This is a really old article… lots have been changed in the past three years!
I have been cutting stuff out of my diet for three weeks now hoping that I can drop a few pounds. So far no good, and that has forced me to look deeper into getting the nutrients my body needs.
The experience of craving is probably familiar to you too. You crave, you feel hunger, but it is not really hunger… the body is talking to you through restlessness, through desire, through sleeplessness, through weight gain, though nausea, etc.
Deciphering what the body needs, what the body says is more difficult than deciphering encrypted messages: the variation of things that can be said, the variation of things the body can need is so vast, and it changes with every meal you give your body.
Every step you take either takes you closer or further away from success, health, happiness.
Read the rest of the article –>