Category Archives: Awareness

A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…

Sometimes you just do what you do… but you can’t see the forest for the trees… until someone puts a label on what you do… I am talking about myself…

This is what happened today… what a glorious day!

Because unless you see the forest… you may be doing the right thing, but

1. cannot teach others to do the same
2. cannot start a new “forest” in a different area

Create the habit first… That is the principle… Unless you know the principle, you can’t teach it… Unless you can teach it, it is not conscious enough… it is not guiding enough.

Most people start doing things wanting instant results. It is like building the penthouse first… It is not going to work.
Why is this revolutionary?
When you tackle one thing at a time, you are doing simple things easy. That is another principle: do simple things easy!
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Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…
The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…
Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect

The streetlight effect is a type of observational bias where people only look for whatever they are searching by looking where it is easiest. The search itself may be referred to as a drunkard’s search.

Taken from an old joke about a drunkard who is searching for something he has lost, the parable is told several ways but typically includes the following details:

A policeman sees a drunk man…
…searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, ‘this is where the light is.’
David H. Freedman apparently coined the phrase ‘streetlight effect,’ but the story and concept were used in the social sciences since at least 1964, by Abraham Kaplan, where he refers to this as ‘the principle of the drunkard’s search’

Science is divided. There are the Creationists who say that god created the universe, designed everything and all we can do is go with it.

And then there are the scientists who say: man is a machine, life is an accident, and their inquiry and methods are consistent with this context.
As you may notice, I am not going to support or argue with either of them: both of them are theories from the limited perspective of the human mind. They all look under the streetlight.
What I am intending to talk about is what both miss.
Although in my coaching practice I see it clearly that NO ONE IS LOOKING… even when all the pieces they should look for are on the board… they look inside, in their minds… supposing that the answer to any question is there… ugh… talk about ineffectiveness…

But the difference between the two camps is most visible, when they talk about intrinsic motivation.

That small part, or aspect of a human that isn’t connected to the mind, isn’t connected to anything physical.

Call it the spirit, the spark, the divine part of a human. It shines through the eyes of a child, and then slowly dims in most people…

That part that knows that you are imbued with something that doesn’t come from the survival game of the genes, from the horizontal plane of dog eat dog world.
That you are in the world but not of the world
But it is also not part of the ‘positive thinking’, pious, all mind stuff. It is NOT mind. It is not even brain. Not thinking. It is what can be called Consciousness.

It is what can be
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Fear in reality v. fear in the cave… How much of your life do you spend in your mind?

Every living thing must have fear or they would be dead already… meaning the species. Fear is a useful warning that live is dangerous, and every species is the food of another one.

So we have a reason to be afraid. In reality. Animals, cars, other people… all good reasons.

In reality fear is like a nudge. Lasts for a few moments. If you don’t pay attention: it will nudge you again. If the danger continues and you ignore the signs, it now turns the nudging on.

In the cave it is totally different. In the cave you your fear is almost totally continuous. Because in the cave reality and the idea of reality are not distinct, not separate, and you are insulated and separated from what is real.

In the cave your mind filters out most of the signals from reality, and replaces those signals with memory. memory of things that were maybe never real. With what you said, consciously or not consciously, about what actually happened.
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Make your plane go where you want it to go… or what one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

Make your plane go where you want it to go…

This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.

I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.

People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.

So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip?
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Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…

Given that I go deep with humans… deep inside… deep into the invisible… all the way to DNA, this article is different than what everyone says… so beware…
Ultimately emotional intelligence means: interfacing with reality accurately.
REAL emotional intelligence is when you can look at what emotions you feel, and not be guided by that emotion.

You have no control over your emotions. You can test it… try to be happy… OK now try to be sad… You may fake the facial expression, but what you feel is now that…

Emotional intelligence is to consider your emotions noise. Really. And instead of looking in your emotions to know what’s going on, look in REALITY… Emotions all come from something you consciously or unconsciously say… not from reality.

Why? Because what you say has nothing to do with reality… what you say comes from your worldview… which is a very grossly inaccurate image of reality.

I am getting in deeply with this whole idea that you can be emotionally intelligent or not.

And have zoomed in on a spiritual/DNA capacity (The Sight capacity) that when kept alive, when used, it provides you with a significant jump in your emotional intelligence, or EQ.

It seems that the biggest problem is that you are not looking at people and even if you think you are looking, you are only looking for what you think you can recognize… like a smile or a frown… but that is where you stop.

And if you ‘misdiagnose’ what you see, your response to it will be NOT emotionally intelligent, in fact it will be a false step.
Your life will be full of disappointments, upsets, and not much success, neither in your work, nor in your relationships. Or money. Or health.
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Awareness… When you are here… be here. But you aren’t…

If you found out in which quadrant you chose to live in, beauty, truth, goodness or power… and now try to argue, or you are worried, or you are resigned… consider that you are just doing what you are doing: you want to be where you are not… or more precisely: you never what to be where you are, you never what to think what you are thinking, you never want to feel what you are feeling.

So you do what you are doing, think what you are thinking, feel what you are feeling only so-so… A student of mine coined the phrase: in the neighborhood of truth.

If you can’t physically stop doing what you are doing, etc. then you withdraw into the cave of your mind, and languish there.

It is a safe prison… more like a tomb. You don’t have to be with yourself.

Why don’t you want to be with yourself? Because when you look into yourself, you find evil inclination, you find ugly, and ultimately you find empty. Not empty as in nothing, but an abyss. You get scared and you run back to your periphery, where it is so busy, you don’t have time to even contemplate that there is nothing inside… that there is no you.

One of the big interruptions, potentially, are the times when you get sick.

When you are sick, your job is to be sick. And be sick. Allow the body to do the work, it is equipped, 90% of the time, to do the work with proper nutrition, proper hydration and no medication, not even herbal.
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Being judged

We are judged all the time. Justly, unjustly, the feeling of being judged is familiar to all of us… and some of us is bothered and paralyzed by it more than others.

What’s painful in being judged is that the judgment contains a kernel of truth (or more) and the other part is the judging themselves: in judging they place themselves above us… simply unbearable to the sensitive Precious “I”.

This story is about my very recent “bout” with being judged… and shows what is on the other side of judgment… how to free yourself from it so it doesn’t sting quite that much… maybe not even at all.

OK, here we go:

If you’ve known me for a while, you know that I don’t do housework, or really shamefully little.
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Removing the leaks created by your inner habits, your attitude, your “how”

The current humanity, homo sapiens, is ignorant to the 90% of reality, the invisible reality. They are like a bunch of Missourians, the show me state… Building and changing the invisible habits

Most people judge by appearances, overt actions, your voice, your actions. But those cover only the top 10% of who you are.

The remaining 90% is invisible, sometimes even to yourself.

And as with everything in our 10% world, what defines how the 10% “manifests” is the 90%.
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Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look

Most people, 99% of the time, are stuck on the systemic judgment level… where everything has an opposite, and it is either one or the other.
Binary thinking. What is Binary Thinking? Binary thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking, happens when even complex concepts, ideas, and problems are overly simplified into being one side or another. The gray area in the middle is ignored or goes unnoticed. Binary thinking helps us feel a sense of certainty.
Another way of looking: reality is 3d… Your thinking is binary… No match. No astuteness. No correct actions possible.

I used to live there in the binary. In fact every young child lives there… It is the under 3’s whole world… Binary.

But I was already an adult… And yet… I was utterly miserable… I was like an automaton… Kill it/love it, no in between.
Until 1998…
I was 51 years old when I saw it. Then a 15 year long process to get out of it…

It began with the idea of things are on a continuum… Not on a binary switch.

One of my Landmark coaches said about herself: Who I am is fully expressed greatness… And I heard the continuum for the first time.

I am not either great or sh!t… I can be great, even very great, and yet express just a little bit in one situation, and a whole lot more in others.

I can always look where I am at, in any given moment and say: OK… I am here… And be well. Strive to express more… But be really OK being exactly where you are at.

It didn’t turn on the capacity, because I already had the capacity… But I was almost 50 when this happened… And before that I had nothing between the two extremes… I was either great or not great. Either smart or stupid. Either accepted or not. Either respected or not. And the same about everyone else.

I could not see gradation and therefore I could not even look to see what made me express greatness less, be less smart, be less accepted, be less respected, etc. Because that didn’t exist for me.
And you can’t be responsible for what you can’t see… Not possible.
So that was the first turnaround for me.

The sentence: If it is to be, it is up to me suddenly made sense. Suddenly I saw no situation where I had no power… I always had some power, more or less, to influence the outcome.

Upon looking at this capacity I get a surprise: muscletest says: everyone has this capacity… And yet only about 1% of the time is it used… Is it seen… the rest of the time people just stay in the binary realm.

I watched this video with Alex Hormozi: he sees it as the number one reason people cannot move forward, people cannot use coaching to grow… Because even after showing it, they insist on the binary.

We can safely say that my personal evolution began with seeing that things have a gradation…
A whole new world opened up for me, the world of gradual, the world of shades of gray, the world of growth. The world of personal power.
Until that point I had no personal power… Because
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Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?

Let me start with something I had to sleep on to see: you are not all you can be, even not inside the box you live in.

What box?

Well, you are born with a certain DNA and it gives you a box. Your DNA predetermines the size of your box.

In my experience people fulfill on their box-given potential, to an average 3%. In every area of life… health, wealth, love and happiness. People who do very well: above 30%. (What limits them? really good question… I’ll write an article on that soon…)

People, you, can grow inside their box… but mostly they, you don’t…

You can estimate to what degree someone fills their box (potential) by seeing at what point they become boring. Yes, boring. OK, maybe not to you, but to me at some point I can see them limited by their box: they repeat themselves. My three coaches, for example… 🙁

I started to watch this dude, wheezy yesterday….
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