Category Archives: Consciousness

How to find your real self… instead of honoring your false self as yourself

As I have written before, the book I am reading now is the Metaskills.

The author is a designer, and looks at life through a designer’s glasses.

The article “You live in a world of your own design” is one of the favorite articles on my site. People want to design their lives.

The popularity of the program, Mind Movies builds on that desire to design… but the requirements for design are not there, not there for 99.99% of humanity… What is there is something else, something that doesn’t allow for design.
The basics of being a designer is what is most missing in life… if you really look, you can see it.
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Compounding interest… the secret of exponential growth…

There is a controversial saying by Charlie Munger, who said: to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want.

This is controversial, because the verb, deserve, is bastardized in our culture. What he should have said:
to have a chance to get what you want, you need to earn what you want. And then say: to earn what you want, you need to become the person who can earn what they want.
And this last sentence is what this article is about: the kind of person who can earn what they want.

One common thread that I notice among my clients and students is that they let their life hang on one or maybe two activities, which is not to be the kind of person who can earn what they want.
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Can you see without words? Can you love without words?

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Helen Keller didn’t become human until she could connect things in reality with words. Does this mean that Adam and Eve weren’t human until they began naming the flora and the fauna of the garden? Yes.

Humanness is to put word between the thing and conscious awareness…

There is this popular conundrum. What was first, the chicken or the egg?

It is an interesting question, but not a thing depends on the answer. It is a ‘who cares?’ type of navel gazing question, taking the attention off more important things.

Famous Indian (from India) preach to relate to things without saying anything… Like look at a rose or look at a sunset and not name them…

Good luck with that.

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There is a secret switch at 200 vibration… so secret you miss it unless you are told

…in fact, without that secret switch you can’t really get to 200 vibration, and if by accident (siphoning someone else’s energy) you got there… you’ll lose it… because to get to 200 and stay there… you need this capacity…

Everyone has a good firm suggestion what is the most important spiritual capacity of a person who’ll go far… very far, or at least as far as experiencing the good life goes…
Because the good life is not very far… no matter what anyone says.
The main difference between someone who is living the good, the excellent life, and someone who is struggling, trying to get to the good life is not on the outside.
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Being judged

We are judged all the time. Justly, unjustly, the feeling of being judged is familiar to all of us… and some of us is bothered and paralyzed by it more than others.

What’s painful in being judged is that the judgment contains a kernel of truth (or more) and the other part is the judging themselves: in judging they place themselves above us… simply unbearable to the sensitive Precious “I”.

This story is about my very recent “bout” with being judged… and shows what is on the other side of judgment… how to free yourself from it so it doesn’t sting quite that much… maybe not even at all.

OK, here we go:

If you’ve known me for a while, you know that I don’t do housework, or really shamefully little.
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Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to stay or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

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Why you are not, in fact cannot be curious? Are you screwed now?

I have decided to re-read the Feelings book, and this time make it a study, memorize the names of the different needs, take a more earnest approach to learning the “language” of the machine that is need-based.

I am feeling a mix of fear and excitement. where? in my stomach, expanding to my chest.

My plan is to read/study the book is to study it at the beginning of my evening reading session for about 10 minutes, and then switch to my “other” book… whatever book I am reading in the evening at the time… currently it is “Curious” by Ian Leslie.

I am reading Curious for the second time, and this time it is, given the chance, going to change something in me and consequently in how I teach, how i guide, and what I expect YOU to do.

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Intuitive, counter-intuitive… how we use “intuition” to make everything worse

What we call intuition isn’t… but WHAT do we call intuition?

The state of the current humanity is chaos. Everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has an a-hole.

So far so good, Sophie… you groan. But from this, honoring one’s opinion as important, comes the mischief: everyone insists that their version of reality… aka their opinion, is the real reality.

Same way about what words mean… words like intuition.
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I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

A definition that gives someone access to growing it. What we have now is, essentially, ‘do well on the IQ test…’ which is not really useful.

So here is the first aspect that is definitely growable, and measurable:
Intelligence is how much you see of reality, accurately.
You see, you, me, anyone, only sees a fragment of reality at any point… for many reasons of which I’ll distinguish for you a few, so you can get some power… as far as growing your intelligence goes.

1. your cone of vision
2. the strength of your concern… for whatever
3. your about-me score

So if it is one of the most important elements of intelligence how much of reality you actually see and you see accurately, then you should get intensely curious what limits the size of reality you see… and then get curious to see what limits what you see accurately.

When I muscletest, this (how much of reality you see and how much of it accurately) is 91% of all what intelligence measures… and if you can get these numbers higher, you’ll be outstanding in the low intelligence environment everyone lives in.

The average intelligence has dropped from 100 to 70 in the past few years, most of it since Trump’s running for president and his presidency.

With Trump the world became divided. And when people are divided, their intelligence is limited, because suddenly they are only interested and therefore only see what proves their choice right. (concern)

No matter which side you are on, you fell victim to this.

The only way to stay outside of this intelligence lowering trend is to take no sides. It doesn’t matter who wins, neither sides are right… because they all engage in the binary way to look at the world, and the world is not binary… it is very multifaceted. (accuracy)

But even if you stay outside of ‘political’ views, how you view the world and yourself can be still systemic… good/bad, right/wrong.

As long as you spend most of your time on the systemic judgment level, you are not able to be intelligent… you look at the world as if the whole world were in that deep ditch you live in… and you can’t see anything outside of it.

I teach how to expand your ditch… (the pendulum method) but to date no one has followed my guidance… I guess you decided that I was wrong. Or that you can’t. Or whatever bs you decided… you still live there, in that narrow ditch.

Quickly let’s test if you live there: when I say my IQ is 170 and yours is, let’s say 100… what do you think I am saying? If you say that I am saying that I am better than you, then you live in this ditch of binary worldview.

And at this point, every single student or client of mine lives there… with almost 100% of the rest of the world. A handful of exception, so few people they don’t even move the needle.

I have found an amazing couple who don’t live there… Alex and Leila Hormozi… none of the coaches I actually pay
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