Category Archives: Low vibration – high vibration

The Inner Authority that you don’t have but could…

It’s been stormy here. Lots of rain. The other night a warning went out: a tornado was poised to touch down in Central New York: not a tornado area.


Nothing is wrong: as long as reality works the way reality works, all is well… even if it rains on your parade, even if you hate doing your morning walk trudging through mud, even if you are not prepared like I wasn’t.
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You hate your job? It is boring? It doesn’t make a difference? You are not good at it? It just pays the bills but no fulfillment?

George Bernard Shaw wrote more than a hundred years ago: “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”

And what he wrote about you, being a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances… is more true today than it was in his time.

No one has offered a solution to that issue until now.

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There is no suffering, there is never anything wrong in reality. All suffering, all wrong is brought on by words…

We live in an imaginary reality… with literally no capacity, no ability to tell fact from fiction.
For the purposes of this conversation we’ll define reality as something even a just landed Martian can see, a Martian who isn’t complicit in the fiction we have been honoring as reality.

A Martian can see what is actually happening, but cannot see anything that is a cultural modification of the happening, or what happens inside your head.

So, for example, a Martian can see your mother talking, can hear voice coming out of your mother’s mouth. But he won’t see yelling, because yelling is a cultural, very emotional modification of speaking, even of speaking loudly. And a newly minted visitor on Earth, a Martian will not consider the meaning of the words, because the meaning isn’t happening…
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The path to self-love… a totally different take… a valid one.

Some 35 years ago I read Rav Hillel’s few lines, If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

If I am not for me, who will be for me? And when I am for myself alone, what am I? And if not now, then when?

it flew in the face of the culture I was raised in, Socialism… I cried, and started to attempt to integrate it.

It took me 35 years.

It’s the hardest of any journey to self-love, self care.

It was for me, and it may be for you… It is easier when you have a teacher.

The main job of a teacher is to hold the dirt while you are digging for gold. The gold is there, but unless someone is there to hold the dirt, the dirt falls back into the hole and covers the gold.

I just listened to a TED talk, and it lays out an amazing and simple way to take care of yourself…

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Do NOT set ambitious goals… sounds counter cultural? Of course, what else did you expect?

If the caterpillar planned to become a butterfly, there would be no more butterflies.

In the famous marshmallow experiment by Walter Mischel. He said that the 30% of the kids that didn’t eat the marshmallow, didn’t even look at the marshmallow. They kept doing other things, keeping their eyes off the marshmallow. Consciously, intentionally, purposefully.

I have read a lot about that experiment, I have even written about it, but I didn’t know that the “winners” avoided looking at the marshmallow. that piece was missing for me, until now.

Watching that TED talk yesterday opened up something inside, that is still full of swirling fog, ethereal figures, and yet, I know that something from the invisible has been released.
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Meaning – what others teach

Why am I Here? What is the meaning of life? What should I do with my life? These are questions that everyone asks themselves at one time or another, but the answers are often fleeting or misguided.
The core teaching of the Instant Coherence Workshop is creating a meaning that will help you to push through difficult times, and cause coherence when everything else would cause incoherence.

If I use long straight hair as an analogy to show coherence and incoherence… brushing or combing long straight hair is easy when there are no kinks in it. But when we look, life is full of kinks… and our brain, our mind, our feelings give us more kinks than we can overcome.

So we, our lives, our brains are like kinky hair… and life is not smooth sailing… it is like occasionally very rough seas.

Incoherence is the order of the day… but we blame it on life.

But what if we are bringing incoherence to life… Incoherence by our default organizing principle… what we say BEFORE WE SAY HELLO, before we start doing anything.

The Instant Coherence workshop first digs out what is our default organizing principle, and then looks to create a new organizing principle that is designed to create life, our life, coherent…

The moment there is an organizing principle like that, everything wants to align with it, including your emotions, your actions, your breathing, your heart beat… everything.

The tricky things, as I can see at this stage, are the following:

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Why most training programs, transformational programs can’t work… Energies Part 5

I have been complaining…
… I have been blamed for it… People say I am angry, whatever. They are turned off by my complaining…

But the truth of the matter is this: if there were transformational programs that deliver on their promises, I would be first in line to recommend them to do, because I don’t particularly enjoy doing those trainings. I like coaching, I like working with energies, I like creating energy products, but I don’t like to teach distinctions of transformation.

There are companies that teach better than me, except that their results, the students’ results are flash in the pan…

So I have been complaining for, I don’t know… 20 years? lol…

I’d love to have them do the “grunt work”… and just work with the students that want to take those distinctions and make a great life with what they learned, using my energies.

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What is yours to do? Your ONE THING, right now…

Do what is yours to do… and all will be well.
This is a big question… as if there were some pre-ordained vocation of activity each of us should do.

But I think that it is misleading… and a bad idea to consider.

Everything is done by the WHO you are… and the who is very important in the number of, the kinds of things and how someone does them

So in my humble opinion every person’s number one job, every parent’s number one job is to help the person become more of who they can become.

If I measured on a scale of 1 to 100 where you are in that regard, I probably would be driven out of business… so much hate would come towards me.

Because you are barely on the scale, most of you. And then you ask me an experts, what is yours to do. Use whatever activity you choose to do to become more of who you can become…

One of my coaches came to the same conclusion yesterday… he realized that he had been coasting for ten years, not growing, not moving closer to who he could be.

He was frantic…
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The bumbling idiot’s guide to living a life worth writing about

“The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself” said William Faulkner. I agree, even though the language, the vocabulary is imprecise.

The “heart” is one self, and the other self is the precious “I”, the delusional “I”, the lower self.

The conflict, the struggle to make those two selves align, as William Faulkner says, is worth writing about… because it is like a hero’s journey.

I call it “soul correction” because I am firmly rooted in Kabbalah’s view of life. But it is the same thing: bringing the two selves in harmony so they cause synergy that allows living a life worth writing about.

This pretty much the context for the next quote: “Either write something worth reading (about) or do something worth writing (about).” – Benjamin Franklin. I added the word “about” in brackets for clarity.
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Are you holding your breath? Republished

I never thought much about breathing… after all: who does?

But, because of my insomnia, because of my inability to fall asleep, because of the horrible nightmares, I took a class on relaxation techniques, and it was a breathing technique.

I don’t even know if I was just making it my own and changed the instructions, but the “my version” worked fairly well for decades. I took deep breaths and combined and made continuous the the in-breath and the out-breath… After a minute or two I got so lightheaded, that I drifted of to sleep.

Worked like a knockout… literally… lol.

But since I have raised my vibration, my body is not willing to participate in anything as drastic as that…

The reason breathing came up is not insomnia, but because I just finished a private session with a client, and want to share something with you:

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