Category Archives: Low vibration – high vibration

The main principle of life: The Anna Karenina Principle… the invisible thread that ties it all together

Here is another illustration of the main principle of life: The Anna Karenina Principle… the strait and narrow

I have been using Freecell as a training tool for myself.

Slow going, because sight, going from not seeing to being clear of what you are seeing is not a simple, one-step process… and playing Freecell well uses the sight… or shall I say Sight?

Today I even saw that it uses many of the principles, or better said: obeys many of the principles I write about.
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Depression: could it be caused or perpetuated by your sleep habits?

Summary: when you declare that the state that you are in is depression, a loss of aliveness, a loss of piss and vinegar, then you suddenly have access to a power that you didn’t when you were just experiencing the exact same symptoms, without a label. This article is about what to do after the declaration

When life loses its taste

When sleeping tastes better than life

When you are not starting a project or stopping one you are in the middle of because you can’t see your way through it or because you don’t see that it can win

When you’d rather do menial stuff or watch movies

When you are obsessed with your sleep

Then you are, most likely, depressed.

Depression can be so low grade that most people would say it’s normal. Like with everything, you need a control, something to compare yourself with.

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Want to change? Leave pop-psychology… go where you can actually change yourself

Had the Titanic crew known icebergs better, the ship would have never sunk.
This article is about your icebergs that you have never mapped out, never known deeply enough to change them.
The icebergs are sinking your every effort at a better life…
If you don’t feel liked: no amount of doing will make you feel liked.

If you don’t feel worthy: no amount of doing will make you feel worthy.

If you feel poor, no amount of money or possessions will make you feel rich.

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What is your life about?

As I am getting closer and closer to see clearly what it is about my life that makes it enjoyable and what it is that makes it hell, I am getting more and more ready to train people to do what I do: turn their lives around on a dime… meaning fast and without much fuss.

The ultimate question I ask myself when my life seems to turn into crap: What is my life about?

Now, when someone asks YOU that question, you have no idea what to answer, so let me give you a few examples:

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How to grow your world at will? Expand it…

I just had a client, he just left. During the conversation I kept on returning to his relationship with his wife. At some point I was clear what course of action he needs to take for his health.

I started to tell him… As usual, I was listening for the echo. The echo tells me whether I am getting through to him or not. I heard no echo.

Although he came to me, although he tried to, he didn’t trust what I had to say to the degree that he could even contemplate following the instructions.

You live in a world of your own design, of your own building. Everything you see, everything you do come from that world. It is a closed world, no words, no images alter its boundaries, alter its rules, its principles.

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What Is The Difference Between A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly And A Human Becoming A Human Being?

What Is The Difference Between A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly And A Human Becoming A Human Being?

If the caterpillar/butterfly analogy were a good one, every human would be on their way to become a Human Being. It would be a DNA imperative: you would go whether you want or not. Human Being is not coded into your DNA. The space is there, the potential is there, but you need to activate it.

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Your outer world truthfully reflects your inner world

Your outer world truthfully reflects your inner world.

But the question begs to be asked: what do you mean “inner world”?

People, teachers, even psychologists all talk about the mind, then they expand it to beliefs, but if that is your inner world, then you are stuck.

Nothing will change the mind, nothing will change beliefs, directly.

Also, trying to use the faculties to change themselves is pretty futile.

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Fear is an opportunity to summon courage

Most of us treat fear as a valid indication, a valid guidance of what we should avoid.

Others never consciously experience fear.

I have done the “what’s missing” exercise this morning, while still in bed, in my head. I saw that what was missing that would make a difference in my life, right now, is courage.

Then I proceeded doing my day the way I have been doing it for the past month or so: No fear.

Then I had the thought that the fear we are talking about in the title only comes when we attempt something that is new, that has an uncertain outcome, where there is some choice.

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