Category Archives: context is decisive

What is the most important skill you could master?

It’s been one of those days…

Virus attacks on some of my old websites. Lots of updates. Then the computer upgrade I ordered arrived… I was scared… and oops, it didn’t fit my computer. Why? I don’t know. I ordered another one on Amazon, printed the return label… and we shall see.

It’s 1 pm, and for all intents and purposes, I haven’t even started my day. I’ll have appointments in the afternoon, and I could be all whacked out… but I haven’t broken my stride.
It is all in a day’s work, I say… Errors, even virus attacks are par for the course.
The interesting thing is: if I haven’t done the Amish Horse Training Method, I would be pulling my hair out, or would be in bed with a serious case of whatever you call when life goes to shit.

I am hearing the voices. One of them repeats, about every 30 seconds, that I should really kill myself.
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The biggest leap to happiness, health, wealth, love…

If you wanted to make the biggest leap up… happiness, health, wealth, love…

What do you think you’d grow?

Some measures are easier to grow than others.

Some measures, like everywhere in life, will grow easily, but  overall their effect will be small.
While others create an avalanche-like result when you grow them even just a little bit..

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Mental toughness assessment: How do you score?

Mental toughness assessment: is that a move? A technique? Can it be learned?
Mental toughness… is it really needed, and if it is, how do you develop into a mentally tough person?

One of my starting point measurements, the Twitchy Little Bastard score is about mental toughness.

99% of the people I measure have a TLB 1… meaning that they have NO mental toughness. Meaning that at the moment of threat, discomfort, challenge, they make a beeline to something easy, pleasurable, and safe.
But all the things you have ever wanted are on the other side of difficult, uncomfortable, challenging, hard, or maybe even painful.

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Unless you understand why and how a spiritual practice works, you are just going through the motions.

This article is not about The Healing Codes… this article is about you. About you not taking the time and the effort to even understand what it is that you are hearing.

Your ability to translate hearing to seeing is weak. Why? Probably because being complete and thorough in anything is a rare capacity in humans… You think you understand and leave it at that. You don’t ask questions because you think that asking questions will make others think that you are stupid.

And you are right… they may think that… because they live in the same warped moronic world view as you do.

But intelligent people ask clarifying questions. Intelligent people look up the meaning of words. Intelligent people do experiments and realize that what they are doing is not likely what they are supposed to do… so they ask questions.

Intelligence, real intelligence is rare.

Intelligence is a behavior…
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Why is meaning missing from your life? A meaningless life means you are unhappy

My methodology to lead you to become a human being is simple, and step by step.

First you become conscious of the machine and start taking control over your own life… by the Amish Horse Training Method, The memes finding, The A is A. And then fourth and final step is finding/creating the wind you walk into… The purpose. The meaning.

In the Nazi concentration camps, people who had a meaning to their lives, survived, people who didn’t… died. The guy who I learned this from is Victor Frankl, an Austrian Jew, like Sigmund Freud, and not much less significant. In my experience his discovery is the golden key to a happy existence.
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Imagining success, imagining stuff… here is what really happens…

Unless you know what creates your sky high desire number, and your unbridgeable gap between reality and your delusion… you need to learn where it comes from, what feeds it, and what is the feeder’s goal.

Your guiding principle should be: If in 30% you don’t know who is the sucker in the room, then it’s you. You are the sucker.

So how are you made the sucker? And how come you don’t know?

The mind, that storage/imaging device that is part of your brain, is really stupid. It really believes everything it hears.

You do “imagine” exercises, and the mind believes that it’s there.

Now, what good does that do to you? None, I say… no matter what your “wealth conditioning” expert teaches you.

It gives you delusions, and a delusional person becomes the next sucker… plain and simple.
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How To Play An Active Part In Your Organization

In a Landmark Education Course I took back in 1987, I learned that it is possible to live life from a new conversation, a new context: “Life is a conversation”

It is quite simple if you can wrap your mind around it, incredibly difficult if you are attached to the way you see the world.
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Everyone talks about reprogramming your mind

Everyone talks about reprogramming your mind or brain or whatever part they blame for your lack of success and lackluster life.

When Tiger Wood discovered that his swing that he trained and won with was actually limiting him, he needed to take time out to “reprogram” his body to do the swing differently.

If you try to program the brain while you keep the current programming, you’ll be like me… I was in an Israeli supermarket when this French lady came up to me and asked me if I spoke French. Yes, I said. Can you read the English instructions on this box in French for me?

I started to read it in French, I thought, but turned out I read it in Hebrew, or a mix of French and Hebrew: I could not even tell.

The memory of that fiasco stuck in my mind forever: this was 30 plus years ago.

So what do the “reprogram the mind” people do wrong that no one ever gets reprogrammed, and basically we are all screwed if we follow their teachings?

Before you can write something on a blackboard, and make it dominant, you need to erase what is already there.
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Why can’t you be deliberate? Deliberate practice… mastery… sound so good!

Deliberate… the opposite of sloppy, floppy, mindless way you now operate

We are all big on what to do… what to eat, what to read, what this and what that… and no one is teaching us how… I don’t necessarily mean the moves… that is not how, that is still what.
The how is somewhat invisible.
Easy… that is a how.
Sloppy, floppy, mindless… these are all hows.
And you guessed right: deliberately… is a how that very few people even begin to know.

So when you watch a youtube video, or an Olympic athlete, you see easy, grace, but you don’t see deliberate.

I am old, and finally I decided to live to the end of my life expectancy, which, obviously requires of me some different things. Eat differently, move differently, think differently.

So as part of this new plan, I watched a core strengthening exercises video on youtube. It was just uploaded two days ago.
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Looking at things from a burka… can you take off the burka and yet see the same?

I read. I read a lot. I read and re-read books that I like.

So now I am re-reading Neal Stephenson’s historical fiction of the 17th-18th century…

One of the characters in the book is Eliza who in her very young years was a slave, harem girl. She is about 45 at the time of the book.

She is in a carriage, that reminds her of the time of her harem-girl time, when she and other girls were taken to outings dressed in a burka… the point of similarity between the two times.

Seeing the world through a slit or the small opening of a burka.
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