Category Archives: Energies

Is the Universe friendly to you?

I sent out an email:
My email exchange
I sent out an email the other day. here is the whole email:
Is building confidence a topic you like?
I have been looking at topics that may be of interest to you, and so far, I have settled on building confidence…
Do you agree that if you had more confidence, you’d do more, you’d have more fun, you’d accomplish more, you’d feel better about yourself?
Please hit reply and let me know what you think.
There are no right answers, and there are no wrong answers. Only YOUR answer that matters to me.
I can’t wait. I’ll answer your email, I promise.
thank you in advance,
The answers knocked me conscious… Most of my subscribers don’t live on the same planet as me… we don’t see eye to eye…
The duping of the planet is almost complete…
Until you get that you are on your own, and the Universe is NOT on your side, your life will be hell.

Here are some of the email exchanges… and at the end of this article, I’ll point the way to a world where people are smart (YOU?) and self-sufficient…

Yes, Sophie, thanks! I agree. But I’d like to tell you one more thing that I’m not actually able to overcome – I cannot believe (I have no confidence) that the Universe is really on my side. You know, after too much time when things are going wrong (I mean years) and I can see a solution that would be for the best of everyone involved, and I asked, and I tried to command – there was I time I really felt confident I could have what my heart desires -, and I tried to work on myself but I don’t see anything good really coming my way except in my imagination and in “predictions” from “seers”, in time I lost the confidence I had in the Universe, even if I keep on reading that many people think quite the contrary. And I’m starting to think that many of those people are not true, too…

Furthermore, if I’m the only one to blame for my situations in life, that leaves no room for the existence of angels and spirit guides to help me out, so that leaves me completely on my own to face everything!! And I’m so alone at that that I really feel overwhelmed… so I hoped those beings were real and I tried to ask them as instructed by the so-called “angel ladies” and various channellers but I still had no help in coming out from my bad situations, only promises I don’t really believe in anymore.

Ok, sorry, maybe I’ve gone a little off topic (of what you asked), but I thought that maybe it could be helpful to remark that not only a lack of personal confidence is a problem but also a lack of confidence in the Universe.

Many thanks and all the best,

My answer: the truth is that you are on your own, and the Universe is not on your side. There are no angels, no spirit guides, and the angel ladies are blood sucking parasites.

Do you really think that? They’re all really lying? How can someone overcome their doubts, then, and their feelings of hopelessness?
Forgive me if I ask so clearly, but by
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Have you bidded yet on the tiny audio to adjust your DNA

Yesterday’s article and the idea of letting people bid on the DNA adjusting tiny audio has been very interesting.

I don’t know what I was expecting.

People bidded? bade? very consistently with how much value they lay on a life that they can love and live powerfully.

Isn’t the life you love invaluable? Maybe.
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You are a bad neighborhood — eliminate your influence on your water

If, in spite of all your efforts, your cell hydration hasn’t gone up, I need to suspect that you, unintentionally, de-energize your water… that your presence lowers vibration, makes water incoherent.

I remember when someone was told this same things, with slightly different words… They told him that the grass doesn’t grow where he treads.

If your water isn’t responding to the Water Energizer energy as expected, or one moment it is energized/coherent, the next it isn’t… more often than not it an the environmental issue. Thunderstorms, Noreaster, you or some other people getting access to your house bringing down the vibration of the water.

I found out a few years ago that the simple Source energy, the Energizer, is vulnerable to Fourth Plane, man made energies.
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What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light?

What Is The Mindset That Activates The Light? Why Being A SecondHander Is A Real Deactivator Of The Light?
When I say ‘The Light’ I mean inside and outside. The inner Light is the spirit… the outer light? is there anything outer, or your access to the Light is entirely from within?

I don’t know. I do know what deactivates it of keeps it off…

Most of the people on planet earth are secondhanders. Chances are that you are too.
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Without the Big Bundle I would be…

Some 10 days ago I ate some food from my suddenly broken refrigerator.

I was on a coaching call, so I was distracted. Turns out the meat was tainted and I fell ill.

Not your usual bacterial type of food poisoning where you get diarrhea and maybe vomit… no, this one was from dead bacteria… And it promptly proceeded to destroy my intestines.

Have you ever seen roaster red peppers? The charred skin over the succulent flesh of the pepper?

Imagine this happening in your intestines… and unless you can remove the charred skin, unless you can keep the “flesh” from being eaten alive, you are going to die.

Of course no sane medical doctor would know what to do with that, or even that this is what was happening, without cutting you open, and killing you by exposing that virgin “flesh” to pathogens.
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Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to stay or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

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Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look

Most people, 99% of the time, are stuck on the systemic judgment level… where everything has an opposite, and it is either one or the other.
Binary thinking. What is Binary Thinking? Binary thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking, happens when even complex concepts, ideas, and problems are overly simplified into being one side or another. The gray area in the middle is ignored or goes unnoticed. Binary thinking helps us feel a sense of certainty.
Another way of looking: reality is 3d… Your thinking is binary… No match. No astuteness. No correct actions possible.

I used to live there in the binary. In fact every young child lives there… It is the under 3’s whole world… Binary.

But I was already an adult… And yet… I was utterly miserable… I was like an automaton… Kill it/love it, no in between.
Until 1998…
I was 51 years old when I saw it. Then a 15 year long process to get out of it…

It began with the idea of things are on a continuum… Not on a binary switch.

One of my Landmark coaches said about herself: Who I am is fully expressed greatness… And I heard the continuum for the first time.

I am not either great or sh!t… I can be great, even very great, and yet express just a little bit in one situation, and a whole lot more in others.

I can always look where I am at, in any given moment and say: OK… I am here… And be well. Strive to express more… But be really OK being exactly where you are at.

It didn’t turn on the capacity, because I already had the capacity… But I was almost 50 when this happened… And before that I had nothing between the two extremes… I was either great or not great. Either smart or stupid. Either accepted or not. Either respected or not. And the same about everyone else.

I could not see gradation and therefore I could not even look to see what made me express greatness less, be less smart, be less accepted, be less respected, etc. Because that didn’t exist for me.
And you can’t be responsible for what you can’t see… Not possible.
So that was the first turnaround for me.

The sentence: If it is to be, it is up to me suddenly made sense. Suddenly I saw no situation where I had no power… I always had some power, more or less, to influence the outcome.

Upon looking at this capacity I get a surprise: muscletest says: everyone has this capacity… And yet only about 1% of the time is it used… Is it seen… the rest of the time people just stay in the binary realm.

I watched this video with Alex Hormozi: he sees it as the number one reason people cannot move forward, people cannot use coaching to grow… Because even after showing it, they insist on the binary.

We can safely say that my personal evolution began with seeing that things have a gradation…
A whole new world opened up for me, the world of gradual, the world of shades of gray, the world of growth. The world of personal power.
Until that point I had no personal power… Because
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Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?

Let me start with something I had to sleep on to see: you are not all you can be, even not inside the box you live in.

What box?

Well, you are born with a certain DNA and it gives you a box. Your DNA predetermines the size of your box.

In my experience people fulfill on their box-given potential, to an average 3%. In every area of life… health, wealth, love and happiness. People who do very well: above 30%. (What limits them? really good question… I’ll write an article on that soon…)

People, you, can grow inside their box… but mostly they, you don’t…

You can estimate to what degree someone fills their box (potential) by seeing at what point they become boring. Yes, boring. OK, maybe not to you, but to me at some point I can see them limited by their box: they repeat themselves. My three coaches, for example… 🙁

I started to watch this dude, wheezy yesterday….
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Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you

If you have hopes to become happy, Today’s Monday Morning Memo is right up your alley… it teaches what you CAN do, HOW you can look and see reality, and be happy, excited, joyful… instead of how and what you are now.

Without gene adjustment. Probability that it will work… without energetic adjustment: 3%. The effectiveness of words to your behavior and worldview.

Yesterday’s Inner Authority class was very instructive to me: I found out that many people consider that what they get from me, energies, adjustments, etc. are non-important, non-essential, maybe even non-real… as in ‘they are my way to extort money’.

The more you can consider my energy interventions real, real-real… the more willing you’ll be to do what co-creative actions you need to take.
Energies, for the most part, can only change physical reality if and when some action is added, concurrently.
Example: …
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