Category Archives: Low vibration – high vibration

Why your spiritual practice isn’t raising your vibration

I get a lot of people ask for their vibrational reading.

The feedback I get is their life experience matches my experience of them, and the vibration I say they are at… but they are puzzled that in spite of all the spiritual work they do or have done, their vibration is so low.

As I am preparing for the first session of the workshop, Playground, it hit me why.

No matter what you do, meditate, chant, firewalk, etc. unless your speaking changes you won’t rise on the vibrational scale.

Positive thinking, the controlling your speaking in vogue, encourages you to lie about your life, about what you think and what you feel.

It is at the vibrational level of lie… you can gather it is very low.

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What is the Playground coaching program? Why is it special? It is really a mastery course

The Playground is a one of a kind program, the like of which I have never experienced. We should call it Mastery Course…

We have seen that the main issue that holds humans back from becoming Human Beings is delusions.

Delusion is misjudging what is real and what is not.

Unless you know what is real, all your actions are going to be misdirected, and it’s a miracle if anything every get done well around you, if you ever go to places.

Although the level of delusions becomes less as your vibration rises, the cause and effect relationship is reverse: as you see delusions for what they are, and reality for what it is, your vibration can begin to rise, and rise and rise.

In the Playground you get to practice telling apart reality and delusion, under strict guidance. The only rule for the program is to listen to the guidance. I will create as many displays of the ways to tell those two apart: reality and illusion, so is becomes easier and easier.

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Hope: public enemy. Ego’s way to keep you waiting

You have hopes, aspirations, you have dreams. Some have been around and with you since you were a little kid.

You keep them close to your vest, because without hope what have you? If you lost your hopes, you would have nothing, you feel… so you keep them close to your vest, you are protective of them.


If you took hope out, instead of hoping, you would, probably, have a sudden clarity about the fact that what you are doing and not doing are not in concert, not in harmony with your aspirations.

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Reality for dummies… the inner reality

Life doesn’t seem to be nice to you. It doesn’t give you what you want, and it gives you a whole lot of what you don’t want.

But there is a science, a system of how to flip that over… and this is what this article is about…

The inner reality…

It’s not when you can talk about it. It is not when you understand. It is when you can actually SEE it happening, this is when consciousness may take over… and lead you to where your inner terrain can become more friendly to you.

You see, reality is hard to see.

Why? Because just like pin tumbler locks, with many pins that need to align, need to be picked, or need you to have the right key, can keep you out of your house, the many filters, the many members of your Team You, will all have a say in what you can see…

Team You is like any democracy: the voice of the stupidest is the loudest… just look at America.
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Can you handle it? Can your spouse handle it?

Whether a person is successful or not can be boiled down to this question… successful people say they can handle it, unsuccessful people say they can’t. And this is where your word (I can/I can’t) will give you everything.
I have read about a man whose doctor told him that he had terminal cancer, and he should go home and take care of his things. The man went home, took care of his things. A week later he died.

Turns out he was healthy. He didn’t have terminal cancer, he didn’t have any cancer, any disease. He died because he said: I can’t handle it…

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Adjustable genes leave you unable to change?

Want to change your life but have been unable to change yourself?
your WHO is producing all the WHAT… Unless the WHO changes, nothing will change permanently.

You seem inexorable, unchangeable… and misery is the result.
Warning: this article will need you to read it, not just skimp…
We’ll look at your relationship to reality first, and its effect on intelligence.

The most surprising, mind boggling aspect of intelligence is not what you are capable of. That is not an important measure. But how much of that potential  intelligence you can have available, that is a useful is and important measure and it depends on your own actions.

Looking is an action that connects you to reality.

You can look in four basic ways:

Looking to see,
looking to understand,
looking if you agree or disagree,
looking to be entertained, are four different actions.

Only the first: looking to see is an action that looks in reality.

Looking to understand tries to shape what it looks at such that what it sees fits what is already there… stored in the mind… Tree of Knowledge. Everything that doesn’t fit: it claims it doesn’t understand, but the fact is: it rejects.

Or alternatively you say: I am confused. What you don’t say because is that it doesn’t fit… because if you did, it would be easier to catch that you are trying to fit something into what you have already heard and accepted as fact. Or what you have made up and now protect as the truth.

If you have a vested interest in a particular story, you will never look to see: you are limited to looking the other three ways…

I’ve heard a story of a movie or film that flat-earthers made to prove that the earth is flat.

A person with more up-to-date views of the earth saw an ad where this sentence grabbed his attention: if the earth were spherical (round) then if you climbed on a tall place and looked the horizon would be curved… but it isn’t.

So he said: let me look to see… and he did. He brought fresh eyes to the issue… and concluded whatever he concluded (I don’t remember what… sorry) but if it were me I would look and see if a person can go high enough and if one went high enough, if one would be able to see the curve.

I am looking to see. I am looking to check how high I would have to go, and I am looking if I would actually see the curve in the horizon.
Visual daytime observations show that the minimum altitude at which curvature of the horizon can be detected is at or slightly below 35,000 ft, providing that the field of view is wide (60 degrees ) and nearly cloud free. That is 11 kilometers, higher than the highest peak of the Himalayas.
But if you look, I have accepted that the earth is round, and now, for me, it is Tree of Knowledge, so I am NOT REALLY looking to see… I am looking to confirm.

I have a longtime friend who is certain that Liberals are pedophiles, liberals are the enemy, blah blah blah.

When I ask what do you
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Does it look hopeless? To have fulfillment, and a life worth living?

Part 1: The Question

I just got off a call with my friend, Alex. This call was about starting a business that can make money for me… I asked him to coach me about 10 days ago, and we’ve spoken already a few times.

I am not paying him with money: money comes and goes. Instead I pay him with a currency that will pay him dividends over and over: I ask him to do what he is helping me to do: start a business that can make money for him for a long time.

He is making a living, but building a business is more than just making a living: it is exciting.

So today’s call was a brainstorming question about his business to decide what kind of business he wants to build.

I was full of questions that I didn’t think of asking myself. Some questions were old, like:

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Is fear only an emotion? If it is: it rules. But maybe it isn’t… Maybe it is something that you can control

Fear talks… Depending on what it says, you’ll run, you’ll hide, or you’ll continue charging forward

I now have a coach to report to on what I accomplish in the project I started a week ago.

Just like you, my first report was something like this: “I know I did little, but there was this fear…”

“What does fear have to do with anything?” he asked… and I was dumbfounded. I know the guy, we’ve been friends now for 3-4 years, and he is always stopped by fear… Who is he kidding?!

I didn’t spend our time together to explain things, after all his role, this time around, is to coach me, not the other way around.

But, in this article, I’ll say everything about fear, and how it works. I will also talk about how to gain the upper hand, at least some of the time, in the face of fear. OK?

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How to get out of the rut you are in?

 Simple answer: You lack skills and capacities… You can boil water, make coffee in the coffee maker, drive a car, open your smartphone… You are not quite hopeless… or are you? Not quite hapless either… or are you?

If you remember, my passion, my purpose, my reason d’etre is to penetrate the invisible portion of all knowledge. It gives me joy, and it keeps me busy.

One of the tools I use to do my “work” is the ability to see what I feel. See its size, nature, movement, and its connections to other things. I am an empath and I am (I hate the word) a clairsensar, which means what I just said… I see what I feel… blah blah blah.
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The most frequent type of envy can be expressed with “how come they can/have/got X and I don’t?”

How come they succeeded and I don’t. How come they got the promotion and I didn’t. How come they have a nice partner and I don’t. How come they are thin and I am fat? How come they get the results and I don’t? How come, how come, how come… What am I, chopped liver?

And more often than not, the answer is: “Because they do what you don’t.”

When you are the one who is slighted, how didn’t, can’t, don’t have, or didn’t get X, it is near impossible to see what it is the THEY do that you don’t.

One of my areas of didn’t, can’t, don’t have, or didn’t get X has something to do with being liked.

Not many people like me. It used to be better, and it used to be worse.

In Hungary I had friends, I had fans. I only had problems with authority: I never got a raise, never was promoted, and I was widely unpopular by the top brass of the companies I worked for.

Then between ages 34 and 64, 30 years, OMG! I was mostly alone. I only talked to people when I was giving them something, mostly stuff that they would have to pay for. I begged them to take it. I wanted to buy my way into friendship.

The past two years it’s been nicer.

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