Category Archives: attitudes

The attitude of high self-esteem, does it help you or hinder you? Here is your answer…

High self-esteem can be expressed in the picture of the cat looking in the mirror seeing herself as a lion. But is she? No. Therefore, any time she is just a cat, doing what cats do, she will feel bad about herself, because she isn’t living up to her own self-image of a roaring lion. She won’t be happy just being a cat, she won’t take correction, she’ll argue with you to death that she is OK, she doesn’t need to change, that she is a perfect lion.

That cat is you, my dear. Result: everything you try to change your life fails, because in order to change you need to allow yourself to not be perfect. In order to be trained, you need to empty your mind of everything that’s there, and declare yourself ignorant.

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Three methods of growing yourself over time

I read some new self-growth suggestions, some new methods to grow yourself from the series of books I am reading.

I’ll mention three of those in this article.

One: as soon as you wake up, look who you are going to help today. And put the question on your reticular activator, the part of you that once it trusts you, will do almost all the work of finding stuff for you… The rule of this spiritual practice is: you need a new person every day.
Two: grow 1% every day in health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

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Good, Better, Best Vibration: everything vibrates, including conspiracy theories, even if they are true

My notes on vibration:
I found this article on the internet on vibration, and thought if fitted into my blog, so I am reprinting with full reference to the author.

I want you to read it and pay attention to something important: Although every word he says is true, and high-minded, there is still an underlying blaming, and the vibration of victimhood, a certain impotence that permeates this article and the people I speak to when they speak of a conspiracy.

Now, why would I not want you to be upset, angry, hostile while you are talking about something as evil as reducing you to sheep, or beeing fleeced? Why on earth would I advise that you don’t go there? Did I go crazy?

Not quite. You see, your vibration is your key to what life brings you, to the level of happiness you have, the level of self-respect, and value in your own eyes.

Now, though, on the surface it seems to your untrained brain that being upset about an injustice should make sense to you, it does not. It robs you of everything you ever wanted, including peace of mind, self-respect, self-esteem and the joy of life. What do you think of someone who impotently throws their way about something that they have no power to do anything, or they are not willing to do anything? You despise them, right? So if you are that person: even worse… so don’t do it.

It is worth reading for many reasons, but most importantly to train your ears of the vibration of the speaker: truth spoken takes on the vibration of the carrier: and it always lowers the vibration of the truth.
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How To Beat Depression Without Medication

How To Beat Depression Without Medication

Eppic Smith
You Can Beat Depression… if you recognize it as depression
I found this article when I searched for the phrase “beat depression.”

Many of us are depressed. Depression can be low-grade or raging… I am most interested in the low-grade depression, it is easier to beat depression that is low-grade without medication.

The writer of this article uses valid arguments for self-management, but misses a lot of factors, like what did he do, exactly, that allowed him to beat depression to begin with.

He says he took responsibility for his feeling down and out, ad he kicked the medications… so far so good.

But what he isn’t saying is that depression is a sign of something.

What is it a sign of? In my experience, as a once depressed person (for 40 years!) I have noticed a few common characteristics with my coaching clients.

I lacked desire.
I was not happy with myself
I could not see myself clearly doing what I thought I wanted to do… the picture was there like fuzzy patches, but not like a movie.

So, how do you get out of these three interconnected and synergistic (negatively) states of mind?

I think that the easiest is to start with number 2.

Why? Because it is easier go get happy(er) with yourself, especially because you need energy for the other two, and having a good feeling about yourself will give you energy.

You can also start really small, like doing something that you consider hard to do, but still doable, like

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How to raise your consciousness to the level of guru in 18 months?

How to raise your consciousness to guru level in 18 months?
This article is seven years old…

I had a conversation with a friend of mine. She was the kind of friend who was in and out of my life… she lived a dramatic life and she needed help, technical, health, money, legal… that was the basis of our relationship.

I used to be the kind of person she was, and I have compassion. She didn’t bring me down, and I enjoyed her unique view of life… she was a transgendered person, was born a man, and she lived as a woman. She never changed her name… she once got kicked out of an apartment because her name said Jeffrey (not her real name.)

I was recounting to her the miraculous rise of my consciousness… and she asked what she could do to raise hers.
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You don’t care… then why should I?

Finally, after seven months on the war path, two weeks ago I found the solution to get rid of all three near microscopic biting mites… (including what causes the mysterious Morgellons) and to my surprise, suddenly, at the same time, my whole attitude changed with regards to working.

Suddenly, I went from working bee… to “I did not want to work any more.” I just wanted to read, play, watch Netflix. I didn’t even want to write any articles any more.

WTF, right?

So yesterday I sat down and had a heart to heart with Source, through questions, of course.

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Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge knocking out the Tree of Life

Your worldview is invisible to you. It’s like the floor you walk on… the foundation of your life.
You need to understand that your dislike of certain people makes you a moron if you also decide that THEREFORE what they say must be stupid…

Or you like how someone looks, and therefore they must be smart. Ugh.

You need to be able to tell the difference between a person, an idea, a behavior, and see them as independent from each other… That what the person says is important. To look and choose with discernment, and after consideration.
Of course 99% of humanity was never asked to think…
…was never taught to think, and this discernment and this consideration I am asking for will not land as a valid request, because you can’t…

This is why in the past 3-4 days a good chunk of my followers sloughed off… unsubscribed, withdrew. They don’t agree with the worldview I talk about.

I remember when I was younger I also thought that being around people who believed reality different from me were like a disease I could catch because I listened to or read what they said.
I was young. And I didn’t feel safe in anything different from what I was told ‘the right worldview’ was.
I was a communist, or socialist, or Marxist… that was the right worldview in mid-20th century Hungary.

Worldview is like the floor you walk on. Any change in worldview makes your floor dissolve… so it’s frightening. Only the mentally tough risks it… And those snowflake people who left me and my teaching are not.

This article won’t be different: it will clearly delineate one worldview from another… and we’ll lose more snowflakes, I predict.

As people round the steps in the 67 step coaching program, as they begin the second cycle, they start to see new things, or they keep on seeing the same things…

Some see the things from memory. Comparing. ‘Knowing’. And some, a very few, from actually seeing.

Step two (in the 67 steps) introduces the idea of the Selfish Gene, and ess, an evolutionary stable strategy.
This point is where people diverge: one goes in the direction of the Tree of Knowledge, the other goes in the direction of the Tree of Life.
It is really amazing to watch them go, unaware that they chose because they are unaware of the other path.

In certain areas I recognize myself. I recognize the ‘there is only one right way’ view of the one who wears blinders, so they cannot look wide… they can see only where the ‘already always’ path lies. The worldview.

The view of the world, the view of people… and themselves among those people in that view of the world.

I will illustrate this with their own words… but before I do, I want to set down some principles:

Naturally, unmitigated by culture, society, memes, genes like to EXPERIMENT and arrive to new evolutionary stable strategies. Evolution, the desire for evolution is innate to the genes…  Evolved species start to use the edge effect: get more out of life.

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One thing at a time: What is one thing that could…

Ever wondered why people never amount to much? You, or maybe someone you know?
Yesterday I had a flurry of conversations with clients and one thing became very obvious by 6 pm: people are trying to handle too many things at the same time. A whole laundry list of things.

Even two is too many.
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Make your plane go where you want it to go… or what one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

Make your plane go where you want it to go…

This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.

I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.

People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.

So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip?
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Are you planting enough seeds so that you can have a rich harvest come fall?

If we took an inventory of your life… If I followed you around for a day, a week, a month… How many of your actions are planting seeds for the future you desire, how many are planting seeds to no results, or undesired results?

Most people plant no seeds. Some plant seeds but then forget about watering them, and the weeds or the dryness kills the seeds before they can even sprout.

Most people think that the world rotates around them, should play according to their rules, and their rules are: give it to me now, because I want it.

Manifestation, the law of attraction, mind movies, instant healing, the “bars”, incantation, shamanism, and thousands of fraudulent abusive modalities all capitalize on this warped world view to make it all right for you.

But they are lies, frauds, intentionally misleading you. And you are willing. It turns my stomach.
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