Category Archives: Avatar State Audios

The Binary, The Pendulum, The Tedium, The Lifeless Life…

Do you work on your mind to make it better? You are making the bars of your prison shinier…
One of the activities of the mind  that takes you out of the present is comparing.

If you are new here, you probably think that I am talking about your brain… but the mind is only a limited function of the brain. The brain is like the world, and the mind is like a room in your house… much smaller, and totally insulated from the world.
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Clarity… the opposite of brain fog – link fixed

The opposite of clarity is best expressed with this statement: “for you: everything is the same as everything else, except that not always…” This is the condition of the current humanity.
Here is another type of brain fog: the too much information type.

The brain can be overwhelmed too… and pulled under.

This is, actually, the state most people are in. Drowning in stuff, that is neither useful, nor needed, nor fun.

One can compare it to a frat party every day. You are encouraged to drink to your fill, then maybe, hopefully vomit and do it again.

Black out, rape someone and don’t even remember, lie, cheat, follow the leader.
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How the Avatar State Activator takes you to the plane of abundance

Everyone wants stuff, it seems we live in the age of wanting. Strong wanting. Desperate wanting. All consuming wanting.

Billionaire Charlie Munger says: Everybody wants the good life but not everybody gets the good life. “To get what you want, you have to deserve (earn!) what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.”

And deserving is being at the right place at the right time with the right attitude, doing the things that earns the stuff you want. Health, wealth, love, and happiness.
Earning it.
If I asked you what you do to earn what you want, you would say “nothing,” or you would say “I do this and that.”

…and when I ask you: how much of this and that do you do, timewise? we would find out that mostly you just think about it. Fantasize about it.

I remember as a child I fantasized a lot about how I was going to spend the million bucks I win on the lottery. My brother is not a child (he is 65) but he still does exactly that…

For years I supported him and his family, financially, and he never appreciated it. Why? Not because he is a bad person, and he may be a bad person… My contribution paled in comparison to the millions he fantasized about.

He wanted millions, and he was unhappy with my meager contribution to him… like 90% of humanity. 90% in the same trap. The technical term for that wanting is “the desire trap”.
We live in an age of wanting, we live in the age of the Desire Trap.
You don’t even know what you would have to do, how much and with what attitude to actually earn what you want. Your wanting is just that… a gnawing dissatisfaction, with zero foundation in reality.

Life can be lived on two distinct planes (paradigms), the horizontal plane and the vertical plane.

Wanting keeps you squarely on the horizontal plane, the Valley of The Shadow of Death… every day you get one day closer to death, you are in a hurry, to avoid death, to avoid pain, to avoid discomfort, to avoid getting older.
You even do spirituality on the horizontal plane. You act how you think spirituality is… or should be.
Here is an email showing what I mean:
I see Orbs with me all the time, my outdoor cameras capture amazing Light Beings, since April I am able to feel the vibration from crystals and before that I feel vibrations from trees, especially if they are really old. At times I can feel their emotions. Wild cats come to me especially when I am sad or vibrating high.
Or your health:
I am very healthy and do not contract cold/flu. I’ve been sick once in the last few years. My skin is glowing. My hair lustrous. My skin on my body very soft to the touch. I am 42 but look much younger. I’m lean and fit. My body does not look it’s age or even close to my age.

Could you please explain this to me?
None of it is what spirituality or health on the vertical plane are.
On the vertical plane you see rightly. You see reality the way reality is, no distortions. No pr
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Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to stay or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

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I had an “interesting” and terrifying experience this past week or two. My brain was taken over…

It started two weeks ago with not having a book to read. So I went back to watching Netflix movies.

I didn’t see that anything I can do will make a difference (yes, me! lol) so passing my time doing something that won’t matter was the “best” choice.

I picked a series called “Chuck” to watch. The series is about a guy who downloads the entire database of the CIA to his brain, and he can access it through flashing: i.e. when he sees something or someone that triggers a “search-found” result in that database.

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How the about-me score effects your relationships, how you appear in the world, how successful you can be?

Everyone, always, wants to effect the results directly, but that is not the nature of reality. The result comes from many many factors, that together and individually can be effected… and the synergistic effect finally gets all the way to the end result.

In some contexts the end result is your vibration. In others your worldly results, like how much money you make.

Because most people have no idea how the world works, what is the nature of reality, they are highly ineffective in the world, and they are highly dupable.
If you cannot see cause and effect, the connection between things, you’ll do stupid things, put the cart in front of the horses, and spend time and money on ineffective practices, ineffective programs.
Religion is one of these ineffective practices, ineffective programs.
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Try The Harmonize Your Vibration audio for FREE – breathe, sleep, feel better

Try before you buy

Get an almost free 10-day access to the Harmonize your Vibration audio…

Give it a try.

This is what you should expect:

sleep better, get up rested
give your mind a rest and spend some time being present (out of the mind)
get more creative, get more clarity
experience anxiety, anguish, worry to be less intense and last shorter
an increased ability to be with things that are unpleasant or painful
Breathe easier… this is the result of the emotional blockages being removed…

You may experience more, so far these are the experiences people have reported.

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DNA upgrade, DNA activation… Avatar State Audio Activators… what is what?

Upgrade vs. Activation

Upgrade is adding something new… like a new capacity, a new ability.

Activation is forcing you to use what you have, your capacities, your abilities.

Activators are small nudging devices that don’t leave you alone until you actually start and continue using capacities they are programmed to activate.

No one uses their capacities to the max, that is why at vibration 990 I was still benefiting from using the Harmonize your Vibration activator, that was designed as an entry level, non-defined activator… to start to dig you out of the rut of your lowly habits of slothfulness of thinking and being.
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Energize Water to 653 With Energizer Audio – A fast revolutionary way to get fully energized water

Water Energizer Audio: Energize Your Water With Energies Embedded in Audio; Beta Testers Complete!

Necessity is the mother of invention… Or we could say that Creative Problem Solving is the mother of invention, at least in my case.

Five days ago I created an Avatar State Activator for myself, for Creative Problem Solving… I needed it to solve some issues that looked like a catch 22… impossible to solve.

I played the audio and was wondering what kind of “solution” I will find to my problem.

Today I received an order for a liter of energized water from a student… and realized that I so underpriced it, that I was working for free… not a good thing… lol.

Then I had an idea: what if I could record myself energizing water, would the energy be embedded in the audio? Muscle test said yes… so I recorded it and you can get it now.

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If Context Is More Important Than The Action… Then What’s Your Context That You Are Not Succeeding? That You Are Not Happy?

In today’s free webinar we’ll do an exercise to examine what’s your context in an area of life that is not working, where you are not as successful as you would like to.

It will be in a workshop format, so you will end up not only with some information, but an insight that can lead to transformation.

Beware, transformation is when you act on the insight.

For example, if you realize that when you hate someone, when you are angry and vengeful, you eat the poison that you mean for them, and you suffer not them. You are punishing yourself for something someone else did… then unless you turn it around and stop eating the poison, then you had only an insight but not a transformation.

For every transformation that happens for a human being, they often see thousands of insights.

Although the name of the activator “Serenity Activator” doesn’t seem to connect, this activator is the key to turning insights into transformations.

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