Category Archives: context is decisive

Become your own rainmaker… start using your brain

Your brain is an Unused Resource
It is what most rainmakers do. Start using unused resources.

Rainmaking is a business/industry distinction.

There is a business that does so-so. A new CEO or leader comes in and restructures the company and their results go through the roof.

But the same thing can be done on any level, including the level of the person, or your own self. Your own life.
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Ambition versus Desire… Why ambition has become a dirty word, and who does it serve?

I spent yesterday reading the novel the 1997 Dutch film (Character) was based upon. Of course they changed a few things, and the film left me in deep quandary. The title didn’t make sense. The whole dynamic didn’t make sense. So I read the book.

Most movies’ ending is clear… this is probably only the second movie that left me with questions: WTF just happened? The other movie is the 2002 Chinese movie “Together”.

Anyway, I read the Character book. It was written in 1938.

I did learn what the title was about. And I learned a lot more.

This article is not about the movie, this article is about what makes a man a Man.
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Own what owns you. Owning it means: you allow it to be

Own what owns you. Whatever you allow to be allows you to be.

One of my favorite movies is M, a 1931 German thriller by Fritz Lang.

At one point in my life I wanted to have a life about movies. I didn’t know I was an empath, but I knew that I got a lot more depth out of movies than anyone I knew… and I knew that I had some unique ability to say something that was new, about every movie.
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That sinking feeling in your stomach. Is it real?

That sinking feeling… that you don’t measure up, the impending doom, being found out… fear of death…

I just read an article on the New York Times, and ended up having that sinking feeling in my stomach.

I don’t often have it myself, that sinking feeling in my stomach, but I experience it from students on the calls, so I decided to investigate.

The article was about the next 200 billion company. I had an experience of being a midget in a world of giants. I had an experience of being insignificant, nobody, wannabe, a failure, a nothing.

In olden times this would effect me and my mood for hours, days, weeks… depression would set in. I would look at my projects and feel ashamed.

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You hope you have high vibration… but what if you don’t know what high vibration is?

I am getting hundreds of requests for Starting Point Measurements. That includes me measuring your vibration… human vibration, vibrational frequency, whatever you call it…

Ultimately there is one thing in common among the emotional responses: disappointment.

A lot of people think that their numbers, their vibration should be higher. Why? Because they are good people. Because they are charitable, kind, nice, don’t kill puppies, and volunteer… whatever b.s. is considered high vibration nowadays.

But the vibration number shows one thing and one thing only: how much your behavior is informed by reality and how much is informed by b.s., rules, myths, ideas, that ignore reality.

And your vibration number is low.
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Measuring Self-Esteem distortion: how accurate is your self-evaluation?

The new measure I am including in the Starting Point Measurements is Self-Esteem. Or more precisely: how distorted your self-esteem is.

Esteem, the word, comes from the Latin appraise, estimate, measure the value of, the size of… through French and Middle English (as a noun in the sense ‘worth, reputation’): from Old French estime (noun), estimer (verb), from Latin aestimare ‘to estimate.’ The verb was originally in the Latin sense, also ‘appraise’ (compare with estimate), used figuratively to mean ‘assess the merit of.’ Current senses date from the 16th century.

So Self-Esteem is how you think your size is compared to others, compared to a standard.

80% of the people, who have a distorted (inaccurate) sense of themselves, overestimate themselves. This also differs by countries… a lot. For example, Koreans underestimate themselves, and therefore work diligently to measure up.

Not surprisingly, countries with the lowest Ambition number are highest on the overestimation scale… “If I am so wonderful already, why should I want to be more wonderful… says the unconscious culture of these countries.

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When your vibration drops everything starts to bother you

One of the most harmful words in the English language are I, my, and me.

It is not that they are intrinsically harmful! they are harmful the way we relate to their meaning.

Context is decisive. Sometimes these words (I, my and me) are the context, and sometimes they are heard in a context… confusing? Yeah, context has been confusing to many of my students. But being confused is a very high state: the lowest state a human is “knowing.” Why? Because once you think you know, once you think you have the answer, you stop looking, you stop being present, your mind is running the show, the stupid machine that anyone can hack, and they do, and you wouldn’t even know.

What is the highest state? I am not sure. But I am certain that the “I can see that” is higher than “confused”. I am not at the highest state, or if I am, I have no idea what indicates that state… so let’s not go there, ok?

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If you could buy one program, what should it be?

Why should I bother dealing with your health issues, or your money issues, instead of teaching you how to get enlightened?

Isn’t that a great question? And it makes so much sense… After all there are thousands, hundreds of thousands, who claim to be experts in the health field, your bodily and financial health field… shouldn’t I just leave you to them, and do what only I can do? And just deal with you on the level of self-realization?
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You have the power to heal in your hands…

Some 15 or so years ago I was using the Healing Codes to make money. I ran small ads on Google. The money I made (commission) more than paid for my living at the time.

The slogan I used in the ads was something like ‘you have the power to heal in your hands…’ or ‘the power to heal is in your hands’. Subtle variations of the same.

Today, I just realized that ‘the power to create a new you, a happier life, even healing is in your mouth…’
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