Category Archives: Low vibration – high vibration

What is frustration really?

Frustration has two causes: 1. wanting 2. expecting. Unfulfilled desires, unfulfilled expectations. Horrid.

You want more, better, different… Or you expect more better or different.

Either way, you are acting consistent with what society, what civilization wants you to be… not with Life.

More, more, more is the battle cry of consumerism. Industry, business wants to make more and sell more. So YOU cry for more, because you are told the secret to happiness is more. More this and more that.

You find out you are copper deficient (isn’t everybody, by the way?) and you ask: what has copper. Let me ADD some of that to my food… your food that already keeps you 20-30-40 pounds overweight.

Cyber week… Tai Lopez sells his four courses for the price of one… and plenty buy… want more, buy more!
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Permission to grow… permission to experience discomfort.

I read this quote in an email today.

‘I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again.’ — Georgia O’Keeffe.

What she doesn’t know, that if and when you become new, bigger, etc. then you’ll be yourself… but bigger… And in the meantime it won’t be very pleasant to grow. There is an expression: growing pains… and it is true, it is real.

This quote could be your slogan while you go through the brain balancing sequence for the next weeks, months, so you emerge more whole, more complete than you have ever hoped to be.

And you’ll need it.

If you think it is difficult and painful get your car out from two vehicles that are an inch from your car… then you know what we are doing… it takes tens, maybe hundreds of small moves for the brain to re-adjust to the new constellation and be stable again.

I may be going through it more dramatically than you are… let’s hope it’s so.
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“You have to have vision”… what does it even mean?!

You have to have vision… you read it in memes, in articles, but you don’t know what vision is, so how can you have it, right?

I have students, friends, who think they have vision for themselves, but what they have is the desire trap syndrome: they see pieces of the future that they want. They can walk around in it, enjoy it, embellish it, feel it, dream about it. Fly the private jet to have breakfast in Bombay, or drink margaritas on the pristine white sands of some private island.
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Vision, Values, Mission… are there any pre-requisites?

If you have lived a lifestyle that left you with no foundation for self-growth is answering the question… what comes first: the chicken or the egg.

You, people in this predicament have one characteristic in common: you don’t want to do anything that you cannot see the immediate usefulness of it.

Usefulness can also be enjoyment… enjoyment is useful.

This common characteristic has rendered you to either rely on your quick intelligence in school, and you had reasonable to good grades, or you had bad grades… the result in common: no knowledge of the world, no foundation for self-growth, because no real learning took place.
The percentage of humanity that would like to grow, but has nothing going for them, other than that vague desire, is a staggering 70%. 70%!

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The suppressed ambition… awakening your inner motive power

Although I use this iconic picture from the French protest… this is not a political article… Something, deep inside the French was activated by the new tax on fuel… and moved them to action…

In this article I want to talk about how to awaken that inner, deeply buried energy that could set you free. The caged desire. A suppressed desire.

Rob Brezsny, and many of his similar positive thinking contemporaries, cannot see, will not see, unwilling to see that not everyone is capable to do, see, understand, use everything.

This is my biggest beef with Landmark Education, or any other marketing organization or person: they lie. They pretend that you can do it, you can see it, you can understand it, you can use it.
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The Michelangelo Method of becoming you

As I said it before, I have a strong affinity to the dramatic… in every area of life. This may be part of my bipolar personality… taking things to the extreme.

I do that with food… I call them experiments, but largely these are experiments taken to the just too much…

And, or course, I pay the price. With my health, mainly.

But… as in everything, there is a silver lining, a benefit, that I would be amiss not to appreciate.

I have discovered almost everything in the area of health this way. Or in the area of training, self or others… or in anything else.

So my latest “fad” thing has been sorghum. I cooked up a huge vat of sorghum seeds with sauteed (fried?) onions and butter… delicious.
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Do you have permission to be happy, joyful, successful?

Do you BELIEVE you have permission to be happy, joyful, successful?

What’s the difference between believing and knowing?
Let me preface that belief is a human word… Source says that what we call belief is really using our word to create a personal reality… So what we call belief is really words considered reality… You’ll see why this is an important distinction in a sec…
If you haven’t read the relationship between reality and personal reality, read some of my older articles… like this one. We call personal reality ‘occurrence’ there.
Yesterday I went over to my new next door neighbors to pet the two dogs they have, and we chatted.

I considered wearing a mask, and I decided against it.
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You never feel bad about what you think you feel bad about

Homo Sapiens, as a species, is pretty messed up. Everything sets its emotions off, and the specimen gets all emotional, angry, afraid, violent, or sad and depressed.

This emotional reactivity makes getting things done near impossible, learning, or having people together pretty hopeless.

Almost all diseases are a consequence of this phenomenon… people eat to soothe themselves. People eat to eat another out of their fortune. People eat to feel superior. People eat to get some enjoyment out of life.

And they eat to fix the damage that overeating caused, and do all kinds of unnecessary things to reduce the damage.
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What is reality? Is this real? Is this happening or is this just my mind playing with me?

This is a severely truncated article from “Vox”… I am only interested in giving you Bayes’ Method, that will help you go to reality with more certainty than you have now, and spend less time, a whole lot less wondering about your feelings… Whatever they may be.
To my dismay, this is what you have been doing, emoting. You make your decisions based on emotions… Life spent in utter uselessness.
I must admit: I didn’t know. I have never done that. I have never been thoroughly seduced to go down THAT rabbit hole, and spend my life in utter uselessness there.
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Changing your brain: can it change your life?

Changing your brain: can it change your life? I say it can… Part of it is the Hero program that I also call the GABA program.

WTF, right? What does GABA have to do with anything? It sounds unlikely… even if you know what GABA is… but it does.

There are two important brain centers in this regard: beliefs, convictions, worldview… that unless it changes, unless the beliefs, convictions, worldview can change, your actions and your attitudes will remain the same.

And because your actions are what produce everything that you ever wanted… and if you don’t like what you have produced, then you are sh!t out of luck… and that is where all the science, all the courses, all the books, all the brilliant theories are dumbfounded… because, gulp, no one has been able to change their opinions about themselves and about the world enough for it to be able to change their lives.

The examples we hear are…
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