Ranting: I use the word ranting as a reference to the original Ranters, nonconformist dissidents, one of many radical groups in seventeenth century England. We live in similarly turbulent times.
This article will probably offend you. I apologize if it does… though that just proves my point, lol, not funny. My intent isn’t to offend you, my intent to move you out of your smugness, your sureness, your “I already know” attitude… So hopefully you can learn something new.
It is hard to have compassion for the person who is frustrated with you, who is angry at you. It requires you to be able to move, at will, from your periphery, where you live, to your real self, to your core… And that is exactly what you have been unable to do… So you will be offended… but now you know why…
So, here is the rant:
Most people will never learn to muscle-test accurately. Why? Because when you unconsciously, unawares live in your mind, you will muscle test from the mind, and that is as good as a guess, you don’t need to muscle test. Whatever the mind knows is useless… for the purposes of deciding truth or false. Works or doesn’t… Should you buy or should you not.
What is this mind-thing? Most people (you) live in their mind most of the time, you equate yourself with your mind, you run the whole business of living from your mind. Your results are the results consistent with using the mind to live your life.
To the extent that you live in your mind, to the extent that you are miserable, ineffective, disappointed in life, people, relationship, etc.
Let me use an analogy: It’s like this: you wouldn’t identify yourself with your car, you use your car. You use it to get from place to place.
Read the rest of the article –>