Category Archives: context is decisive

The Dark Side… is there a Dark Side? and if there is… what is it?

In my view, there is no god, there are no angels, entities, and such. There is also no devil, no hell, no heaven, no afterlife.

But, because humans even on this level of evolution where we are, can create stuff with their thoughts… gods and angels and entities and other stuff.

So at this point (it may change in the future if research and experiments reveal stuff I am not seeing now) my theory is that there is Dark Side and it is created by humans. It’s all thoughts.

Now, with that said, where does it come from what I say, that the voices you hear in your head are the Dark Side? Or the memes…

Because I say that.

So, what do I consider Dark Side?
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Your dance card is full… and your life is empty and meaningless. What will you do?

I woke up drenched in sweat from a dream this morning.

I was in a diner. I shared the table with someone… I took out a credit card to pay. I went to the cash register, and I didn’t have my card… in fact, all my cards and my cash were gone.

Scary, isn’t it? Lots of phone calls… all my accounts were emptied… But eventually I got above the dark cloud, regained my coherence and started thinking: am I doomed forever?

And I saw that I have assets… and I can get back to my computer and write an email, and I have money.

I built my assets for decades… and now they are there.

What about you? What assets have you built? What lasting things have you done?

What can you count to still have value after decades of your life?
One of the most ignored and most useful advice I have ever read comes from Warren Buffet, his 20 slot Rule.

It talks to stock investors, but it can be easily interpreted as an overall advice for a life well lived.

How do you know if you live your life well… is your life is a well lived life?
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The secret is in the system… No system? No life

The secret is the system… No system? No life.

Unless, of course, you are one of Neal Stephenson’s characters, who rarely set out to do something and do it… They tackle what is thrown at them… Well, I might add…

But you are not one of his characters… and life, without a system, without a clear direction is a life not worth living.
But with some forethought, you can make life predictive, interesting, and good…

Most of what there is to do in a day, most of what moves you towards that ephemeral good life is hard or tedious

Some tasks are hard for me too. Or tedious… And I respond to both hard and tedious with tension. Impatience. Intolerance.

Sitting and watching a video, even if it is a film, but especially if it is a tutorial video, I have about 10-15 minutes that I can suffer it… and then I have to jump up… whole body tight, resistant.

This used to hinder me a lot. I would buy classes and never finish them.

or difficult books… “I can’t take any more of this…”
or doing Starting Point Measurements…
or designing a page
or writing a sales letter

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Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

The other day I used the free community van to get to stores I cannot get to easily on my own.
Note: in the illustrations I am not taking sides. I am illustrating that there is confusion and disagreement in what race. what is racist. what is racism, and what it does is it makes people rigid, lie about what they think, and vote for Trump… ugh.
The driver of the van has a PhD in sociology He asked me if it bothered me if he continued to listen to NPR radio, National Public Radio. There was a public debate on Trump and on the question whether he was a racist or not.
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How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid… even when you have no reason to be.

It was 1991. Georgia… some miles from Atlanta, in a hunting lodge. November. Communication Commando Course.

Just the name was enough to put the fear of god in me. But then they ushered me in this little room where I needed to answer some questions about myself, name, age, where I live, who I live with… in front of a camera.

Now, by that time I had been on television twice, seen and recognized by millions of people. And yet, I was terrified.

What was I afraid of?

This is what this article is about… what is it that you are afraid of, that you cannot tell what it is, but it is as real as that if they keep you underwater long enough, you’ll be dead. Dead dead….
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What is the opposite of entitled?

Every generation is more entitled than the previous one. Why? Let me explain…
If appreciative is the opposite of entitled… does that mean that all those people who are not appreciative are entitled?

Entitled is a worldview. It is a ground-of-being phenomenon, invisible, like the floor. An unexamined truth. To you. But for the other, it is quite obvious…

So how do you know that you are not appreciative? that you are entitled?

This is how:

Even when you thank someone, they frown…
You may even be diligent in thanking someone, you may even feel a stab of thankfulness, but those thanks are the waves on the waters, not the bottom of the sea… The bottom of your sea is entitlement.

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The fullness of love, fulfillment, and the emptiness you try to fill

In this article I share what it takes to become a fulfilled human being… Not depending on the world for love, success, praise… being liked, being well thought of…

It is 9/11 today. 14 years ago this day I still thought that someone else can fill the gaping hole within me. That someone loving me can fill me with love.

That success will fill me with fulfillment.

It doesn’t, and it can’t.

Luckily I woke up from that induced societal slumber.

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The results of coaching depend on the client

No matter how skillful the guidance, the teaching, the coaching, the results will depend on the guided… On their skill and diligence.

And willingness.

Any guidance, any teaching, any coaching is choosing. And when you choose, unless you unchoose something you’ll stop and flail and stop moving.
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How to Keep Your New Year Resolution So You Can Feel Good About Yourself?

Feel Good About Yourself
Keep Your New Year Resolution? they say they are broken so often, they seem to be made to be broken.

Here is an article that I’d like you to read if your overall sense of life and your important areas of life is that they are stressful, and that you are never getting ahead. When you re-evaluate your projects with the method taught in this article, you will feel good about yourself, because you will keep more of your resolutions.

The method in this article can make a huge difference, and the time it takes is very small compared to you being stuck for a long-long time.

Joe (not his real name) made a new year resolution to stop smoking. He set the date, and he made a plan. Then he started to implement his plan. The plan was to gradually cut down. Then he kept on smoking.

We had our usual coaching call on Wednesday at noon. I asked: what would you like to accomplish in this call?

Joe started to talk about his weight… that one day he lost a pound, the other he gained 2… He weighed himself upon awakening every day, and he was mortified at the up and down nature of his daily weight. He was spending a lot of time worrying about that, he confessed.

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What is your access to your power? Power for life…

Are you enervated, as if there were no bones in your body? Limp? Ragdoll?

You see, Government mandated rest, family does that to you. Me. Everyone.

Unless what you do and how you do it is energizing it is enervating…

Everyone’s vibration that I looked at has dropped over this marathon holiday… even mine.
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