Category Archives: The Nature Of Reality

Updated: What is Source’s Take on Negativity?

People talk about positive and negative, positivity, negativity, and other Law of Attraction b.s. but they are completely misdirected, mistaken, shallow and involved in magical thinking.

The only real divisions of “content” when it comes to your mind, your actions, your emotions, your intentions, your context and principles: is it from the Tree of Life or from the Tree of Knowledge, or said in an even simpler way: is it reality or is it unreality, is it a fact or is it a fiction.

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Why aren’t you happy most of the time?

It’s not what you could see, hope to see, it is what you actually see, consciously, that define your actions and therefore your results, your thoughts, your mood…

What you see is called “occurrence” and is made up of a little bit of reality, and an awful lot of words.

Words that explain, words that interpret, words that give meaning of what is actually happening: reality.

What is Reality? Collective hunch at best, but we can define it in a funky way: everything that a just arrived Martian can see! Then stick to that definition, like the seasoned umpire sticks to his… I’ll explain it later…

If I set out a caption contest, everyone would give me a different caption, depending on what they see. And you don’t see things as they are (reality), you see them as YOU are… full of meaning, interpretation, drama, emotions, full of hot air. Reality is simple, a woman standing by the railing of a bridge… or maybe a balcony. No words, no emotions.

This is the job the Playground is about… to carefully peel away the veils (words and marker feelings = emotions) YOU add to reality to make you, ahem… miserable, for the most part.
The three umpires story needs to be told again here…

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I caught myself grieving yesterday… What are you grieving when you are grieving?

I caught myself grieving yesterday.

I got a brochure in the mail that had pictures of Budapest in it. I left Hungary, and Budapest, the capital I was born and lived for 34 years 32 years ago.

Every time I considered grieving, a song welled up in my head, a song about home and home sickness. It’s about longing, and it’s about regret. And I refused to regret anything. Like Edith Piaf, Je ne regrette rien. No regrets.

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Are you a taker?

Are you a taker?

Before I get to the question in the title, let’s look at a similar question: what is the difference between a judgment and an assessment?

The difference is subtle.

1. judgment is hiding that personal agenda: the speaker needs to be placed about the judged thing or person to be “authorized” to judge… “I have the right to judge, because I am better, smarter, because I-I-I-I-I whatever. Desire to receive for the self alone.
2. a judgment is always systemic. It uses two pronged concepts, good/bad, right/wrong, smart/stupid… systemic judgments.

an assessment is not building up the speaker’s self-estimation, it is observations about the observed, and mostly not concerned with the systemic (two-pronged aspect of anything), instead extrinsic or intrinsic aspects.

None of the judgment can be verified in reality, while much of the assessment is a part of reality: visible, trackable,

Now let’s return to the original question:

Is being a taker a judgment or an assessment?
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Spiritual? Religious? Atheist?

It is undeniable that there is more to reality than what you can see with your eyes. The below the water level stuff… or behind the curtain type of stuff… mostly about the invisible dynamics, the invisible motive powers of people, and maybe even stuff.

I grew up atheist, a Marxist, and a seriously anti-religious child. Most of that wasn’t from my parents, I don’t ever remember them talking about any of that among themselves: they almost never talked to me about anything.

I never thought there were monsters under the bed, or that the Easter Bunny filled the boots in the windows (we are talking about Hungarian customs, don’t get confused!) or any other superstition. I was free to observe… unimpeded, unhindered, unguided by others’ imagination and fantasies, like religion.

I knew there were at least two layers to every human: what they showed and what was inside…

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Why is a dog happy and you are not?

I bet the title of previous article, “Are you a taker” got instantly translated in your head to “Are you bad?”

What you don’t know is that if you are not allowed to take, you won’t be allowed to give… the ultimate stingy… If you are not allowed to live according to your nature, you will do cartwheels to avoid it… even if and even when your nature would take you where you want to go.

There is a major difference between you and your dog. Your dog is happy, and you are not.

It is worth looking into that, because all the psychology articles, all the books, and all the therapy sessions will be un-needed once you get what it is about you that makes you unhappy.
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The similarity between organized religion and medicine… is there any? or Is it the mind or is it the Ego that is holding you back, that is not allowing you to change?

During a recent coaching session, the student was giving the mind all the credit for her issues: fear of making a mistake, fear of doing anything new, fear of trusting anyone or anything, etc.

I was listening, and the more she said the clearer it became to me, that she is actually talking about the Ego that uses the Mind as its spokesperson.

My brother is dealing with health problems and he is guided by medicine people, aka doctors. He is getting worse and he is getting more and more sure what he is supposed to do, how he is supposed to eat, how it is… He has the best teachers: doctors.

Medical doctors, organized religion, and Ego have a lot in common.

Let’s examine the commonalities:
A: the doctors

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Models of reality: which one is true?

Reality is vast, vast beyond human comprehension.

The human brain may be vast, the human consciousness may be vast, but neither of them compares to the vastness of reality.

So no matter how much human consciousness grows, it will never be able to grasp all of reality.

It’s OK… it is just what is so.

Human consciousness, in its ambition, in its desire to comprehend reality, to reduce the risk that life is, to make life predictable and manageable, has been using models of reality: a model is a tool to simplify something complicated, and to make it comprehensible through generalization, imagination.

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Pick your battles

Every Tuesday my driver picks me up and takes me shopping, to the chiropractor, and other errands.

It makes me look like an old lady, but that doesn’t make me an old lady… yet it took me quite a while to warm up to the idea of having no wheels of my own.

I pay her $30 cash, and I didn’t have any cash yesterday. So I paid with my debit card and asked for $40 cash back. I normally use the self-checkout line, faster for me.

I was putting away my groceries and I noticed that people were waiting, so I hurried up, and got out of the way. 20 minutes later I noticed that I didn’t take my $40, so I went back to ask if the employee overseeing the four self-service checkout machines held the money for me.

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Stuff we see we solve, the stuff we don’t see kicks our ass

Turning the impossible possible…. results in flow

I have been listening to a podcast… two and a half hour long, so I can take only a half hour here, a half hour there…

The sentences above are from that podcast… a conversation about how to get into your flow state.

Because I have client with a half-done Juice Exercise call, I am looking for some help in that podcast… some more inspiration than I already have… More faith, more confidence…

…while I am pondering why don’t more people apply, apply in droves, to see what gives them juice?
Because once you see it and see it accurately, bring it out of the invisible, you feel that you have to.
Let me ask you a question? When you are hungry, do you feel that you have to eat? Of do you feel that you want to eat? That eating is good for you?

Can you see what I am saying? The Juice Exercise brings to light what gives you a sense of joy, what allows you to feel energized, hooked up, alive, turned on… by allowing you to see what it is.
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