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Activating Spiritual Capacities

There are 160 spiritual capacities, and these are just some of the ones you can ask for.

When you ask for the activation of a capacity, I’ll test if your ego is willing to accept it, and if you are willing to do the work to keep it on.

If the muscle test says “no”, there are two option:

I refund your money
I suggest another capacity that is a better match and your ego is willing and able to nurture it.

If you’d like to know what capacity matches best where you are and what you have, you can come to a “diagnostic” workshop”, or if there are none scheduled, you can ask for a 1-on-1 session to ask me to help you find the “next” capacity you need.

Please email me for an appointment. I will send you a payment link if I accept your request.

The ability to learn to see what you see accurately, the Warren Buffet capacity
See the consequences of your actions, The Sight
Life Force, aka Ambition… have spiritual energy to desire and go for it
The capacity of process… to go step by step instead of jumping or wanting to jump
Courage… the capacity to summon courage. Needs you to feel fear…
Hierarchy… be able to see that one thing is more relevant than others… see the order of importance
Flexibility: find your core and be able to return to it after a disappointment or attack
Be able to create and follow systems that get you what you want
Bilocation: being able to see things from a neutral third view perspective
Self-trust: the capacity to see that no matter what happens, you can handle it
Generosity of spirit: allow another’s light to shine
Unphased: be able to use toxic environment to build beauty: the capacity of the White Lotus or the Peacock
This is the capacity of being astute… beeing able to see and discern.
The capacity of being able to relate, to place yourself into the other person’s shoes: empathy
Resilience or mental toughness: the difference between being a wuss or a winner
The capacity to appreciate things… see their value accurately, on a sliding scale, not only as good or bad
The capacity of being untouched by others feelings, attitudes, and maybe even behavior
The capacity of being able to leave what you know at the door so you can listen and learn something new, unencumbered by what you know

Read the many articles on the topic of spiritual capacities
Let me measure how many capacities you have right now
3-day coaching to help you keep the capacity on

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an original that has been imitated.
“the archetype of faith is Abraham”
synonyms: quintessence, essence, model, embodiment, prototype, stereotype
a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology.
“mythological archetypes of good and evil”

An archetype is the pure essence of a behavior, relationship, or a phenomenon.

It is not found in nature, because it is easy to taint it… God is an example of that. Or fields of relationships are examples of that.

If you go to find examples: you won’t… Essence does not have examples, essence is always covered or mixed with inessential… And yet it exists… in the depth of things.

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How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

 How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

I have been spending money on my own training. Not as much as before: this time I only spend money on stuff I know I can totally consume: i.e. do all the exercises, attend all the classes, without having to give up on something important.
I used to spend 5-10 times more money, but normally I would drop all the balls… and end up empty handed.
So, I am spending less money, but getting tremendous value for each dollar I spend.

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The Amish Horse Training Method


The Amish don’t use automobiles… they ride horse-drawn carriages and buggies even on roads that have heavy truck traffic.

An untrained horse is afraid of loud noises: they are similar to a predator attacking, so they try to get away and pull the buggy into oncoming traffic, under the wheels of other vehicles, maybe an 18-wheeler.

The Amish trains their young horses by tying them to a pole next to a busy highway, a few hours at a time, for at least 30 days.

The horse learns, slowly, that the noise of a passing truck doesn’t mean anything. It is not life threatening, it is just noise. It’s not that the noise goes away. It’s not that the horse doesn’t hear the passing trucks. It is that it can tell that it is not personal…

Your mind is like a highway with heavy traffic.

We use this Amish horse training method to train your consciousness to learn what is relevant what is not by listening to the inner noises, the voices that talk incessantly to you, about you, about the world, about others.

99% of the voices are just voices… they are not you, neither are you thinking what they are saying. If you obey them, you lose who you are, you lose what YOU want, you lose your Self.

The voices tell you what you should do, what you should think, how you should be, and point out all the ways you are not good enough.

Those same voices also create emotions of fear, resistance, trepidation, anger, disgust, etc. in you… They are the result of you, on some level, heeding those voices, considering them communication, pulling your life into oncoming traffic, or off the road… like an untrained Amish horse.

When you get good at the Amish horse training process, you’ll find yourself with no emotions, or not much. You will find that you have a sense of who you are, what is important to you, integrity, love, compassion, gratitude… in the silence of your Self.

The noise, the voices heard as voices, won’t create emotions in you… and you become free to do things, think things, learn things, create things. You are ready for coherence. You are ready to create your life, create your reality.
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Days of Power

There are days in every month where the Light, the Light of the Creator is not filtered, but can be downloaded directly.

The only thing you need is someone to go up there… so close to the Source of the Light that they risk burning up, someone with high enough vibration to do it.

This year I got to that level of vibration and have been downloading this spiritual energy on the Days of Power, and making it available on those days to you.
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What will happen in 2012? New Insights

2012: new insights

I have been off-track, according to Source. I have fallen into the same trap as so many people before me: I started to teach people… Became this talking person… grrr.

It’s been both time-consuming, and it’s been ineffective.

So what am I really supposed to do? What is the big thing that will happen in 2012 that having a higher vibration, that being connected to Source could counter, for yourself, and maybe for the planet? That is the big question now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why I refused to measure your vibration?
What is Scarcity? What is Scarcity Thinking?
Do you offer a refund on measuring your vibration?
How to infuse energy in your water
What happens when you receive an energy download and then you ask for your money back?
Is it OK to mute the audio or the Harmonizer of the HOE long range? Will I still get the benefit?
Strategy to use when you read my blog:
More on energies, especially the Heaven on Earth
What is Context?
What does it mean to raise the vibration?
What is “having”? What is allowing? Why does allowing make such a big difference?
How do you measure vibration?
What are the 5 interview questions?
Do you need to change to raise your vibration?
What is your soul correction? What is your soul’s purpose?
Who is this site for?
I’d like to raise my vibration. What do I need to do?
Why are you promoting other teachers on your blog? And if you are promoting them, why do you tell people how fake they are?
Can I book a private session with you?
Your rights as a buyer of my products

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Why I refused to measure your vibration?

You sent a donation and asked me to measure your vibration.

I refund your money and I say: I can’t connect to you

I refund your money and I say: I am not allowed to connect to you.

In both cases All-of-it signals to me that either you don’t really want me to connect to you, or you are not someone I should mix my energies.

I mostly don’t know what was the real reason, until I get your reaction.

Some people send me company emails. Nothing personal. I sense it, Source knows it. They really are just testing me. No, thank you, I am not playing.

They ask me to remove them from my emails, saying that they lost confidence in me. They never had any.

Some people have the type of low energy that Source says: don’t connect. What it means “low energy”? Want me to make a list? I’d rather list for you what I like to see and feel in people, not what I’d rather stay away from.

I am proud that I have grown enough to respect my own boundaries.

Even this way I often get an attachment… I am risking my own health and well-being by merging my energies with yours. Just like you wouldn’t want to French kiss with anyone for $5, I don’t either. And if I would not do it for $5, I would not do it for $1000.
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