Category Archives: Spiritual Practice

Add 20 points to your IQ

It is starting to dawn on me that the intellectual action of seeing the forest, in spite of the individual trees is not something everyone has been able to do.


Some people, when they are asked to say what is the forest, in our conversations: what is the principle, what is the context, they use jargon… like integrity, or responsibility, the word.

They remember it.

But remembering hearing it doesn’t mean that they actually saw it.

Seeing the forest for the trees is 90% from the DNA capacity: Seeing the big picture, and 10% habit.
After courage, it is the second most missing capacity in humanity.
When activated, it adds 20 points to your IQ.

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Middle of the road – wisdom or mistake?

One of the biggest challenges for me on the path is to stay in the middle. Neither left nor right…

Neither too egotistic, nor self-cheating.
Neither too buoyant nor down in the dumps.
Neither accepting nor refusing credit.
Neither too nice nor too rude to people and myself.

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Visualization and other booby prizes

Consolation culture: The Culture of Booby Prize
Society, your world, specializes in consolation. There is no progress, no, advancement, no better life, no more freedom, no anything… but a lot of consolation.

The language is this: You didn’t get X, you wanted, but at least you have your Y, health, husband that hates you, children that nag you, job that you don’t enjoy.

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If your life isn’t working as well as you think it should…

Thinking that your social status, your finances are a reflection of your value is a myth that can render you, your status, your finances low, if you are not born privileged.

I just read an article about the myth of meritocracy and how it hurts kids of color, in The Atlantic, and I found an answer to my question: why my Black students don’t do as well in life as one would expect of them, based on their abilities. Or women. Or other minorities… Or just regular people brought up mainly by women.

This post will get at this issue from different vantage points, so hold onto your hat… or you’ll lose it.

You may remember the principle that made T. Harv Eker a millionaire?
If things are not going well, it is a sign that something you don’t know.
Now, what he doesn’t say is that the thing that you don’t see is profound. It is a principle. Or a distinction. Something big.
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Where do you look to get the answers?

Look for the answer inside your question.

Warning: this article is quite offensive to your current picture of yourself… Consider yourself warned.

If you managed to read the Osho talk on self-knowledge, long-long-long talk! please note that this article will make a lot more sense after you read that talk…

I had an hour long conversation yesterday with a friend, and at the end it turned out that the recorder was not working… Oh well… sometimes it is for the best.

The question I was kicking around is this:

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I did the energetic brain cleansing webinar I promised yesterday

I found, during the call, that I still have a non-functioning segment in my brain, that is cold… dead? Muscle test says it’s a part of the brain I could coax back to work, if I put the work into it.

That is me. I do what I need to do to grow, every day. And some days I grow, others I don’t… but I DO WHAT I NEED TO DO TO GROW!

What do YOU do?
15 bucks to get your starting point measurements .

You now know where you are, how your brain works, to what degree you are barking up the wrong tree, to what degree what you see is not what is there. You may also know the causes: your hydration is off, your diet is off, your attitude is off.

So you decide to do something about it… but… no change… or temporary change only.

Why wouldn’t it work for you? It worked for me! It works for others!

This is what I’d like to talk about in this post. I even had some insight this morning. Maybe because I had the brain cleansing? I would not be surprised…
Please don’t discount brain health.
Everyone jabbers about mind-health, but unless your brain is healthy, unless it is a high performance machine, you are not going to be able to see, identify correctly, and correct.

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Beyond the horizontal, beyond ambition, beyond desire…

I am re-reading Atlas Shrugged.

When the first two times I read it, I knew it was very important. but an essential aspect was missing for me. an aspect I just got a week or so ago.

This aspect, the difference between ambition and desire. that goes, hand in hand, with the word pairs, producer vs second hander, vertical plane existence vs horizontal plane.
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The invisible undercurrent that is running your life, unbeknown to you.

The invisible undercurrent, undertow of self-made rules… Or if you prefer, the invisible strings that move the puppet…

What they talk about when they say “there are known knowns… etc.”

Donald Rumsfeld stated:
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.

He definitely said that differently than how we mean it, and yet it is worded in a way that makes sense to most people, so I am quoting him.
So what unknown unknowns are we talking about?

Imagine living a thousand years ago, when everyone in the Western world thought that the world was flat… In other cultures they thought that the world was sitting on the back of a giant turtle.
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What Does Your Atlas Have To Do With Ascension? With Spirituality? With Connecting To Source?


I have been having problems with my right leg. The pain, the frequent inability to walk, stand, or even to rest was extolling a price.

Life occurred to me this way: it would be perfect if only my leg healed.

Chiropractors didn’t have any answers.

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20 Blunt Truths About Life No One Wants to Admit

I have found this article on the website

Some of it is true, some of it was new-agey b.s. So I am culling it… And in some of them I am going to add my two cents worth… for example the pursuit of happiness… I have learned something about that from Ayn Rand that surprised me.

Just one more thing: my students in my coaching program struggle with the concept of principle.

A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

A principle is not something that you just pull out of your, ahem, mind. We all want to be “independent thinkers” but the path to independent thinking is through learning the principles others discovered… precisely, verbatim. So, for our purposes: a principle is quoted from someone a lot smarter than us.

A quote. not rephrased, not your take on it, but a quote. Not every quote is a principle, but every principle is a quote.

These so called truths are not principles. They are the author’s opinions. Don’t honor them as principles… And if you find that your life is based on personal opinions… try to find principles to replace them with. Really. Every single one of them. You’ll thank me for it, guaranteed.

You’ll notice that I am a lot more interested in giving you the principle of principle guidedness… than those brutal truths the guy made up… Sorry guy!
20 Brutal Truths About Life No One Wants to Admit

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