Category Archives: emotions are marker feelings

Frazzled-unfrazzled…When your connection to Source fails

My health has turned to the worse in the past week or so.

I am experiencing almost unceasing pain, occasionally unbearable.

I don’t know what is hurting. And surprisingly Source isn’t helping. Why?

Give me a chance to explain how I got to the answer, instead of just giving it to you straight.

I have been promoting the Full Bach Profile and the 48 matching Bach Energies. I’ll talk about those later… but for now just know that is what I am doing.

The Bach energies are tools for the Inner Authority course.

Inner Authority is a course where we clear all our preconceptions, and the past from our space so we can feel the body’s guidance as it was meant to be…
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I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson. Here is a 60% truth value video

Yesterday I found a quote that shook me to my core… So I want to start with that. You could say: that quote accurately expresses my attitude about life… and I am moved by that

It is 60% truth value, not because 40% of it is not true, but because it doesn’t quite distinguish the path, doesn’t look at the invisible dynamics of life it a way, that people can catch themselves as they make themselves miserable…

It is never circumstances, nor other people that make you miserable, it is your inability: lack of distinctions, to see exactly what creates your attitude and behavior.

You can’t catch what you can’t see! And lack of distinction is the cause of it.
Distinction is the ability to tell two things apart, even if and when they are very similar.
Until you can… and to the degree that you can’t… everything is the same for you as everything else… you are a bumbling idiot when it comes to life.
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This is, still, my favorite TED talk… Amazing TED talks to enrich your concept of emotions, feelings, and self-image

Here is one… what makes it stand out is the passion, and the using of sound effects… her own voice, really authentic… I really loved it.

But what makes it really my favorite, that my clients and students who have been in a quandary about who they are… are starting to see the importance of recognizing the pattern this TED talk introduces: how you make up a new identity that is wholly inauthentic to you.

I am on a roll… I will be watching, and posting if I find the TED talk useful.

Two things about this coming TED talk: the more views a talk has, the more the talker speaks the common man’s language, beliefs, and stuff… words that are inaccurate.

Regardless, this is a good talk. Not excellent, but good, and worth your time.

I always check if my female students will relate to it… and if it is a yes, I’ll post it.

This one passed the test… Even if you never got anything I said in The Playground, you’ll benefit from this one… so please watch it. It can change your life, and start you on the path to what you always wanted: freedom, easy, power…
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Emotional toughness, resilience can help you getting there

Do you hate to learn new things because every time you do, it somehow tells you that you have been wrong? Or not enough? Not good enough?

Well, toughen up princess…

But otherwise it’s normal. I know.

As a child I lived across the street from my elementary school.

I was nearly seven when I went to school, I was born September 4. My mother held me back because I was so tiny. My brother was two years older.

On the first day of school…
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The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness

More books are sold on happiness than maybe even on dieting… especially because 98% diet books’ hidden attraction is happiness.

Weird, eh?

I have read my share of the books on happiness, of all kinds of psychologies, philosophies, and just inane silliness in articles, TED talks, youtube videos…

In my humble opinion no one is willing to shout out that the emperor is naked. that our desire for happiness is what causes this sea of unhappiness we are all swimming in.
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A smart phone does not reverse the aging process…

I know, I know, I stole that subject line… but… it is so funny. It seem out of context but it isn’t… wait and see.

The line is from Brian Kurtz, marketing master, whose message still goes over my head. I have to confess: I am not a ‘real’ marketer, I just have things I can teach, I have things I can sell, and I do the best I can with what I have… but marketing? I still don’t amount there to much. Kindergarten level.

And that means that business, marketing, making money is never my ‘one thing’ to focus on, never my ‘one thing’ I hope I’ll have time to do, just isn’t.

My one thing is…
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Emotional Intelligence: When you suppress half of reality, you need to suppress all of it…

I spent two hours on technical support this morning. My emails are not delivered… and that is a big problem in a business…

The lovely support person, Claire, was knowledgeable, but here anxiety was so strong, I got dizzy from it.

Even though I don’t know her from Adam, I took it on myself to coach her… I felt that she was anxious because it takes time to do what she does, and she had to make me wait here and there.

That stressed her out… I assured her that I had no problem waiting, that she was fine, that she was competent, and she didn’t need to hurry. Continue reading Emotional Intelligence: When you suppress half of reality, you need to suppress all of it…

How words create and sustain emotions… Emotional Intelligence Part 3

Unfortunately for you, your emotions determine the quality of your life.

If you haven’t, please read part one –> and part two –> first…

‘They’ teach you to try to only have positive emotions, but guess what… you only try to have positive emotions on the top of negative ones…

The less emotions you have the higher the quality of your life… Surprised? It’s true.

Imagine you are a baby… You are happy. You are just here to eat and poop.

There is nothing you can or even have to do for yourself, you completely rely on other people, for security, for comfort, for sustenance, to clean you up… everything. Continue reading How words create and sustain emotions… Emotional Intelligence Part 3

The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two

This is part two of an article I started yesterday –>

I have a client whose soul correction is Fear/Fearless. She asked me how to get rid of that fear.

She is young, she is impressionable, and she acts fearful. She will have a lot of problems in life from that: it will keep her a child needing protection, someone else to look out for her.

Not what Life wants her to be.

Your soul correction is a particular way you lean away from Life, you turn away from Life: you don’t take responsibility and accountability for yourself and your life.

Life whats what Hillel the elder said some 2100 years ago:

If you are not for you, who is for you?

In this article we’ll examine what is ‘being for yourself’ means… be prepared to be surprised, my students were when they found out. Continue reading The emotions that you are a slave to are manipulated… Emotional Intelligence Part two

Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor of your being. Emotional Intelligence Part One

Once you distinguish something, you start seeing it everywhere… not only where you expect it, but really everywhere. This is done by something called the reticular activator or reticular activating system –>.

I teach distinctions, distinguishing, and my students are reluctant to learn and start seeing… Until you see it everywhere, everything is still about you… and no transformation can take place.

The new distinction I have learned from a set of books by Hungarian engineer, Gyozo Margóczi –>, is that all emotions are created by words, even though feelings are not… Feelings are a little pressure here, tightness there… no meaning. There is a feeling and then you add a word, and you get emotion. Depending on the word you add, the emotion changes.

Here is the  with the corresponding feelings… Continue reading Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor of your being. Emotional Intelligence Part One