Category Archives: The Nature Of Reality

All Goals in Life Are Problematic — Except One

I have a couple of notebooks in my bed, and I caught a glimpse in one of them: love one day at a time.

It seems that society conspires against the peace that comes from the way of living: society wants you to chase something far away, and while you chase it, make vision boards, mind movies, bombastic declarations, and get caught up in the Desire Trap, which I’d like to rename Wanting Trap.

And although the best things come to you as side effect, not as results of goal setting, although what works in like is taking care of the process, keeping your eye on what you are doing, not concerned with big goals, or the future, most people today are caught up in the Wanting Trap, and live a life of unhappiness, and underachieving.
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Heaven and Hell… The bald spot on my head… what makes life hell? or heaven?

How do you know that you are slipping onto the horizontal plane… the plane of the valley of the shadow of death? hell…
It is on the vertical plane where you can say: A is A. Fully accepting reality, resisting none of it. Having no need to hide from it, changing it, wishing it away.

Reality is the way it is. You are a guest to it… and like a guest, you’ll find that it is not the way YOU would run the show… and that is OK. The show goes the way the show goes.

If you add anything, out loud or in your head or in your feelings… then A is not A, and you are not on the vertical. You are on the horizontal plane, where A is not A, where reality’s rules are resisted, and where you can only be unhappy, forcing your will, or resign to never have what you want.

For decades I had thinning hair.

When I looked in the mirror, there was a balding circle on my skull… The size of two of my palms.
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The main principle of life: The Anna Karenina Principle… the invisible thread that ties it all together

Here is another illustration of the main principle of life: The Anna Karenina Principle… the strait and narrow

I have been using Freecell as a training tool for myself.

Slow going, because sight, going from not seeing to being clear of what you are seeing is not a simple, one-step process… and playing Freecell well uses the sight… or shall I say Sight?

Today I even saw that it uses many of the principles, or better said: obeys many of the principles I write about.
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Your outer world truthfully reflects your inner world

Your outer world truthfully reflects your inner world.

But the question begs to be asked: what do you mean “inner world”?

People, teachers, even psychologists all talk about the mind, then they expand it to beliefs, but if that is your inner world, then you are stuck.

Nothing will change the mind, nothing will change beliefs, directly.

Also, trying to use the faculties to change themselves is pretty futile.

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The greased chute… or what is the fastest way to lose your vibrational frequency?

What is the fastest way to devolve… the greased chute to lose your vibration? To move yourself to the horizontal plane…

Sometimes I write articles to solve an issue for myself… Tai calls this chess-like assiduity… lol.
Sometimes I write articles to address and issue one or more clients are dealing with… and help them solve it for themselves. Because, remember, when things don’t go well… there is something that you don’t know/don’t see
And sometimes I write articles to prevent an issue for a client, and issue that is predictably coming.

This article fits category two and three… Some clients are struggling with an issue the other clients are about to encounter…
The issue is devolving. Greased chute to hell… Not a happy issue, is it?
So, let’s get starting.

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Indigo, shmindigo… about indigo children and humanity’s obsession of a “higher power” and a universe that makes sense

I think that most, or at least, many children are born with a much higher potential than what they will actually live out.

It’s been that way from the beginning of time. Some of these children, like myself, are allowed to grow like a weed. Attention, the attention of the lesser ability adults that try to pass on their world view destroys the potential of these children.

It is said that we live in special times.
That nowadays more children than ever before are born with some additional strands of DNA…
That children retain their ability to see the invisible, hear the invisible, feel the invisible.

I don’t think this is the case. I think that in every age people were born closer to what could be considered “the next evolution” but got reduced back to “normal” by their loving parents, by their caring teachers, or by a hostile society that doesn’t tolerate being different.

Of course this day and age, where humanity has no power, no purpose, no individuality, we are trying to make ourselves more special by claiming that our children are special… after all they are OUR children.

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Learn the art of life-altering sharing

Share your incidents, success incidents with giving the fireplace wood before you expect/receive heat

It puzzles me to no end how difficult it is for humans to grok principles.
Principles are timeless, culture-free truths… the kind that is true everywhere… and has been true forever.
Rules, hypotheses, theories are cultural, dated, and rarely even true in the environment where they are first invented.

Like democracy… or what is right and what is wrong… and 97% of what you read in “informative” articles, courses, books, on the internet.

They may even hint on the some principle, like Michael Gladwell’s books, or the Grit book, or many others… hint… hinting is not saying! They don’t quite know what the principle is, or it may not be politically correct in this day and age. Or not sexy. Or won’t sell books.

Just observe your refusal to consider any true principle… and you’ll get why those articles and those “authors” put their emphasis on sexy… because you won’t read it unless it is innocuous (not considered harmful or offensive) and in some ways tells you that you are greater than you are…
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What is evil… and who is evil? Is it what the bible teaches? And what is the state of evil in the world today?

It is, it has been hard to see, but I think I can see it now.

You want to get without giving. Anything, if possible, a thank you at most… so that

You shouldn’t have to reciprocate
You shouldn’t have to pay attention
You shouldn’t have to do anything for what you want… especially not something that another person will or may benefit from

The worst of human nature is starting to take over…

You could call it stinginess… but I think we have gone past that stage… stingy was nice compared to… wait for it…
Circuitry: blocking even the chance of thinking about any energy going to the other… Block the flow…

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Bloodless, tearless transformation

A big winter storm is moving across America (I hear Europe isn’t doing better) and people are holding their breaths… Waiting for Godot or waiting for death… hoping…

How you do anything is how you do everything. If a snow storm makes you hold your breath, how do you think you are when you are trying to face yourself? Hold your breath… of course. You cannot face the tiger… because you don’t like to feel bad… anything bad.

The-powers-that-be teach you to keep your face to the light and avoid the darkness surrounding it. It eventually evolved to a slogan: Think Positive.

Result: a sissy humanity that is drowning in misery.

There are two kinds of lights: one light is like the Sun, life-giving and one light is like a fluorescent light or a candle… lets you see around you, but that’s it. It won’t give you satisfaction, it won’t give you anything… it’s small.

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Money, sex, food, position… the ultimate distractions… but so is bragging about your achievements!

Summery: Money, sex, food, position… the ultimate distractions… And, judging from readers emails: anything that can take our minds off life, reality… entertainment, drugs, will get our attention, our power, our money… our lives.

Kabbalah says that we all have an aspect that can be called The Opponent. It is like the Devil in you… the opposite of The Spirit, The Soul, or whatever you want to call it. It is the aspect of you that wants to fail you, and it works 24/7.

I woke up to a beautiful day this morning. It was barely day yet, but the sky was a beautiful shade of parisian blue, the snow covered huge tree in front of the house glistened a golden brown. What a beautiful day, how nice warm the bed is, how beautiful life is… I snuggled in deeper and fell asleep again.

Then I had a dream, a vivid dream.

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