Category Archives: context is decisive

Your soul correction in your favorite movies, the ones that come up in your memory again and again

One of my favorite movies is a Coen brothers movie, True Grit

It comes up for me 4-5 times a year, to ponder who had the true grit… the little girl or the big drunkard marshal?

Which, as it turns out, isn’t the right question.

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I talk to people a lot… in my head. I have long conversations with them

I am an introvert.

I don’t know what that means… but I know that I talk to people a lot… in my head. I have long conversations with them.

So when I find out that they don’t know about it: I am surprised.

It is nearly impossible to have an authentic conversation with someone after I already had the same conversation WITH THEM in my head.

So many things never get said.
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From the limited perspective of the human mind… why you make so many mistakes??

Most authors, most gurus, most spiritual/money/prosperity/marketing teachers contributed one distinction to me… if any.

Actually, most didn’t… Famous ones, successful ones, amazing ones… nothing. I was left with nothing.

One of these distinctions, by Robert Scheinfeld, is considering that all you see when you look is through the limited perspective of the human mind. The 1%.

But seeing things the only way we can is not the problem. You see what you see.
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Why do you choose the shotgun method that doesn’t work, while you know that the process method works?

I am reading this guy’s book. I say “this guy” because I don’t want you to read it. I want you to read my blog…

In a lot of ways he and I teach the same things, even though we use different words. He uses words from psychology and woowoo science… I use words like Amish Horse Training Method, Memes, Marker Feelings.

He is a money/marketing man. His vibration is 200, his accurate vocabulary is 600.

He is proof that you don’t have to have a very high vibration to be able to look from high enough so you see enough to make millions and even teach others to make millions.
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Coaching that gets results vs. coaching that sounds good

Being a coach sounds easy to you if you have no idea what they are doing, because you have never done it.

You just do what everyone else does, and hope for the best.

A “normal” coach only knows what they learned. Tree of Knowledge. Not worthless, but not authentic.
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What you see… is it reality?

The view is different from the foot of the mountain than from the top
One of the weird thing about humans that they are stuck in their limited view of reality.
They don’t even suspect that there is a different view from different points.

This is why almost every otherwise worthless therapist or coach can cause temporary results… because all they need to learn is to ask you to look a different way, through a different perspective, and voilĂ … magic happens.

The problem is that when you are left to your own devices, you rarely if ever think to activate the magic. The magic that is magical, but isn’t magic.

Things look different from different perspectives, because that is what perspective means. Duh.

And because your life is given by what you see, if you are stuck, which seems to me is always, all you need to do is change the perspective.

I hardly know anyone who volunteers to do that.
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Do You Rock, or Do You Wait to be Rocked? Can you be coached?

Do You Rock, or Do You Wait to be Rocked?

or “Coaching and your ambition number…”
There are two main widely diverging schools of coaching that I can see.

One is like a cheerleader or motivator… the coach is trying to get water from a rock…
The other, the coaching I practice, is very different.

The principle of the second type of coaching: you can only coach someone who is in action. You can redirect them… but they have to be in movement. It is not my job or responsibility to get you into movement.
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To a child everything seems to appear magically

To a child everything seems to appear magically because they want it.
Eventually a child will learn what is real life, reality… or not.

If even just one of your entitlement genes are still active (we are born with two. Genes that make us docile as babies) your ability to deal with reality is impaired: you are still a child waiting for magical, mystical, miraculous, sudden, instant… and don’t even consider that you have to do anything for it, other than wanting it.
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