Category Archives: Depression

Stuck? Playing a small game? Waiting for a miracle? Get unstuck using my methods

Some people are motivated (put into motion) by negative emotions, like fear, hate, refusing something with so much energy that it finally puts them in motion: until then they cannot get unstuck.

Other people are motivated by accomplishment, joy, love, freedom, or some other positive event or emotion.

The problem is how to crank up the energy of the emotion, negative or positive, so there is enough energy in it to put you in motion, to get unstuck.

The enemy of any forward movement is complacency, cynicism, resignation. These are real strong energies. If we wanted to express their effect, they are like a ton of weight on the see-saw. If you want to make the see-saw move, you need to pile up the weight on the other side.

Most people leave this to chance, hope that something will move them from dead center to get unstuck.

Other people cause breakdowns to get unstuck.

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Healing/Transformational Modality: Bach Flower Remedies Updated, introducing Bach Energies

Summary: New Healing Modality, the turning of subtle energies of plants into downloadable, infusible energies is a new modality. The 40 energies of the Heaven on Earth, the 40 Bach Energies don’t interfere with each other, unlike their original, the Bach Flower Remedies, where if you included more than 8 remedies in a mix, your results started to diminish.

I created an audio recording of myself downloading all 40 Bach Energies, one by one. The energies are very specific, they “grab you” exactly where you feel those negative feelings the energy counters.

Want to read about it? Amazing, a total emotional detox.

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Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?

Today I got to go deeper in the shoulds.

I actually saw that every single thing that causes you, causes Man to be miserable, is a should in one form or another.

What lead me on is this:

I woke up, as planned, at 3 am.

But I didn’t immediately get up. I wanted to measure if my healing client has maintained the healing I worked so hard last night on.

She didn’t. So I grieved a little… and then fell asleep. Next time I woke up it was 4:30. I heard in my head: I should have gotten up when I woke up.
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Homing Device. Psychic Attacks, The Drama Unfolds: the Water Mystery Solved

I have been drinking energized water since 1996. It has made a huge difference in my health. I could say that my well-being increased 200-300%, or said another way, my malaise has decreased by more than half.

A year or so ago the supplier of the energized water products went bankrupt and I started to wish I could, somehow either acquire the patent to produce the water or maybe, by some miracle, be given the method.

My desire was fulfilled this year and I have been able to provide energized water products for a fraction of the cost I used to pay for them.

At roughly the same time, Tr. of Tr. Wellness came out with his own Tr. Water. It was an instant hit, in spite of its high cost. Lots of people want to be well, want to be pretty, want to feel energized.

Around May 6 I asked for Source to duplicate Tr.’s energy, and Source said: No problem.

I premiered the energy on a May 8 healing meditation call… and that was the starting point of something… I’d like to explain in this article.

At the time I had a student who used to send me donations… for who knows why. Around that date the donations stopped.

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Self-Awareness and the The Sideways View…

How Self-Awareness is the Key to Happiness, Effectiveness, Intelligent Decisions… The Sideways View
I thought I was going to have a domestic day. you know laundry, dishes, stuff. and watch myself, my emotions, and have a good old time.

The weather is gorgeous. My neighborhood is even prettier in the fall than in the summer. you can see far. and the contrast of the blue sky and the rusty color of the leaves and branches is really beautiful.

The thought: ‘I could actually be happy’. The though of being cured. These thoughts were very present there for a few minutes. I made myself a nice cup of tea, and checked my email.

There was a note there from Youtube that I have a comment on my ‘Why are Jews smart?’ video, so I went to check it out.

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Scams, conspiracies: how your mind makes you dumb, naive, stupid, and a victim

Scams, conspiracies: how your mind makes you dumb, naive, stupid, and a victim

Ever since I was a little girl, I could be sent into a deep depression with any story about scams, conspiracies.

The idea that I was duped, or could be duped, that we are walking on a minefield only safe for a moment and can be blown up any moment sent me hurling into depression.

I know that my wording is dramatic: I can be very dramatic about certain topics, to my own detriment.

Where is this from, this sudden “interest” in this topic again?

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Passivity… the worst plague in the history of humans

Today’s human’s biggest issue is passivity.

A normal 98% human lives their life like the vagrants in the famous Samuel Beckett’s nihilist play: Samuel Beckett: Waiting For Godot.

If you have never seen it: it’s an empty stage signifying an abandoned filthy littered lot in the middle of nowhere.

Our vagrants talk about nothing for the entire length of the play, while waiting for a guy named Godot.

In the end we find out that Godot never goes that way. So why are they waiting for him there? Because they can wait there… everywhere else they would not be welcome.

Beckett and his anti-heroes are exactly describing the current state of humanity: do what you can where you can, talk about nothing, and wait for something. Never cause anything.

On the surface this is not a bad life, but if you look how it looks and how it feels, it is the underlying cause of depression, melancholy, lifelessness. Walking dead… zombie…

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The Heaven on Earth or HOE

If you were a garden, we could be pretty sure that it would be full of weeds… and all your good qualities, your good aspirations would be threatened by the weeds that want to take over your garden.

Negativity, bad habits, bad thoughts, character flaws… all threaten to drown out what’s good about you.

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Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?

What is the difference between mulling something over and contemplating?

A lot of people asked Dr. Peter Popper what it takes to be as knowledgeable is he is. His answer is: reading. And then contemplate over what you read. And then reading more. Contemplate more.

Contemplating means to think about, to LOOK thoughtfully for a long time at something. Instead of what most people do prejudge, or judge the thing. Or even simply just understand.
Contemplating makes you expand mentally.
You rebuild your worldview, you rebuild your view of the world when you do it rightly.

Understanding is always fitting something in the limited knowledge you have, not expanding it, not what Life or an author meant. Near worthless.

Instead of reading and contemplating, most people mull things over in their minds… after they judged it as right or wrong.

One is mulling things over… while the other is contemplating over what one read, what one saw.
One leads to more of the same… the other leads to an expanded view of everything.
Or digging your heels in. Digging yourself deeper into a ditch… the other is playing and climbing mountains.
The one is guided by a certainty that you are right and others are wrong… the other leads to inner peace.
Physiologically the one is tight cone of vision, and the eye doesn’t move. The other the cone of vision is relaxed, wider, and the eyes move to follow some idea, but don’t get stuck.
Emotionally the one is a threat where all you can do is dig in and resist… while the other is quite pleasant, like an adventure.

At the root of it, what it boils down to is this: how much you think the thing is about you. How much it effects you.

I track people on my calls, and watch what they do, where they go. And how long they stay there. And what brings them out, if anything.
Ultimately people who cannot or won’t contemplate, who can only mull things over cannot get out of their own way.
What does it mean that you cannot get out of your own way?

How and why are you in your own way to begin with?

From Psychology Today:
Getting out of your own way means being with who you are, moment to moment, whether you like it or not. Whether or not it’s easy or comfortable, familiar or disturbing. And then creating from that place.
From Quora:
It means that your habits, behavior, feelings, personal problems, etc. are stopping you from being successful. You need to change these things so your life will become better.
But what exactly is in your own way?
Here it is, simply: you are taking things personally. And personally you want to be right, you want to look good, you want to avoid domination, and you want to justify, explain… so you don’t have to change anything.
You insist that you are right, that you have always been right, and what you think about yourself and about the world is
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