Category Archives: Low vibration – high vibration

Third Phase Activator: Patience


I have been trying to tame the impatience in me… and succeeded to a certain degree, but I found out, as I was designing the Patience Activator that Source’s interpretation of patience is quite different from mine…

What did I find out?

I found out that impatience comes from human being’s arrogance that the world and other people would conform to their own image of perfection.

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Inventing a new you, a YOU you can become

Seeing what is missing
You think it is other people, circumstances that define your life. What if it is you? WHO you are, that does all of it. In that case you would want to be able create yourself, change yourself to be someone who can have a great life… wouldn’t you?

It is the hardest thing to see that what is missing is not outside. That it is inside. It is the idea of a way of being missing…

The whole distinction of a way of being is missing.

How do we know that a way of being is missing?

We start to see it when we test it: we look at every area of live. we add the way of being, and that area of life becomes a whole lot better, brighter, easier, and more fun.

We call this missing an invented context.

You may be familiar, even conversant about ways of being that are there… I am happy, I am sad, I am stupid… but a way of being that isn’t there… is entirely outside of your ability to see.

You don’t see it as possible, you only see it as a result of something outside of yourself. You don’t see it as something you can discover, invent for yourself. A beingness you can create and then be that way. Happy, sad, stupid… if that is what you invented.

I have known people who did art in my life. A lot. But I have known only a handful who treaded into the unknown.
I don’t mean unknowable… I mean unknown.
If the pie chart of all-knowledge is an accurate evaluation of all knowledge, there is a tiny slice of that pie that you know, or think you know.

Another equally tiny slice is the stuff you know that you don’t know. Maybe there is a slice, even smaller, that you intuit… another slice, that you fear that is real… but the remaining 99% of the pie is the uncharted, undiscovered territory of the Wild West…

Each person’s slices, the content, are different, but the proportions stay the same.

We can elaborate how true what you know is… aka truth value. If we look at articles, including scientific articles, historical articles, non-fiction books, the average overall truth value is 10%… What you think you know, what you think is true isn’t.

So given the vast widely spread untruth, blindness, fogginess, calling a hypothesis the truth, it is not a surprise that a garden variety person… my student, neither a scientist, nor a doctor, have a difficulty inventing something for themselves that isn’t… yet.

It is not truly creating… because everything that is possible is inside the 99%, but it’s invisible. It is more a discovery than an invention.

But because trust is so missing… it is so missing that it isn’t even missing. People can’t imagine it could be there!
Landmark used to say: It is missing that it is missing.
Landmark’s trademark is talking funny… lol.

So inventing a future that isn’t put together with and from bricks from what you think you know is hard and almost impossible for homo sapiens…
Inventing a future that isn’t about fixing the present… ditto.
Inventing a
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I tried it once and it didn’t work — pretending to want a better life

This is another article using Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo for today.

They say: every journey starts with the first step, and no one listens.They say: “I can remove your blockages to action, I can remove the fear…” and you flock to them… them “gurus”.

Are you stupid, or something?

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Dark mood… what caused it and how I got out of it?

Today I descended into the kind of dark mood I used to live in all the time.

It’s been long coming. Even someone with my abilities, can be worn thin… and this is what’s been happening. I can only imagine what it must be like for you to be so near to where I am now, all the time.

Irritant after irritant, I won’t go into detail about all of them, but will mention a few.

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Can you be well, can you get well if you don’t know if something is true or not?

This article has long been in the making.

It’s about our inability to tell what is the cause of something. Or even if there is a causal relationship between two things…

Between tithing and a sudden windfall… between lying and breaking your leg… between eating peanuts and feeling better/worse… Is there a cause and effect relationship there? If you pray: do people get better? If you spend time on a reiki person’s table… do you feel better because someone paid attention to you, or was there even energy there? Questions, questions and no answers.

If it were just you and other consumers of information who don’t know the answers, that would be fine with me, but with the proliferation of the internet, and with everyone and their brother writing, publishing, opinionating, sounding off, repeating things and their opposite, our sense of who to trust, what to believe is at an all-time low.

It used to be that we trusted doctors, and we died feeling that the doctor did their best… and their best was not a match to the task.

And we were right. We did the best we knew to do.
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The Daily Connection Launched with A Bang: Trust and Trustworthy


Tonight, on the Daily Connection, I downloaded a 3rd Phase activator, called Trust.

Some of the commands in the activator talk about being trustworthy, and trusting yourself.

As expected, the ego spoke up, loud and forceful, declaring that we are full of hot air.

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The difference between ‘is’ as myth, and ‘is’ as occurrence

Let me first connect this article to the previous one. This article will not do what it is designed to do, cause transformation, unless you have the Sight capacity, at least the aspect where you can see BEYOND the words, active. So with that said, I offer this transformative article… let’s see how it lands.

I have said before, that is, I, and because are myths.
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If your life isn’t working as well as you think it should…

Thinking that your social status, your finances are a reflection of your value is a myth that can render you, your status, your finances low, if you are not born privileged.

I just read an article about the myth of meritocracy and how it hurts kids of color, in The Atlantic, and I found an answer to my question: why my Black students don’t do as well in life as one would expect of them, based on their abilities. Or women. Or other minorities… Or just regular people brought up mainly by women.

This post will get at this issue from different vantage points, so hold onto your hat… or you’ll lose it.

You may remember the principle that made T. Harv Eker a millionaire?
If things are not going well, it is a sign that something you don’t know.
Now, what he doesn’t say is that the thing that you don’t see is profound. It is a principle. Or a distinction. Something big.
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A distinction redraws your map of reality

A distinction is a new way of looking at the world. Really new.

It is also like a framework, like a whole punched into a solid wall… when you look through that hole, what you see is unfamiliar.

You can look at the world and suddenly that distinction starts to show up everywhere.

I was talking about the fixed mindset just now, in the article just published, and suddenly, all these pictures are telling the same story, wholly or partially… something I would never would have guessed without actually looking through the distinction: the hole punched in the wall.

here you go:
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Addictive Tendencies in Sharing The Light

This article is evergreen. I wrote it nine years ago… and it still speaks to me… the addictive tendencies will not disappear with time…
Yehuda Berg writes:

There are people in our lives who don’t want to receive what we have to give them. …

… we invest efforts into keeping some relationships burning in our lives that we’d be better off letting burn out.

… life is all about circuitry. When we share our Light with people who don’t want to receive it, it’s like trying to fill a bottle when the cap is still on. Try as you might, with all of the love, intention, and desire to share, your energy simply cannot penetrate. And as with our favorite spiritual illustration, the lightbulb, if the negative pole is blocked, the circuit cannot be completed, and the energy cannot flow.

It’s not about judging people as worthy or unworthy. It’s about discerning who is ‘open’ to receive, and willing to use what we have to offer – wisdom, love, time, concern – no matter what flavor!
No doubt, if you go through your relationships, in your head, one by one, you are going find several that fit the above description: Your desire to contribute to them is not received with an equal amount of desire to receive from you.

Some people, including myself, more than I am happy to admit, make it our life’s purpose to give where it is not appreciated, or even not wanted. But everyone, at one time or another, decides where to give, by their own concepts, instead of looking where there is the most reception.

At the same time, one may fall into the opposite trap, the bottomless pit, or the bottle with the cap off, but cracked. I call that the Black Hole… the other extreme of the No Circuitry sole correction.

I used to have a client (or two, or three, or four… grrr) where we would have great conversations, I would be able to express all the light the Light wanted me to channel, but nothing would stick with the recipient.

This particular client, let’s call him Matt, was hungry for solutions, hungry for light, hungry… insatiable. What he wasn’t hungry for is making changes in his thinking or in his actions.

My style of coaching is to leave the client with a set of practices or action that they must complete in order for the session to make any real difference. Matt never did any of the actions, any of the practices. Instead, he came to every call as if the previous one had never happened. Unchanged.

He remembered them all right, but remembering is the booby prize… not much value there. His life didn’t notice he had that session.

I “fired him” from my practice… after a while.

I noticed that there was a certain co-dependency developing: it gave me a sense of accomplishment and an experience of being very bright to channel the Light. And he came to me the way an alcoholic goes to the pub.

I needed to restrict my addictive tendencies and ask him to get his daily fix someplace else.

Result? I started to channel the Light into
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