Category Archives: Get unstuck

Are you filling your head with ‘just in case’ knowledge while your life is waiting for you to know what to do?

I woke up this morning. I said the date, out loud, in Hungarian (my last dream before waking up was in Hungarian) and the sound of the words took me to a soul-searching.

I said (in Hungarian), Happy New Year Miss Benshitta… and it hit me, that I would be an old maid, a spinster in Hungary… ugh… would it have forced me to get married and become swallowed up by another’s life?

Had I stayed in Hungary… I probably would have continued working as an architect. I probably would have never done the steps that would have taken me through all the steps one has to take to reach and walk a different path.

I would be unfulfilled, and probably dead.

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If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow

The first step in AA, Alcoholics Anonymous says: We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol––that our lives had become unmanageable.

Whether you know it or not, that is the most important of all the steps. And of life…
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Are you dull? bored? boring? Too determined? Hellbent?

This is a post from 2016  that is suddenly relevant again.

I woke up early this morning. I spent, it seems, the whole night with hair-raising dreams… so it was good to get up.

Got up and came to my computer and posted some 45 podcast episodes from 2-3 years ago.

I listened to a few of them, and I was dumbfounded how much better I was back then, how many more things I had to talk about then… intelligently, interestingly, engagingly.
So I started to look what the heck changed that I am so much duller nowadays.

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How to find your real self… instead of honoring your false self as yourself

As I have written before, the book I am reading now is the Metaskills.

The author is a designer, and looks at life through a designer’s glasses.

The article “You live in a world of your own design” is one of the favorite articles on my site. People want to design their lives.

The popularity of the program, Mind Movies builds on that desire to design… but the requirements for design are not there, not there for 99.99% of humanity… What is there is something else, something that doesn’t allow for design.
The basics of being a designer is what is most missing in life… if you really look, you can see it.
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Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…

Given that I go deep with humans… deep inside… deep into the invisible… all the way to DNA, this article is different than what everyone says… so beware…
Ultimately emotional intelligence means: interfacing with reality accurately.
REAL emotional intelligence is when you can look at what emotions you feel, and not be guided by that emotion.

You have no control over your emotions. You can test it… try to be happy… OK now try to be sad… You may fake the facial expression, but what you feel is now that…

Emotional intelligence is to consider your emotions noise. Really. And instead of looking in your emotions to know what’s going on, look in REALITY… Emotions all come from something you consciously or unconsciously say… not from reality.

Why? Because what you say has nothing to do with reality… what you say comes from your worldview… which is a very grossly inaccurate image of reality.

I am getting in deeply with this whole idea that you can be emotionally intelligent or not.

And have zoomed in on a spiritual/DNA capacity (The Sight capacity) that when kept alive, when used, it provides you with a significant jump in your emotional intelligence, or EQ.

It seems that the biggest problem is that you are not looking at people and even if you think you are looking, you are only looking for what you think you can recognize… like a smile or a frown… but that is where you stop.

And if you ‘misdiagnose’ what you see, your response to it will be NOT emotionally intelligent, in fact it will be a false step.
Your life will be full of disappointments, upsets, and not much success, neither in your work, nor in your relationships. Or money. Or health.
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Energetic Truth: ‘Trying’ Makes You Unsuccessful

Trying: the energetic truth why ‘trying’ backfires…

‘Trying’ is one of those words that have multiple meanings so you don’t catch that you are actually avoiding something.

Example: Trying something in a clothing store: you actually put it on and look and feel how it fits you.

But almost everywhere else trying means that you are not doing it, not putting it on, not attempting it, you are just giving it lip service.

There are all kinds of slogans, which, although they point in the right direction, use an invalid and untrue justification why you should follow them.

Let’s do an experiment: try to touch your nose. If you touched your nose, you didn’t understand the instructions. I didn’t say ‘touch your nose.’ I said TRY to touch your nose. Trying is NOT doing. Someone who is trying to do something behaves in one of two ways, neither of which is effective:

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How many people it takes to turn H.Sapiens into Human Being?

The title sounds like the beginning of a a joke, like how many philosophers does it need to change a lightbulb?

Four; one to change the light-bulb and three to say ‘Yes, Socrates,’ ‘Well done, Socrates,’ ‘Good job, Socrates.’ Funny as hell… but not exactly what I wanted to do… although that joke talks to me deeper than it probably talks to you.

But I digress…

This morning I stumbled on a page from Dan Millman’s ‘The Life You Were Born To Live’ a quasi Kabbalistic astrology book.

I have always disliked it, but today I came to hate it.
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Have a mind like a sieve?

It takes more than just insights, or reading, or listening to audios to become a fully equipped person who can live the good life. But what is the fundamental missing piece that so darn few ever benefit from in ANY of the activities they undertake?

With life spent in cars and buildings, our eyes stopped looking and assessing our environments. And with smart phones and computers, our eyes became like stationary search beams, not seeing anything outside of the beam…

But more importantly: out of sight – out of mind: the brain does not connect what you see with anything… nothing is ever written on your brain’s hard drive… only into its RAM… and once you look away, it all disappears…

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Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?

Do you feel locked out of abundance? There is a reason…
There are two main ways to be an entrepreneur

One way is to be in love with yourself, with your product, with your process, and push it. Sell it. Promote it.
The second way is to take your eyes off of what you want, of what you need, of what you want them to have, and listen keenly to what they want and need.

But then the question comes: how do you look? how do you listen?
If you look ordinarily, with your eyes… if you listen ordinarily with your ears, you’ll probably be in trouble.
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What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

Panem et circenses. That is Bread and circuses… in Latin, the language of ancient Rome.

Give the masses bread and circus (entertainment) and they won’t look at what you do on the top. Superficial appeasement.

In order for people to need only 1% of their brain capacity to work, one needs to distract them from activities that use more of that darn brain capacity. Because if the people did use it, the 1% would not be as high as they are… they would have competition. You.

What? Yes.

As I have said before, Wallace D. Wattles in two of his books, but especially in The Science of Getting Rich says things that other ‘new thought’ writers didn’t say. His The Science of Being Well has only one useful thought… the whole book… so its truth value is only 10%. The Science of Getting Rich has a truth value of 70%, and The Science of Being Great has a truth value of 40%.

The thinking stuff part is b.s. It is what the positive thinking attraction people dupe you with. Ignore that at all cost.
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