Category Archives: Low vibration – high vibration

Am I a freak of nature or a fraud… You decide…

I just watched a documentary on youtube. It is in the footnotes of this article…

It’s about a savant who accidentally has social skills and maybe all around intelligence. Most savants are autistic with no social skills, and no real ability to give scientists insight into their brain through the spoken word. Daniel, the math/memory savant therefore is unique.

I watched it for one reason: I am called an empath, but I am not an “ordinary” empath. The ability to feel another person, accurately, makes me a savant, some freak of nature.

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You say you care… but you have an agenda instead, raining on people’s parade

When I work with people on coaching calls, I always find out that they have no details about people and happenings around them, even if they were part of the happening.

Why? Because they weren’t present.

When you talk to someone, you want to be present to the conversation, to your hunches, to your feelings, to the tone of voice, the breathing, the mannerisms of the other person. Like a camera.

Then, when you are on your own, you can ponder about what that means.

Being present, being able to command your attention at will is very important.

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All Goals in Life Are Problematic — Except One

I have a couple of notebooks in my bed, and I caught a glimpse in one of them: love one day at a time.

It seems that society conspires against the peace that comes from the way of living: society wants you to chase something far away, and while you chase it, make vision boards, mind movies, bombastic declarations, and get caught up in the Desire Trap, which I’d like to rename Wanting Trap.

And although the best things come to you as side effect, not as results of goal setting, although what works in like is taking care of the process, keeping your eye on what you are doing, not concerned with big goals, or the future, most people today are caught up in the Wanting Trap, and live a life of unhappiness, and underachieving.
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From small, miserable, fearful, hiding, to expansive, magnificent… can you do it?

The size of your paradigm, the size of your puny world… and what can you do about it?You were born with a paradigm of 1,000. You were born innocent, knowing nothing, therefore knowing everything.

The tales of karma, the tales of past lives is not true, not really, maybe not at all.

You were born with no past and no future… Maybe some past starting from 4 month old in utero…

Then the world starts to “educate you” about what you can, what you can’t, what’s true and what’s false, and that is, for a while, passing on their paradigm. The intention is to keep you safe, not to imprison you, but ultimately that is the result they achieve.

Then you get to the ripe old age of 3 years old, and if you are typical, you start pretending that you already know everything there is to know, because you have already learned that the people who are big, seem to you to know everything… and they seem to you to do better than you.

The Second defining moment came…

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Are you a fixer? Trying to fix what’s wrong?

Wrong doing, wrong making, wrong place, wrong, wrong, wrong, and how can you raise yourself above it all…

Making yourself wrong leads to giving up on yourself

Making others wrong leads to hating yourself

Making life wrong leads to anger and misery

Imagine being in a boat, attempting to cross the Atlantic, or just out on a joy ride.

Now, imagine that suddenly your boat get grounded and you are stuck.

Your “natural” or “default” action at this point is the feel bad, make yourself wrong, make the map maker, your luck, god wrong for your misfortune.

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What is the secret formula of accomplishment? Money, health, loving relationships?

Summary: In this article I am attempting to make the impossible possible, the unlikely likely… making great white sharks from minnows… to awaken the spirit dormant within you.

There is a “secret” formula, hiding in plain sight… But you can only see what your societally established filters allow through. Let us see, if I can break through, and show you the secret, so you can, finally, start accomplishing stuff… instead of being a permanent failure.

Warning: don’t miss the footnotes: in this article they are especially important!

To get anything of value accomplished one needs

work and one needs

tools and skills. One also needs an environment (context) where

one’s purpose makes sense, and seems possible, seems doable to the person intending the accomplishment.

it is supported by the environment (context) and doable.

And one needs other people that make it possible to do more than just take care of life, taking care of the basics of life, so one has time for an accomplishment, outside of the basics of life.

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Some people drive me crazy. Can you recognize yourself?

It seems that what they do is so intolerable for me, that I can barely contain myself. The desire to just smack them is so strong, I have to physically restrain myself.

What do they do that I can’t tolerate?

They deflect.

Their deflection has several forms: Denial-Deflection-Discredit.

one says: “touché” whenever I call her on her “s-h-i-t”
another one listens to what I am saying, but he smirks, so I know that he is only humoring me.
the third says, every time I ask if she got what I am saying: “I am listening”

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How to make the empty wish “Happy New Year!” come true for you?

I took the garbage out this morning. It was really cold… I was shivering.

The guy across the street yelled to me: Happy New Year… and I responded in kind… But these good wished as nothing but wishful thinking: your word won’t make it happen. You wanting the New Year to be happy won’t do it for you… unless something changes… something fundamental… like your word will start to have power.
Because, at present, it has no power, or not much… instead your emotions control what you do, not your words.

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What is a spiritual path? Can a phony teacher take you where you want to go?

When people ask for their vibrational measure, often they ask me to suggest a path they could follow to raise their vibration. Most of the time this is simple, they need to take one of the liquid remedies to feel better first. But today I got a request like that, and this person was different from the usual requests. When I connected to her, I connected to empty… hm. I decided to use writing to get clear, and to work through it for myself, I wrote this article.
My path… a look back
I was just like you until a few years ago. I made decisions on what to buy, what to use, what to believe on an emotional basis.

If something sounded good, I wanted it.
If I was suffering from something: frustration, difficulties, pain, or lack of sleep, I was more likely to fall for a solution that sounded a good fit for my suffering.

And, of course, most things didn’t work.

I had a difficult time to trust anything or anyone, but I didn’t trust myself either, so I didn’t actually trust the inner voice that said: wrong way.

I had to get to a point where I could trust myself, or continue to pile up junk in my already crowded life, junk that I wanted, but it didn’t do what it promised to do.

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Can you remove the delusions from your view? Get smarter?

Every day thousands of people search for methods to improve their brains, so that they can make more money, do a better job.

They find audios, exercises, videos, Geniuxole System bs., Christie Marie Sheldon blockage removal bs., Pam Ragland’s thought shifting bs., but they are not getting any solution to the fundamental issue why their judgment is off, why what they read doesn’t make a difference, why they make so many mistakes.

They think there is something wrong with their brain, but there is nothing wrong with their brains.

So what is the problem, that they don’t know to address, because they don’t know about the problem, they are only dealing with the results of the problem?

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