Category Archives: Abundance

Your Soul Correction prevents you from a life worth living?

When you change the way you see things, the things you see change!
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

I have a disproportionately large number of people asking for their numbers, whose soul correction is ‘Sexual Energy’

I could ponder why the Kabbalists named the soul correction that… but instead of that I’ll say:
How you do anything is how you do everything…
meaning whatever your attitude to one thing in life, will be visible in every area of life, including sex.
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Some of you demonstrate neither sentience nor consciousness

Imagine you are driving down the highway at 65 miles per hour, and your car’s hood (bonnet?) pops up and suddenly it is all over the windshield.

Now that is some conundrum, wouldn’t you say so? It is a problem asking to be solved? What would you do? Better yet: What could you do? What would be the consequence of the different actions you take?

Now imagine how you sound when you actually do your thinking?
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The more we witness the more money we can make

I have a mirror I got in a course some ten years ago. It is a mirror and on the board it is glued on are the words: ‘I see you’.

Being seen and NOT being judged, being seen for who you are… and neither be adulated, nor be diminished is a rare experience.

People on social media put on lipstick to be seen not as they are, but as others seem to want them… They are afraid to be seen for who they are, for fear of being judged.

But you are your worst judge… aren’t you? You are NOT witnessing yourself and your own life!
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High vibration – low vibration: what does it really signify? What does it really mean?

Everyone wants to have their vibration measured. But they don’t know how to measure vibration, and they don’t know what the number they get means.

This is an old article that is as relevant today as it was when I wrote it. It clarifies what low vibration, high vibration is, and how to raise your vibration…

I woke up late today. I could recall my dream. It was nightmarish, but it was a guidance dream. A first in a long long time.

I was in a mental hospital, in Hungary, talking to my psychiatrist; young,innocent, pregnant, terrified of me.

I was explaining that we all have a dark side, as long as the light source is outside of ourselves. She asked: even a sheet of paper has a dark side? Yes, no matter how thin paper is it has a dark side.

Slice it even thinner… but…

No matter how thinly you slice the paper, it will still have a dark side and a light side.

That was the dream… the rest of the guidance happened while I was sitting in the cold room on the edge of my bed… the only way to have no dark side is to be the Light.

Which means…

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It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…

It’s not communism or socialism that is the enemy of freedom and prosperity. It is authoritarian systems.

Authoritarianism=my way of the highway.

I have lived in socialism. People may be lazy there, but creativity, thinking differently, individuality, ability and productiveness is not penalized… Maybe Russia was different. I lived in Hungary.

At this point Hungary’s system is really kleptocracy… stealing power, stealing stuff, stealing rights, stealing freedoms. We are seeing that in the USA happening… I hear that they are copying Hungary, a tiny country in the middle of Europe.

But in authoritarian systems who is calling the shots are the freeloaders. The looters, the moochers, the people who want something for nothing. The enemies of thinking, the enemies of originality, the enemies of production.
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Something historic may happen today that will likely go unnoticed in the news

Something historic may happen today and it probably will go unnoticed in the news. It’s something every man, woman, and child in the world should know about.

Before this event can make sense to you, there is a crucial bit of history you must first know …

July 16, marks the 40th Anniversary of the day man first stepped foot on the Moon.

It was indeed “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”

But there is a bit of sadness in this event, isn’t there?

No, I’m not about to go on some conspiracy rant. What I’m referring to is far more “common” but infinitely more important.

You see, each and every day people walk around as if nothing is possible.

“If only I could pay off all these bills my life would be so much better …”
“If only I could quit this job …”
“If only I could get people to do as I say …”
“If only I could get out of this marriage …”
“If only I could only choose what to do with my life…”

What’s your “if only?”
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Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time… really

Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time – Practicing The Feeling Of Freedom And Power Through Contributing To It

Churches, communities, etc. ask you to contribute. And you comply: you volunteer, you give away your old winter coat, you give food, or money.

But as in everything, context is decisive.

What’s the context in their request? That you support the less fortunate. There is morality: you can afford and therefore you should, and there is shaming… you don’t eat your food and little kids starve in Africa, or “be generous and earn the Kingdom of Heaven” b.s.

All of these make you a wretch. And not just you, anyone. Why? Because context is decisive.

Nature, trees, animals, do not willingly give what they have, unless they have a selfish reason for it. Not a feeling, but a direct benefit. And nature is fine, thank you, and no one suffers. No morality, no shoulds, just good old selfishness. Surprised? Good.

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I tried it once and it didn’t work — pretending to want a better life

This is another article using Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo for today.

They say: every journey starts with the first step, and no one listens.They say: “I can remove your blockages to action, I can remove the fear…” and you flock to them… them “gurus”.

Are you stupid, or something?

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If your life isn’t working as well as you think it should…

Thinking that your social status, your finances are a reflection of your value is a myth that can render you, your status, your finances low, if you are not born privileged.

I just read an article about the myth of meritocracy and how it hurts kids of color, in The Atlantic, and I found an answer to my question: why my Black students don’t do as well in life as one would expect of them, based on their abilities. Or women. Or other minorities… Or just regular people brought up mainly by women.

This post will get at this issue from different vantage points, so hold onto your hat… or you’ll lose it.

You may remember the principle that made T. Harv Eker a millionaire?
If things are not going well, it is a sign that something you don’t know.
Now, what he doesn’t say is that the thing that you don’t see is profound. It is a principle. Or a distinction. Something big.
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Emotional intelligence is the best known, but there are many different intelligences…

Emotional intelligence is the best known intelligence of those that aren’t measured in the IQ tests, but there are many different intelligences… Emotional intelligence is spoken of because that is something everyone needs and everyone needs YOU to have it.

In your starting point measurements, eight out of the 12 measures depend on your emotional intelligence, and if I want to be quite truthful, even your health number depends on your EQ as well. So in a roundabout way I test your emotional intelligence.

If you find yourself upset by what other people say, or what you hear they say, etc. chances are the problem is with you, namely with your ability to consider that what they say says more about them than about you.

If you think of yourself all the time, if you think things are personal, then you haven’t become an adult emotionally.

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