Category Archives: Inner Authority

The Inner Authority that you don’t have but could…

It’s been stormy here. Lots of rain. The other night a warning went out: a tornado was poised to touch down in Central New York: not a tornado area.


Nothing is wrong: as long as reality works the way reality works, all is well… even if it rains on your parade, even if you hate doing your morning walk trudging through mud, even if you are not prepared like I wasn’t.
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How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…

How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like their food…

Back in 1970, my mother hosted a symposium on some urban planning issue… and a few American professors attended. At a dinner my mother asked me to attend, I spoke to those professors, and they liked me… This was a year before I graduated from architecture school, I was offered a scholarship to Princeton University to get another degree, in urban planning. I had no idea what urban planning was really… but regardless I said… No, thank you.

I said, Naaaay, I am not interested. The professors didn’t even blink.
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Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries

…and if that is so, the job is to wipe away the intellectual plaque… emotions
I had a very unique experience on Thursday. I was on a coaching call. I shared one of difficulties with my business.

The coach: vibration 220, IQ: 130, spent 40 minutes, talking back and forth. He taught something that I had never heard, a way of business that I could not even fathom, and it was amazing. I immediately saw how I can use it, how I have been making mistakes not knowing what he was teaching.

It was a zoom call with everyone on camera, and I could observe, connect to, and muscletest the people on the call. What was most striking to me: the degree they weren’t getting the teaching.

Every person on the call had an IQ of 100. In a world where the average is 70, that is pretty good… they are all entrepreneurs able to afford the price of the coaching program. running a business of sorts.

Every person on the call had 200 vibration.
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Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Input. Output. Is this what they are talking about when they want you to have life-work balance?

We are different in what fill you up…

I get filled up by contemplating.

If and when I don’t have the freedom to contemplate, I start drawing, what I need to give, from nothing.

Contemplating doesn’t make sense at first blush, and yet… there you are.

Some conversations leave me with more in my checks and balances, that I had before the conversation. Others leave me high and dry…

Reading seems like a good way to fill myself up… and yet. Unless the reading material is material for contemplation, it goes straight to fat like food that is undigested.

If you pay attention, I used some magic words that could tell you, direct you to seeing what enriches you and what robs you.

Most people run on just above empty… And yet most people are bloated, flabby, and not agile… lots of undigested stuff… from books, from even courses, conversations, even from calls with me.

Overeating, over-consuming… never digesting.

Contemplation, mulling it over, ruminating is a habit.
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What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see it?

You can’t see your worldview. Or said more accurately: everything you see is a worldview.

View stands for what you see.

Your results, your lifestyle, your actions, your thoughts all come from your worldview.

That is why I likened it to the floor you walk on… before you can change your worldview, you need to be OK for suddenly not have a floor to walk on.

So changing your worldview is only possible if you are willing for the floor to disappear. I have been… Are you?

I had a friend during my participation in Landmark Education. She was an aspiring entrepreneur. Aspiring meaning: unsuccessful.

Why was she unsuccessful? She could do things. She had the appearance: she was tall, for example.

In one of our phone conversations she shared the elation when the cards flew off the board in Freecell… the sign of winning the game.
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A smart phone does not reverse the aging process…

I know, I know, I stole that subject line… but… it is so funny. It seem out of context but it isn’t… wait and see.

The line is from Brian Kurtz, marketing master, whose message still goes over my head. I have to confess: I am not a ‘real’ marketer, I just have things I can teach, I have things I can sell, and I do the best I can with what I have… but marketing? I still don’t amount there to much. Kindergarten level.

And that means that business, marketing, making money is never my ‘one thing’ to focus on, never my ‘one thing’ I hope I’ll have time to do, just isn’t.

My one thing is…
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The Bottomless Pit that Greed is

Nature is weird.

Osmosis is a process in which molecules of a solvent, like water, tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.

It is a lot like entrainment, at least for the naked eye…

When it comes to energy and No membrane to speak of, like when we energize water, where you put water in small bottles and water in a large container together, the higher energy part will entrain the other to its own energy… vibration if you wish.
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Getting the job done… what is mine to do?

I had an incident today… an incident with amazing guidance.

I bought a pack of stories to enliven my articles and my emails. There was an upsell… inexpensive, and something that teaches something I need.

I muscletested if I should buy it. The test said ‘no’. Is it because I don’t need it? yes. And then it occurred to me: ‘I have everything I need to get the job done’… wow.

I heard and learned that sentence back in 1976… and it worked like gangbusters then.
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Confession Video?

Yesterday I was on a zoom training with a known videographer. He gave an assignment to us, participants, to make a five-minute ‘confession video’ of why we do what we do, being vulnerable, authentic, and firm in the declaration of the intention for what we do. Each their own… not as a group.

The call was in the evening, so I spent all my dreams pondering where was the point where I became who I am today… and what furnace did I come through to be that…

I participated in Landmark (formerly est training) for 26 years when I first decided that maybe it is my job to take Landmark’s teaching further.

I had offered myself to Landmark and was rejected several times. They needed straight delivery people, not thinkers. In spite of the rejections I never lost the confidence that I have what it takes to take Landmark’s work further, make it more accessible and more implementable, so it could make more difference in people’s results and sense of self.

But where was the turning point, where was the hero’s journey?
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Empty The Future or else…

I read this article ten years ago… and saved it. The truth value is somewhat ‘high’… 10%… the average article has only 7% truth value on the internet.

I’ll put the article in the footnotes… so you can read it…

What is true in this article? the concept that you need to remove everything that is in your path to achieving what you want to achieve. That it is your job. But the nature of the obstacles: it is sorrily off.

So 1. what are the obstacles and 2. what is the process of clearing them?
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