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Your itch is a want expressed as need, as something without which you can’t live.

Something happened and you didn’t get what you said you needed, the reaction you said you needed, the love you said you needed, the TLC you said you needed. Instead you got something else…

It became an unscratchable itch.

What is YOUR Itch? What do you keep needing that is not available? Here is a link to the articles that talk about the Itch.
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Shaktipat or ?aktip?ta (Sanskrit, from shakti – “(psychic) energy” – and p?ta, “to fall”) refers in Hinduism to the conferring of spiritual “energy” upon one person by another.

Refers in Hinduism to the conferring of spiritual “energy” upon one person by another. Shaktipat can be transmitted with a sacred word or mantra, or by a look, thought or touch – the last usually to the ajna chakra or third eye of the recipient.

Saktipat is considered an act of grace (anugraha) on the part of the guru or the divine. It cannot be imposed by force, nor can a receiver make it happen. The very consciousness of the god or guru is held to enter into the Self of the disciple, constituting an initiation into the school or the spiritual family (kula) of the guru. It is held that Shaktipat can be transmitted in person or at a distance, through an object such as a flower or fruit or else by telephone or letter.

If we look at shaktipat (shakti=energy, pat=falling, transferring) we could say that my energy transmissions and energy remedies, my energy audios (activators) could be construed as shaktipat, and maybe they are… but I know I can’t truly cause anything in a person they are not ready for… That’s why they are activators: they are there to activate something that’s already there… if it is ready to wake up and be activated.

In my personal experience, people who want “shaktipat” are not ready, they just want the result, not the work. But herein lies the mischief: just like in nature, if you are not ready, you can’t benefit from what you got.
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Adventures of an Empath: Bach Flower Remedies to Bach Flower Energies: a 21st Century Miracle

Adventures of an Empath: Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Essences are specially made remedies, aqueous (water based) essences made with fresh water, the sun, and a specific and special flower (for the most part it’s a flower).

Edward Bach, who was a medical doctor, was an empath himself, and a very sensitive man. He correctly intuited that emotional disturbances cause all physical illnesses, blockages, and therefore if the blockages are released, the person will be well.

The blockages are caused by ego-based attitudes: we could call them character flaws. Bach found the 38 flowers in 10 years. Once he completed the set and he was satisfied, his work on Earth done, he died.

I was first relating to his work with distrust and aversion. I think I related to everything that way… but I can’t really remember. But later on I got curious and I got “hooked” by the simplicity and the elegance of his method.

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Dictionary: a difference that you can see, hear, smell, feel, etc. : a noticeable difference between things or people

: the separation of people or things into different groups

: importance, excellence, or achievement

Many people use the word wrongly… it doesn’t really mean “difference”, it is simply saying: this is THIS and NOT THAT. It shows that there is an invisible or visible else-ness between two things.

You are unique, because you are NOT anyone else… you are distinct, definable, but not separate.
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Attachments, cords, curses, spells, lost soul fragments, energy vampires

Why isn’t life as good as it was
What changed? Where did your energy go? Where did your curiosity go? Where did your joy of discovery, the joy of building something, the joy of learning something go?

If we wanted to demonstrate you and the changes that happened we could use a water balloon to do that.

You fill up a balloon with water and tie off the opening. And then watch.

If you shoot at the balloon with arrows, each arrow will create a hole. Soon the balloon will look like a porcupine where it leaks at every arrow that pierced it.

These arrows are what I call attachments. They are particular arrows dragging with themselves a string or a chain… slowing you down, restrictive your movements, restricting your vision, diminishing you.
There are all kinds of attachments, some self-inflicted, some came from others.
Here is a list of what kind of attachments I have already discovered, and my hunch is that there is at least one more… I just haven’t been able to identify it.

Guru, influencer, or healer attachment: this attachment is done by a guru who either needed to connect to you to do some healing work remotely, or connected to you to influence you. Either way, these are nasty attachments. It can be also done by an authority figure in your life, who intends to enslave you, or a church figure…
The second type of attachment is a soul fragment. What happened is that there was something in your life that you could not be with, you broke off a piece of your soul, and unfortunately it is still hanging off you with a cord… leaking your energy and brilliance. I had a ton of these, when I worked on myself.
Curses and spells… curses can be attached to you by ordinary people, but spells need Magik… But they are equally damaging
Karma attachments: these are similar to the soul fragment attachment in that you create them yourself. People who believe in karma unwittingly carry a slew of these around, no wonder they feel half dead.
The last one is also self-inflicted; it is a belief, a fundamental belief you have about yourself and about life. But it is not just a belief: it is a pattern. You have it that because you are this way, you should do this…

This creates an ever smaller box created by ineffective actions that serve only one purpose: to make your life smaller.

The effective, constructive actions start to disappear and you become a puppet on a string, with no smaller desire, but smaller ability to provide results for yourself.

I have been offering the service to remove these attachments, and the results are satisfying, sometimes staggering. Vibration rises, people start taking small actions previously they were unable or unwilling to take.

To find out if you have attachments. please click on this link
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Tree of Knowledge

Tree of Knowledge is what you get from books, from gurus, from audios…

99.99% of the articles you read on the internet are Tree of Knowledge. Untested by the author, not a personal experience, hearsay. Truth repeated is a lie. I can count on one hand the writers who write from personal experience. The rest sound authoritative, but they are inauthentic.

The only authenticity there is is being authentic of your inauthenticity: tell the truth that you are pretending, lying, manipulating, etc.

How do I know? I am not an empath for nothing, lol. I feel it. And then I muscle test asking all-knowledge for confirmation.

The most successful writers, for example, on Medium are full of sh!t… and if you learn from them, you learn Tree of Knowledge stuff… straight from the morass.

Truth repeated is a lie. Lie because it is now your personal experience. No discernment, not yours.

The internet made all the tree of knowledge stuff available, and people are getting stupider and stupider as a result. I mean you!

When you rely on what someone else said as the truth, you suspend your own thinking ability, suspend your own reasoning, and become a patsy, a sheep, a puppet on a string.

Your job is to experience life through actions and thinking, and come to your own conclusions. That is your job…
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