Category Archives: invisible dynamics

It’s the words. The WORDS! Don’t you get it? The words!

Humans see the world through words… and then get trapped in single words that cause the world to be a dark dank place… No one wants to call home.

What would have to happen so that on this dark Monday morning you suddenly get how this human condition works, below the visible?

And if you got it: What would you do? What would you do if you got that you live your life through words and more words? Not any words, mind you, but powerful words said with power…?

Wouldn’t you flock to the schools, the teachers, to the gurus who can help you learn wordcraft?
Wouldn’t you suddenly want to read? Stories of people who got it, stories of people who live it?
Like I did.
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What does it take to change your limiting core belief?

How the famous ‘probable future’ can correct missteps, acting blindly without ever looking where the path leads?

In my experience, if you can allow your eyes to look into the future, you can see that unless you change something, you’ll get to a point where there is no more road… no more future for you… And that may allow you to take the plunge, and change your fundamental and limiting core belief about the world…

Because the issue is not what you believe about yourself; the issue is what you believe to be true about reality.
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Paying the piper for a decision my 2-year old self made

My article writing teacher says that the way to write a good article is to have three topics and let people know what they are, ahead of time.

This is the same dude who takes three months of vacation every year… maybe he knows something most don’t, and therefore it is worth listening to him?

So here are the three topics:
1. work-life balance: how the masses are wrong
2. your straitjacket… a detrimental early decision
3. what you eat… how it makes you ill or keeps you well.
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What’s a fundamental difference between a 1000 and you?

Alex Hormozi is a 1000.

I started to write this post yesterday while I was listening to Alex’s video on youtube. And of course it is the next day, and I have no idea what is the one thing I saw yesterday.

So lesson #1… when you have an insight, write it all down, don’t count on your memory.

Moreover: don’t count on your memory for anything… In fact have no use for your memory.

People whom I found unteachable all do everything in their memory and thus they are unteachable.
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The undertow… why you don’t, why can’t get ahead, until…

The undertow is an apt analogy to what is going on in humans… why they do or don’t do things. It’s invisible. So you can’t fix it… And it’s not wrong… and yet it destroys, and kills lives.

Yesterday I bought an ebook for the third time.

The same ebook. Why would I buy it again? Because I’ve never actually read it.

Now, that ebook cost twice as much as what I charge for a 3-hour workshop. And my hand was quite hesitant when I clicked the buy button… I was spending my weekly food allowance on a measly ebook. For the third time.

But if I eventually read it (lol) I may profit from it that much or more a week… so it is worth it.
But why on earth did I buy it three times?
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The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

We are definitely dealing with something that feels like an uncatchable ball.

We find something and it turns out not to be THE BALL… and we need to go and find another ball to catch… but instead of being able to catch it, it slips out of our grasp.

Why are we even trying?

Because unless and until we catch it and have it in our grasp, firmly, our lives cannot change, our performance cannot change, we cannot really get to where we love ourselves, love our lives, and live it powerfully.

This uncatchable ball is small, slippery, and evasive.

And we want to catch it… If nothing else, I am tenacious… And so help me god, I’ll catch it. Identify it, if it takes me a hundred articles… I will. For you, and for me.

This article is an attempt to catch it… The next article is already written and will come out later today…

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Reclaim your power? From what? From who? For what?

I keep on explaining people that the only way to get to a good result is through bad results, failures, but I don’t think I am heard.

It is true for everyone… it is definitely true for me… and I don’t have to like it.

Yesterday we worked on distinguishing misdirecting our power vs leaking our power.
Power is what you have to get things done, to accomplish things.
It is a finite amount, although you can grow it over time… but in any moment what you have available to you is finite.
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Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

Being needy, being want-y is low vibration… about 100 on the vibrational scale.

I order my grocery through Instacart. This way I never have to leave my house, I never have to see or get near another person. I ‘blame’ the pandemic… lol.

But today, when I stood behind my front door, waiting for the Instacart delivery person, Angel to leave my grocery at the door, I shouted: ‘Thank you Angel’, and then I started to sob.
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