Category Archives: Uncategorized

How does David Hawkins test vibrations? How do I?

One of the things I do as a ‘marketer’ is check how people get to my site,

One of the interests that bring people here is trying to get an answer to the question: ‘how does Hawkins test vibrations?’

And although it is a good question, an even better question would be: ‘what does David Hawkins mean by vibration?’ that he comes up with numbers so different from mine. Example is Mother Teresa. According to David Hawkins, her vibration is 700. According to my muscle test she vibrates at 300.
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Psychic Attacks, Psychic Attachments, cords, removal

Healers, teachers, witches and sorcerers put attachments on you. They are also called “cords”, but they are really like a water hose: they siphon away your Life Force, or pump stuff into you that you don’t need or want.

These psychic attacks are needed for the “healers” to influence you, your energy, your behavior. But once the healing session is done, they don’t know how to remove them from you, and most don’t know how to remove them from themselves. So they drag hundreds of cords with them in their daily lives, unconsciously.

There are also psychic attacks, and I have encountered them on myself, on on clients: they don’t always include cords, but often. I teach the cloaking technique, simple and fast, to protect yourself. You need to renew the cloak every few hours or so.
I can check if you have an attachment on you and can tell if I can remove it.
Pay $5 or more here

If you have attachments, you may want me to remove them.
Send me an email and ask how much time it may take… My payments are in 15 minute increments, $25/for 15 minutes, and “normally” I can remove 3-4 attachments in 15 minutes, unless there are complications.

I will send you a payment link. The payment link allows you to choose the quantity, 1 is 15 minutes, 2 is 30 minutes, etc.

I’ll use the time you pay for, and let you know when I am done… and how many attachments are still on you, if any.

You won’t be on a call with me. I do this work remotely.

I will do the work when I have time, the energy, and the peace of mind. Don’t be impatient, please.

PS: If you have very low vibration, you could have attachments, and once the attachments are removed you can work on it and raise your vibration.
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Empath Services

–Start your relationship with my by getting your Starting Point Measurements Report.
It includes some frequently asked numbers, like your vibration, your emotional intelligence, how many spiritual capacities you have, your health number, your cell hydration, your soul correction, and whether you have attachments/cords on you. Get your Starting Point Measurements
–HEALTH services
Health consultation, healing call, testing for supplements, testing for food list that matches your DNA and also returns you to health.
–Removing attachments and cords energy healers put on you
–Helping you make decisions… through muscle testing your choices.
Doctors, teachers, supplements, healing modalities, jobs, etc.
–Strength finder/Skill finder
I help you find your strengths so you can find a fulfilling occupation
–Activating, unlocking DNA abilities
There are 160 spiritual capacities, and these are just some of the ones you can ask for.

When you ask for the activation of a capacity, I’ll test if your ego is willing to accept it, and if you are willing to do the work to keep it on.

If the muscle test says “no”, there are two option:

I refund your money
I suggest another capacity that is a better match and your ego is willing and able to nurture it.

If you’d like to know what capacity matches best where you are and what you have, you can come to a “diagnostic” workshop”, or if there are none scheduled, you can ask for a 1-on-1 session to ask me to help you find the “next” capacity you need.

Please email me for an appointment. I will send you a payment link if I accept your request.
Spiritual Capacities that can be turned on in your DNA
Warning: they do not stay on unless you have enough opportunities to exercise them. If not: they will turn off after 3 days of non-use

The ability to learn to see what you see accurately, the Warren Buffet capacity
See the consequences of your actions, The Sight
Life Force, aka Ambition… have spiritual energy to desire and go for it
The capacity of process… to go step by step instead of jumping or wanting to jump
Courage… the capacity to summon courage. Needs you to feel fear…
Hierarchy… be able to see that one thing is more relevant than others… see the order of importance
Flexibility: find your core and be able to return to it after a disappointment or attack
Be able to create and follow systems that get you what you want
Bilocation: being able to see things from a neutral third view perspective
Self-trust: the capacity to see that no matter what happens, you can handle it
Generosity of spirit: allow another’s light to shine
Unphased: be able to use toxic environment to build beauty: the capacity of the White Lotus or the Peacock
This is the capacity of being astute… beeing able to see and discern.
The capacity of being able to relate, to place yourself into the other person’s shoes: empathy
Resilience or mental toughness: the
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Conversations With Source: Burning Bridges, Tr.’s Cough, 2012 Dividing Line

Conversations With Source

Connecting to Source on the 3rd Level really does feel like going home. Even though there is nothing to see there… but there is definitely a presence, and that presence knows you are there. It knows you personally. It knows you.

Today I had a lot of issues: Tr., associating with people who don’t agree with me, being on the right path, and how I am going to accomplish that people do the work.

Heavy issues. I will share some of the conversations, just to give you a taste of how it goes:

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Mr. T.

Some healers are vicious. This on… Mr. T. is able to put a flag on you, and attachments on you even if you take a group session healing.

I don’t write or say the name, because it puts the “flag” up… and I don’t need that.

here is a link to an article where I write the name:
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First off… find out if you have attachments, please…

An attachment is an enslavement device. It can be temporary, I guess, or permanent, but either way, it is used to enslave, manipulate, harvest energy from, or fill with energy from outside, a person.

I don’t know how to create an attachment, though I have been a victim of others’ attachment: I have been put on a flare, a flag, a puppeteering cord, and an energy draining type cord as well. And I am regularly tortured by someone, who according to my theory, uses a voodoo type of proxy to create the connection with me and pin it with nails or pins… nasty.

When I look for attachments, they all feel the same to me: something that doesn’t belong, a foreign object with a sinister purpose.

this is a post I am still working on….
Attachment is quite a good expressions for what it means.

A thoughtform, an energy, anything that can break and penetrate your energy body permanently breaking it through and set roots.

There are, so far, these types of attachments that I have found:

soul fragment



guru/healer/influencer attachment





soul fragment means: something happened that you denied it, didn’t want to deal with it, or could not deal with it… so you broke it off and casted it away

karma attachment: you did something, or you thought you did something, and now you think you need to suffer

influencer attachment: someone in authority, mostly parents, say something untrue, binding, and you take it as the truth: you bind yourself to it.

guru attachment

healer attachment

curse is a strong emotional content condemning you to a certain future

spell: not sure

therefore: this is a course of action or a certain future that YOU decided on as a result of your dominant belief about yourself or the world

twist is your dominant belief about yourself or the world

doom/anchor to doom: the doom is a future. It is an “always” or a “never” type of future, forever death, always illness, never success, always being abandoned, etc. Your anchor to doom condemns you to repeat actions that actually perpetuate this doom, this future

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