Category Archives: The Playground

How does your Soul Correction prevent you from getting to a life worth living?

When you change the way you see things, the things you see change!
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

I have a disproportionately large number of people asking for their numbers, whose soul correction is “Sexual Energy”

I could ponder why the Kabbalist named the soul correction that… but instead of that I’ll say: How you do anything is how you do everything… meaning whatever your attitude to one thing in life, will be visible in every area of life, including sex.

The main attitude of this soul correction, “Sexual Energy” is: It is my due. One may say “I deserve it”. I heard the expression “Magiya li” in Israel a lot.

We all think about certain things, we all view certain privileges as a right, as a due, as an “of course”, but the nature of reality dares to differ.
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How psychologists, writers, gurus, get it wrong… and nobody is happy, including them

I looked at pictures of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi… who wrote the book Flow, and is an expert on talking about happiness. Not being happy, mind you, on researching happiness.

He doesn’t look happy, doesn’t feel happy (remember, I am an empath).

I even went and found videos where he speaks Hungarian… hoping to find a picture where he is joyful.

Didn’t find any. Not even one.

His insightful quote: “People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy.” is what was missing for him, and what is missing for most people most of the time.
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Do you want to fall in love with yourself?

I had an experience this morning that I’d like to share.

Someone asked for the silent version of the Effortless Abundance Activator audio.

I dug for the parts of it my hard drive, and put it together… without the ocean sound in the background. Don’t forget, most of the activators are put together from many audios layered, otherwise each energy would come down one after the other and the effect would be less, and the audio longer. So I record the energies in separate audios and then layer them… instead.

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Even her husband is changing…

When people change around you… who you are blaming? Where do you look for cause and effect? Do you know what causes what? I bet you don’t…

This is a case study of one of my coaching students…

I have been coaching people for about 30 years, and have been running my own programs for almost as many years.

Some people take their own transformation on, and they change. Some, I say, because most people don’t.

I have noticed that certain countries, certain cultures are more conducive for people take their own fate into their own hands… most aren’t.

And sometimes, these same people, cause massive transformation for their family, but are unaware of it, and therefore cannot make it permanent, cannot make it last, cannot even acknowledge it.

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The fear of finding out… the fear of being found out

We have the real self and the false self, there’s nothing wrong with them, and everyone has both of them.

Given the two selves everyone has, being afraid to be found out is normal.

And being afraid to upset the apple cart aka ess (evolutionary stable strategy) is even more obvious.

In playing Freecell, one of the things I am experimenting with is moving stuff around, so the covered cards can be revealed.

It’s not a hasty, scrambling type of move… it is methodical, and scary.

Human tendency is to hold onto your gains. The ess. Every time I experience the resistance, I bring in the “upsetting the apple cart” and then I experience the breakthrough.
If it is a principle that all the power is tied up in the hidden dimension, what is hidden from your view…

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You can’t JUMP to the truth… in fact, any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire

The reason I like to use the 67 steps in my own slow turning to the truth, and in teaching and coaching, is because even though it seems to JUMP to SOME TRUTH, it is wise enough to not declare that small and relative truth, THE Truth.

This is in contrast with everybody else.

I am talking about Tai Lopez and his 67 Steps Program, $67, worth all the money you can scratch together.

The overall truth value of the program is 10%. And yet, it can be the foundation of a life well lived, and a life lived powerfully.

Why? Because of its diversity, because of it looking at so many things, and so many layers.

It doesn’t address world view, because that is a controversial topic, given that 100% of humanity “sport” an inaccurate world view… and they protect it like their lives depend on it.

And I bet it feels like that their lives depend on it. Being right is more important than being happy, being healthy, and even being wealthy.

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How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid… even when you have no reason to be.

It was 1991. Georgia… some miles from Atlanta, in a hunting lodge. November. Communication Commando Course.

Just the name was enough to put the fear of god in me. But then they ushered me in this little room where I needed to answer some questions about myself, name, age, where I live, who I live with… in front of a camera.

Now, by that time I had been on television twice, seen and recognized by millions of people. And yet, I was terrified.

What was I afraid of?

This is what this article is about… what is it that you are afraid of, that you cannot tell what it is, but it is as real as that if they keep you underwater long enough, you’ll be dead. Dead dead….
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What does reading your email do to you…

I am working on something important to me. In fact two things I have two things I am working on: what I teach and how to put myself in the position to have more people to teach… These are important things to me.

So I get up, as always, shuffle to my computer, make my first come of tea with hemp and butter, and tackle my students’ emails…

But then I make a mistake. I look at my email from Medium, and I can feel as I am being dragged away from what is important to me. I am not on the strait and narrow… I am on someone else’s agenda.
And although that agenda may be informative, helpful, close to mine… it is still their agenda… and the further I go from what is important to me, the harder it will be to find my way back there.
If you are in the 67 step coaching program, what you said with that, signing up, that what is important to you is becoming all you can be, by doing tiny steps converging in a life worth living.

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Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past… Your future will automatically change with it

The full title of the Playground course is: Playground: it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
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Suppressed anger…

Anger is a big issue. Feeling anger is totally normal, but expressing it, feeling it is made wrong by society, by family, by spouses.

So we suppress it. We feel shame about it. And it is killing us.

I first attempted to learn how to release my accumulated anger when I was in my mid-thirties… and it took me ten years to do that. I had no guidance, no permission, no one to tell me how to do it, really.

The common misconception is that expressing anger is a good thing: just let it all hang out, yell, beat your pillow senseless, but that is just plain not true. Expressing anger as anger doesn’t empty you of anger, it just makes it worse, it drives it deeper.

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