsibility, and all the other ego moves.

Instead of being Self-ish, (knowing who you are,
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The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century: muscle testing

I think the biggest and most significant accomplishment of the the 20th Century was distinguishing that you can muscle testing.

The original idea of that, which they called muscle testing, was that the body knows what’s true and what’s not. Unfortunately, the body what’s good for it, but not exactly the way muscle testing has been using and abusing it.

Thousands of charlatans suddenly had a proof that they know what they are talking about, and they could sell the wares of other charlatans, all kinds of gizmos, devices, supplements, spiritual hocus-pocus… you know what I am talking about. If you don’t: you are probably one of those charlatans.

I am not saying that some issues could not be decided based on the body’s response: most definitely yes. Chiropractors were the first to use it successfully and ethically, only to bastardize it to sell supplements: you make more money selling supplements than doing chiropractic: the chiropractic brings them in, but you get paid for much more than what you do by the supplement manufacturers. As much as 50% commission.

I have heard that the shipping and handling you pay, also pays for the bottles and their contents: 90% profit margin? WTF!

And yet, I say that muscle testing, or the idea that you can ask a higher authority and use the yes/no answer of the body to get guidance, was revolutionary.

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Mistakes, errors, failures… and happiness

I like challenge.

I believe that only failures, only mistakes teach me anything, so I make sure I set my life up, I set my business up to have a steady stream of failures.
My counter-intuitive approach to life allows me to be happy.

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Divinity: Can you activate in you something that is not already there?

My early attempts to activate divinity were complete failures.

It wasn’t a course: it was a process. I called it “The Juice Process” at the time, and have done it either one-on-one, or two or three-on-one. I had two “apprentices” to learn the process. That’s why the one or two other people were on the call in addition to the client and myself.

There was also another reason: one-on-one conversations can by hijacked by the client: their “machine” will want to argue, or take the conversation to a totally unproductive place.

People loved it, and many paid $300 for it.

I loved the process, I hated the results.

Something was missing. People forgot what they saw in the process, and continued living their lives like before, somewhat happier, somewhat lighter, but still… there was no transformation, there was no breakthrough: it was a disappointment for me, no matter how much money people paid me.

And although the current Activate Divinity Program could be producing the kind of results I envision: it hasn’t.

Let me first tell you what we are doing, and then I will reveal what’s missing, ok?

In the current Activate Divinity Program we set out to integrate your denied “fragments of self.”

How do you deny your self? Something happens and you decide, as the aftermath, that you don’t want to be that person… or you hide it so deep, that you forget about it.

Here are some examples:

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There are thousands, millions, even billions of ways to unhappiness, but only one way to be happy

There are thousands, millions, even billions of ways to unhappiness, but only one way to be happy

Controversial statement, isn’t it? It is reminiscent to Jesus’ saying: only through me… whatever he said.

Although the statement is grandiose, it points to a very simple truth. Simple doesn’t mean easy. It only means “uncomplicated.”

No one is really teaching it. It doesn’t sell. It is near impossible, and yet, it’s been done, and we just did it this past Saturday. We demonstrated that it’s possible.

I am talking about being in the present moment.

Books have been written about it, but they were written by people who either lied, or can’t teach. They, somehow, evolutionally (is that a word?) found themselves there, and now they are considered gurus, on Oprah, but they are not worth a bag of beans to you, because you are not where they are.

Eckhard Tolle wrote one sentence worth reading in his whole career, one sentence that could be the straw that broke the camel’s back, the little mouse that finally pushed the balance of power over in the fairy tale… where all the animals were trying to unite to pull out a tasty carrot from the ground.

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Lighten up. It is only a commercial holiday, it is only the Mayan Calendar… don’t miss life

Humans are missing life. Life is happening in the now, but humans live in their minds and mind only knows about past and future.

The mind is like a clunky machine. If seismographs were like the mind, we would have no warning that earthquake or tsunami is coming… we would completely miss it.

An area where you miss all the fun is sex. By the mind catches up with what’s happening with the body, it’s over. And you feel stupid… I know something happened, I know it was great… but didn’t catch it, just the aftershock…

Another area is love. By the time you notice you are in love, it is gone. Or food: you eat for sometimes minutes before you taste the food, then you get fat, and you don’t know why.

You hear something, try to understand what you heard, go to the mind, and miss everything.

In my programs I use innovative meditation techniques to force you into the present moment, so you at least have a “concept” of what I am talking about. About the blissfulness of now, about the heaven of the here-and-now.

Once you can do it on the call, you become eligible to register into one of my paid programs where we do work to remove the “reason” you gave up being in the here-and-now, opening up the possibility for you to be happy, for heaven on earth… right now, and right now.

And while you are contemplating in your mind whether this is for you or not, here is a little joke I really loved.
A nun is sitting with her Mother Superior chatting. “I used some horrible language this week and feel absolutely terrible about it.”
When did you use this awful language?” asks the elder.
Well, I was golfing and hit an incredible drive that looked like it was going to go over 280 yards, but it struck a phone line that is hanging over the fairway and fell straight down to the ground after going only about 100 yards.”
Is that when you swore?”
No, Mother,” says the nun. “After that, a squirrel ran out of the bushes and grabbed my ball in its mouth and began to run away.”

Is THAT when you swore?” asks the Mother Superior again.
Well, no.” says the nun. “You see, as the squirrel was running, an eagle came down out of the sky, grabbed the squirrel in his talons and began to fly away!”
“Is THAT when you swore?” asks the amazed elder nun.
“No, not yet. As the eagle carried the squirrel away in its claws, it flew near the green and the squirrel dropped my ball.”
“Did you swear THEN?” asked Mother Superior, becoming impatient.
“No, because the ball fell on a big rock, bounced over the sand trap, rolled onto the green, and stopped about six inches from the hole.”
The two nuns were silent for a moment. Then Mother Superior sighed and asked, “You missed the fucking putt, didn’t you?
Isn’t it delightful? Could you be with the ball in the story, or were you with the words, waiting for the punch-line? How you do anything is how you do everything. If you could be with the ball, there is hope for you. If you were running ahead, oh well, you know the
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The 39th Bach Flower Remedy: the Yew: Desire to receive for the self alone

 Original publication date: March 11, 2012. Today all day I am reminded of this time…

The 39th Bach Flower Remedy: the Yew: Desire to receive for the self alone

One of the benefits, for me, to do the Connection Calls is being with all of you, and feeling how wretched, how miserable you feel. Not pleasant for me, but very useful.

I have been feeling some energies, some feelings that are not covered by the 38 original Bach Flower Remedies.

At the same time, while writing the Soul Correction articles, or teaching the core group classes, I can see that there is resistance there that doesn’t respond to the Heaven on Earth energy bundle.

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You want love, unconditional love, and you spend your life testing others… no love

You want unconditional love so much that you miss it…

How do you miss something? You miss everything if you are not in the present. If you don’t feel. If you don’t enjoy. If you keep your attention on some hope or desire that will come in the future. Like the coming of the Messiah… you’ll miss it. You have been missing it.

Unconditional love … here we go again.

As I am working through people’s issues in the Activate Divinity Course, I am running into this phenomenon: something bad happens and they are hurt. But hurt not just on the surface, they are deeply hurt.

Example #1: your mother tells you to beware and not go far out on the ocean. “What does she know?” you say and you swim out only to find that the under-toe took you so far, you can’t see anything but water all around.

Your mother is an excellent swimmer, finds you, saves you, and then spanks you, and yells. As a child you can’t deal with that seeming controversy. You expect to be just loved or just beaten, but not both. Your little mind wants to crack, so you hide the real cause of that conflict: you expected to be loved unconditionally, and this does not look right.

Example #2: you steal doll clothes in the store. Your parents find it and punish you: same thing.

You have this deep desire to be loved and cherished, but the subconscious will always act up: you’ll check if the person really loves you, unconditionally. You become cheeky, talk back, act as if you wanted to invite punishment, only to test if they love you, only to prove something…

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