Category Archives: Low vibration – high vibration

A smart phone does not reverse the aging process…

I know, I know, I stole that subject line… but… it is so funny. It seem out of context but it isn’t… wait and see.

The line is from Brian Kurtz, marketing master, whose message still goes over my head. I have to confess: I am not a ‘real’ marketer, I just have things I can teach, I have things I can sell, and I do the best I can with what I have… but marketing? I still don’t amount there to much. Kindergarten level.

And that means that business, marketing, making money is never my ‘one thing’ to focus on, never my ‘one thing’ I hope I’ll have time to do, just isn’t.

My one thing is…
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What You Spend your Money on Tells Your Story, your purpose

We’ve been looking at this question: what is the purpose of your life, and how do you get to it.

I got an email this morning that talks to that really well… so I tweaked so it can talk to you… Read it, it is very enlightening.
Pleasure and Happiness – What You Buy Tells Your Story

Do not confuse pleasure with happiness.
Unhappy people can have pleasure.
And uninterrupted pleasures are not happiness.
Happiness is the result of knowing and accepting who you are, why you are here, and what you should do
You need identity, purpose, and adventure

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Self-Awareness, Self-Knowledge: how do you avoid duping yourself and start growing?

I was on a coaching call this morning. The student feels that he could be more, and that is what brought him to my programs. He raised his vibration from 130 to 200 in six days, and continues to come to the coaching calls.

He would like to own his own business. I recommended that he finds out where he is at, what he is like, so he increases his self-awareness… and finds out what is the reality he is in… I asked him to take the blue pill (the Matrix movie) so he can see the reality, whatever that may be.

Then I gave him a homework to do that with: a few questions to ask his friends, co-workers, family.

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What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of YOUR life? Holding your crap together anchors you to your crap

What is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of YOUR life?

I have been having recurring dreams for about two months now. Disturbing dreams, involved, frightening, confusing, entertaining dreams. All around the same futuristic theme: time travel: going back and changing stuff so the outcome is different. Each time the effort backfired in the dream. Until last night I went back far enough that I touched the moment where it all went wrong…

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Money, Well-Being, Work, Relationships… which area do you most want to become powerful?

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night. I had a sudden insight, that is what woke me up.

I suddenly saw that I have been writing many of my articles as if what you want, what you are worried about, what keeps you up at night didn’t matter to me.

I broke out in cold sweat: that is the last thing I am about.

I want to give you what you want, what you need, and this is what this article is about.

The number one question that anyone on my site should ask themselves: why do I want to raise my vibration? What will become possible in my life if I do that?

If my feedback from students is any indication, the main issues you may be dealing with are

your work, job, and your performance and your satisfaction
Finding your work

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Raise your vibration using The Placebo Effect

The Placebo Effect
We all talk about the Placebo Effect as if it were a bad thing. In fact it’s one of the best things that we know about ourselves, about humans, that can support us in achieving most anything.

The Placebo Effect is a prime example of using the Reticular Activator, which is, if I am not mistaken, an actual function of the brain, and it has something to do with your attention.

Attention is NOT from your mind, attention is a function of the brain that comes from the back region of the brain, and it is not verbal, not thoughts: verbal stuff and thoughts are the stuff of the mind… But we are a lot more than our minds.

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Talk back to me: When I allow myself to feel my negative feeling…

A lot of people seem to wonder how they can avoid feeling negative emotions… They try to block them, get busy, take medication, self-medicate (alcohol and drugs) but the solution, as you will see, is counter-intuitive.

One of the Path Coaching students writes:
Hello Sophie

Thank you for last Friday coaching, after telling you what’s happened on that day regarding my husband, I have more clarity. After allowing myself to feel the pain and fear of the possible consequence of my text I now realize how much I love my husband and now appreciate him to be part of my life and my perception of him suddenly changed. Before this incident I was in a place where I wanted him out of my life.

I am just wondering Sophie, after the incident last Friday, I am now practicing allowing myself to feel whatever is the feeling at that moment especially the negative feelings; before that I will always found a way to avoid feeling the negative emotions because I was so afraid to feel them. Now, when I allow myself to feel whatever I feel in that moment, especially negative feelings, I notice that the negative feeling I have transform into positive without me doing anything at all, from feeling the pain, like fear, then the feeling moves towards feeling good without any effort. I am just wondering if you have some explanation how it happens.

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Why can’t you copy the same exact thing a billionaire does, and get the same result?

What is the difference between people who make a lot of money, and people who don’t,
people who have good family life, and people who don’t,
people who have good health and people who don’t?

I watched a video on which a dude played the same exact tunes on three different violins.

The link to the video was on Digg, and the editor said that they, in Digg’s office, didn’t hear much difference.

I did. One violin’s sound brought tears to my eyes… it was so incredibly resonant, and beautiful.

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The Bottomless Pit that Greed is

Nature is weird.

Osmosis is a process in which molecules of a solvent, like water, tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.

It is a lot like entrainment, at least for the naked eye…

When it comes to energy and No membrane to speak of, like when we energize water, where you put water in small bottles and water in a large container together, the higher energy part will entrain the other to its own energy… vibration if you wish.
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Middle Of The Road: Public Inauthenticity or the art of getting off the hook

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.” — Elie Wiesel Nobel Peace Prize laureate
“…to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.”
Obviously Elie Wiesel and I think alike, so I don’t remain silent and indifferent, I shout to whoever is willing to listen.

Now, with that said, let me get to the topic I indicate in the title…

I know a guy who has developed getting off the hook to an art form.

Given that I have been practicing finding the funny in everything (it’s fun, you should do it!) I laugh when I think of him, while I cringe.

As I have shared before, the fastest way to raise your vibration, all the way to heaven, is to practice public authenticity.

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