Category Archives: Uncategorized

How do you measure vibration?

I am a true empath and can connect to anyone if there is enough identification. When I am connected to someone or something, I can muscle test any information about them, except divination, which is predicting a future event. It is against ground rules: free will.

I need to be connected to Source (all-of-it, also called the zero point field) to get an accurate reading.

When I am connected to Source, I am not in my mind, so what I think, my personal judgment, likes or dislikes don’t influence the muscle test result.

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How do I measure vibration?

Shall I measure your vibration when you are your best?

How can I measure the vibration of water across the planet? How do I know what to connect to, when I connect to a bottle of water you have?

You asked for your vibrational reading. You don’t agree…

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What are the 5 interview questions?

if you REALLY want to know what your loved ones think of you, how they see you, there is this really great interview you can do. you have to be COMPLETELY OPEN AND WILLING to hear their honest responses. you ask them these 5 questions and let them know they can be totally honest and you won’t freak out or get defensive. you have to listen actively but without reacting. Write down what they say, verbatim, the mind will forget!

1. what do you like about me?
2. what don’t you like about me?
3. what do you see as my strengths?
4. what do you see as my weaknesses?
5. is there anything else you’ve ever wanted to say to me?

if you are up for it, it can be a pretty AMAZING experience. very enlightening.

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Do you need to change to raise your vibration?

There is no requirement to change.

You will naturally change though when you are good and ready.

That is what the natural result of using the Bach Flower Energies or any of my other energy products will do for you. To get you good and ready, so you will want to change. Effortlessly…

When you are disgusted enough with how you are, you will change, not before…

With that said… of course you need to change so that your vibration can rise… What were you thinking?!
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What is your soul correction? What is your soul’s purpose?

Soul correction is a distinction from Kabbalah.

Is it the truth? No, it isn’t… but it is a good guidance. Why? Because it points to the main weaknesses, delusions, distortions, mistakes you have that correcting them will take you high… very high, on the vibrational scale.

Is it easy? No, it is wicked hard.

Is it worth it? Hell yeah.

FREE PDF! Find out what is YOUR soul’s purpose … ($47 Value)

Alternatively, a donation of $2 and the year/month/day of your birth will get you an email from me with your soul correction. You can send more if you feel compelled. It will make you feel good, and start you on raising your vibration and maybe even your soul correction. But if you are a professional giver: just the opposite. No kidding. Thank you.

Read some of the articles on Soul Correction. The actions of soul correction reliably raise your vibration: you earn your vibration!”
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Who is this site for?

This is a public site. So, in this regard, it is for everyone who finds their way here.

But the question: who is this site useful for? is a better question.

This site is useful for 2% of the visitors only. Why? Because the rest of them is not willing to do anything for themselves… they are second handers, having their hands out for handouts.

You know if it is for you…

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Why are you promoting other teachers on your blog? And if you are promoting them, why do you tell people how fake they are?

Answer: lol… very funny.

First off: I do not promote other teachers. Promoting would mean that I get something out of the deal, money, or them promoting me back.

In fact, I would only promote a program if I tried it and if it worked for me.

Full disclosure: I made a whopping 178 bucks from putting the link in the article for the Paradigm Jumping product by Burt Goldman. In my opinion it is a great way to get out of your own way… when you notice that you are your worst enemy, which is often.

So then why do I write about these people? I consider it public service. I get an email asking me, or a search looking for that person on my site, and I get curious. I check them out myself, and find out what they are about, etc.

I already have the “data” so it takes me only another minute or two to publish it.

According to feedback, people have a hard time to tell if someone is a fake or not, if someone has high vibration or not, so I am willing and able to help. I can tune into them, read their faces, and muscle test for the truth. It’s easy for me.
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Can I book a private session with you?

Yes and no. That is why I don’t have a payment button on the site for that…

Before I consider booking a session with you, I’ll check your vibration, I’ll check how you will make me feel, if you are willing to take coaching, etc.

This is what the Starting Point Measurements are for

The second hurdle is the Water Energizer.

If you can’t, or won’t succeed with that, then nothing else matters… you are not someone I want to talk to. And you’ll see: I don’t give out the link to buy the Water Energizer audio, until you have your Starting point measurements done…

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Why are you inattentive, unappreciative and ungrateful? Not a character defect! A surprising answer…

This article is long… but it addresses something I haven’t seen addressed: when you are in your own way to get where you want to get, financially, healthwise, and spiritually. You inability to appreciate… anything, really. And because appreciation is the key to the kingdom, you are staying outside of the kingdom, no matter what you do… This article will bring a pointer I learned yesterday… Read it if you are yourself a victim of this, or if you have people in your life who treat you and your gifts with no appreciation.

It seems that I have written full or partial articles by the bushel (lol) and they were never published.
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